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All posts by Dave Lindsay

Below are all of Dave Lindsay's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Jenny Milborrow: Can you provide a link to the other page that indicates Broneirion is off air?

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Winter Hill (Bolton, England) transmitter
Wednesday 10 April 2013 6:52PM

Hoovadevil: Indeed, it's not!

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Amanda Thompson: Where are you and which transmitter are you using?

If you use a communal aerial system then it might need adjustment.

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Mary Martin: If you unplug your aerial once the scan has got to 30% you will avoid it getting a chance to pick up the Welsh channels. All of Elton's channels are below the first 30%. This will give you the Public Service (PSB) channels which, as you know, are all Elton carries.

You may be able to receive the other channels (Commercial/COM ones) from the Welsh transmitter Moel-y-Parc. Only try to do this once you have run the scan through once with the aerial unplugged after 30%.

If your receiver has manual tuning then go to it and tune in UHF channels 51, 52 and 48.

If your receiver doesn't have manual tuning, but there is a function to add new services (or something similar) then run it with the hope that it will do another scan without wiping what's already been stored. That is, hopefully it will add the COM channels from Moel-y-Parc.

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Mark Morris: You are not paying for a service. You are paying for the right to view television broadcasts, and not the availability of such signals using your chosen aerial.

I would suggest that it is down to your landlord to provide a TV aerial connection. Is it normal that students don't wish to watch television? Why isn't there an aerial system in the building?

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Roger Alban: First off try rotating the aerial a bit. Or if that doesn't work, maybe try the aerial in different positions in the loft-space to see if you can find a spot where all channels are good.

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richard green: Perhaps posting the make and model number of the TV you are having difficulty with may allow us to locate the user manual on the internet so as to explain what you need to do.

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Jenny Milborrow: That was the page I directed you to. As I say, this site gets its information from an official such as Radio & TV Help (not sure exactly where). But the point is that it is only when this site 'checks' that it will ever update and so it is not the case the official sources are proactive in notifying this site.

It would be impractical for this site to continually 'check' the status of every transmitter every minute.

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