As of today 29/5/13 I have no freeview signal apart from some channels in the 800+ range. I also have no digital radio reception. Yesterday all was fine. I live in Market Harborough, LE16 7LQ and normally receive Anglia TV & BBC East from Cambridge/Sandy Heath transmissions. Has any one any idea why this is happening? All my equipment and connection checked ok. Thanks for any help I might get.
Wednesday 29 May 2013 3:45PM
Market Harborough
As of today 29/5/13 I have no freeview signal apart from some channels in the 800+ range. I also have no digital radio reception. Yesterday all was fine. I live in Market Harborough, LE16 7LQ and normally receive Anglia TV & BBC East from Cambridge/Sandy Heath transmissions. Has any one any idea why this is happening? All my equipment and connection checked ok. Thanks for any help I might get.