I have a freeview box upstairs and one fitted in the receiver downstairs, we have a high gain wideband aerial fitted on the chimminy stack. At the moment some of the stations are appearing at different numbers on each set we are due to be switched over in 2012 and some we cannot receive at all namely channel 5. The set top box has scanned the londontransmitter at crystal palace. I hope you can help
Wednesday 27 April 2011 5:20PM
I have a freeview box upstairs and one fitted in the receiver downstairs, we have a high gain wideband aerial fitted on the chimminy stack. At the moment some of the stations are appearing at different numbers on each set we are due to be switched over in 2012 and some we cannot receive at all namely channel 5. The set top box has scanned the london transmitter at crystal palace. I hope you can help