I should have great reception but am currently missing all of the ITV chanels on my system. This has been getting steadily worse since Christmas I am close to the Burnhope, Pontop Pike and Fenham transmitters so should have fanstastic reception (my parents live a mile up the road from me and have no problems).
I get constant pixilation, and my system now will not pick up any of the ITV channels, depsite having a signal booster on the TVs.
When they do tune in at about 9.45am every morning they start pixilating again until about 9pm at night - any ideas?
Saturday 5 February 2011 7:42PM
North Shields
I should have great reception but am currently missing all of the ITV chanels on my system. This has been getting steadily worse since Christmas I am close to the Burnhope, Pontop Pike and Fenham transmitters so should have fanstastic reception (my parents live a mile up the road from me and have no problems).
I get constant pixilation, and my system now will not pick up any of the ITV channels, depsite having a signal booster on the TVs.
When they do tune in at about 9.45am every morning they start pixilating again until about 9pm at night - any ideas?