My daughter although living within six miles of the sheffieldtransmitter is tuned to the belmont one because her house is in a dip. After switchover she received all the stations she expected for about 4 months. She has since lost certain stations which according to the multiplex list were on channel 53. Sometimes these dissappear for up to 10 days and then after a retune return for a few days and disappear again. I live half a mile away but am tuned to the sheffield transmitter. I sometimes have the same problem but not always at the same time.Both the televisions we have have integrated freeview but different makes. Retunes have been made both as automatic with the aerial removed to clear everthing and a manual retune on channel 53. This always comes up as No signal. Any ideas please. Her postcode is S61 1LH.
Monday 30 April 2012 10:03AM
My daughter although living within six miles of the sheffield transmitter is tuned to the belmont one because her house is in a dip. After switchover she received all the stations she expected for about 4 months. She has since lost certain stations which according to the multiplex list were on channel 53. Sometimes these dissappear for up to 10 days and then after a retune return for a few days and disappear again. I live half a mile away but am tuned to the sheffield transmitter. I sometimes have the same problem but not always at the same time.Both the televisions we have have integrated freeview but different makes. Retunes have been made both as automatic with the aerial removed to clear everthing and a manual retune on channel 53. This always comes up as No signal. Any ideas please. Her postcode is S61 1LH.