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All posts by Dave Lindsay

Below are all of Dave Lindsay's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Becky : You need to speak to whoever is responsible for the communal aerial system.

It may be fitted with filters that only allow through, from the aerial, the frequencies used by the transmitter. Now some new frequencies are being used any filtering is likely to need adjustment.

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Tony Ellis: Perhaps it was caused by some fault in the aerial system, or at least something outwith your control.

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Jonathan: Not that we know of.

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Interestingly, ENWL reports no outage for the station's postcode:

No Outage

A tweet at 07:55 from High Peak Radio said that it is off air due to a "power cut" at the site.

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Are services coming back (if not all)?

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John B: This website, as it says in the title bar of each page, is independent of broadcasters.

The message at the top of any reported faults is sourced from the BBC. That information gets there by this site 'looking' at the BBC one rather then the BBC sending the information. Thus, this site will only ever be updated when it automatically 'looks' at the BBC.

As there are over 1,000 TV transmitters alone in the UK, it stands to reason that this site puts in a lot of requests to view the BBC engineering pages.

I should imagine that the more often that one party (i.e. this website) does it, the more it is likely that the BBC is to notice and take action against it using lots of bandwidth (i.e. repeatedly accessing its pages).

This is my guess; I'm not the site owner.

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Jonathan: If it doesn't happen again, say no more about it.

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Mike Orchard.: I am surprised that you are able to receive from Wenvoe at your location. Perhaps your receiver has tuned to Mendip instead.

All aerials that I can see are pointing southwards to Mendip. Wenvoe is near Cardiff (which is westwards) and as such, broadcasts BBC Wales and ITV Wales regions; Mendip broadcasts BBC West and ITV West.

If you are in fact supposed to be using Mendip then perhaps your tuner is defaulting to Bristol King's Western for BBC services. The signal strength screen (on BBC standard definition services) should say that you are tuned to C49 for Mendip and C43 for King's Western. If you're tuned to the latter when it should be the former then you may be able to enact a workaround by having the aerial unplugged for the first 55% of the scan. Having done this, should you be missing ITV3, do a manual scan of UHF channel 48. If you are missing BBC standard definition services, do a manual scan of UHF channel 49.

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Jane Bruce: I think that's likely to be the answer.

From transmitters in Wales, S4C is on logical channel number (LCN) 4 and Channel 4 is on LCN 8.

When you run the automatic tuning scan, have the aerial out until 55% to miss out Wenvoe. You may miss out some of the lower Mendip channels as well and if your receiver has manual tuning, you can add them afterwards.

C48 is COM4 (ITV3 etc)
C49 is PSB1 (BBC One etc)

If it doesn't have manual tuning, then it might be a trial and error job. You need to get it in early enough, but not too early that you get Welsh channels.

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Paul Hammond: Digital UK stated in its trade newsletter:….pdf

MHEG popups (linked to use of the blue and yellow buttons) are to run on the BBC A and D3&4 muxes and be shown on BBC1, BBC2, ITV1, Channel 4 and Channel 5 services. MHEGs will run for 7 days before the event and for 2 days after as below:

D3&4 MHEGs: will be seen by viewers of MENDIP and all of its relays. Only viewers of the Bampton and Culm Valley relays (in the Stockland Hill transmitter group) will see ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 MHEGs. BBC A MHEGs: will be seen by viewers of MENDIP and all of its relays. The Bampton and Culm Valley relays (in the Stockland Hill transmitter group) will not carry MHEGs due to technical constraints.

According to this, MHEGs were shown on ITV, Channel 4 and Channel 5 from the Bampton relay.

I'm in Yorkshire and receive from the main station Emley Moor and yesterday an MHEG appeared for a retune on 10th April. However, Emley Moor itself isn't affected and only three of its relays are. So clearly they have gone with the approach of telling everyone as they don't have the ability to broadcast the messages only to those who will be affected.

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