I recently purchased and installed a masthead amplifier splitter.
It was sold as having both 4G and 5G filter. Without paying too much attention as to what this means, I later discovered it filters out all the 700 and 800 MHz frequencies. The label on the splitter says it works on frequencychannels 21 - 48.
After installing it and performing a retune, I realised I lost a few channels. After a bit of digging, I realised these were all the channels on COM7 and 8 (channel 55 and 56) which my splitter is now filtering out.
My question is, does anyone know when channels 55 and 56 will be turned off as I am hoping that BBC News HD and BBC4 HD get moved onto a frequency channel that I can actually receive now?
Tuesday 23 February 2021 10:57PM
I recently purchased and installed a masthead amplifier splitter.
It was sold as having both 4G and 5G filter. Without paying too much attention as to what this means, I later discovered it filters out all the 700 and 800 MHz frequencies. The label on the splitter says it works on frequency channels 21 - 48.
After installing it and performing a retune, I realised I lost a few channels. After a bit of digging, I realised these were all the channels on COM7 and 8 (channel 55 and 56) which my splitter is now filtering out.
My question is, does anyone know when channels 55 and 56 will be turned off as I am hoping that BBC News HD and BBC4 HD get moved onto a frequency channel that I can actually receive now?