D. Rowe:
I also have retuned many times in the last few days and receive all channels well but have lost Film4, Yesterday and ITV4 up to the 16th November received them fine.
Believe I am tuned to Sudbury, am in Haverhill area.
Almost get a faint reception from Cambridge direction but arial not pointing that way.
Not really sure what to do now
Tuesday 22 November 2011 4:10AM
D. Rowe:
I also have retuned many times in the last few days and receive all channels well but have lost Film4, Yesterday and ITV4 up to the 16th November received them fine.
Believe I am tuned to Sudbury, am in Haverhill area.
Almost get a faint reception from Cambridge direction but arial not pointing that way.
Not really sure what to do now