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All posts by Briantist

Below are all of Briantist's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

andrewp: I don't think I'm wrong.

Most BBC regional services carry "overlap" programming for areas such as this overlap area.

There NEVER has been anything other than the BBC West Midlands service from Ridge Hill. The BBC have never planned it or suggested it.

The ITV analogue service was instigated on analogue C30 only back in 2006. ITV West extended to North Gloucestershire | News headlines | - 11 years of independent, free digital TV advice

The official BBC policy for the English regions is that they are what they are: transmitter signals don't follow arbitrary political boundaries. The TV regions are caused by transmitter locations.

"With the English regions, there is no such homogeneity. The boundaries were drawn some forty years ago not on any basis of community interest but to match the range of the transmitters. These are regions devised by engineers rather than sociologists. " - From 1968, Broadcasting in the Seventies | Digital radio | - 11 years of independent, free digital TV advice

ITV service is a sop due to the cutbacks that closed down ITV Central South.

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Film 4
Monday 3 March 2014 11:16AM

Paul: Do you have access to Film4+1? Could you try doing a recording from there?

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pw69: You are correct, there are no problems according to the official channel: Radio & Television Service

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Full technical details of Freeview
Monday 3 March 2014 11:29AM

Garth Sycamore: The power reductions are actually partially compensated for the change in transmission mode to DVB-T2.

The yellow bits showing for COM7 and COM8 are down the network being made up of only three frequencies per multiplex: you get bits of overlap. However, the overlap might actually be additive, rather then interfering.

It's worth remembering that the receiver power level is computed by taking the transmission power and dividing by the distance SQUARD. This means that lowering the power from 50kW to 6kW is "only 9dB".

The DVB-T2 services are actually at same power than the old pre-DSO Freeview services.

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Movie Mix
Monday 3 March 2014 1:11PM

et fisher: It's not my channel!

To just reitterate

Firstly, the 10 million figure you quote is one that includes everyone who lives in a household where someone has a hearing problem. The actual number of people with hearing issues is somewhat smaller.

Secondly, advertisers are generally interested in high-value consumers who will switch to new products. This - demographically - is young people with disposable income. Older people who are "set in their ways" are less valuable, even less so if they are disabled.

That's the "market failure" I mentioned above: the *incremental* revenue that the channel would be able to get from advertisers if the channel had a few extra viewers with hearing issues isn't one that would allow the channel to charge more for their adverts.

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Film 4
Monday 3 March 2014 1:42PM

Paul: A new box would certainly sort the problem out. Which device do you have at the moment?

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Film 4
Monday 3 March 2014 3:47PM

Paul: Your old box might work if you did a total reset on it.

If you don't get a recorder with built in Freeview, it's not going to be able to record anything at all!

I have a £5-a-month BT YouView box - it records Freeview/Freeview HD perfectly well, including Film4.

If you've had problems I would make sure the retailer offers a "no quibble" return on anything you buy.

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Monday 3 March 2014 3:59PM

e byrom: Voila

the mains power connection (1), carefully unscrew the satellite dish links (2) and (3), and then take out the HDMI lead (4) to your HDTV. If you have an "surround sound" amplifier, you may also have a digital audio connection (5).

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STEPHEN LEE: I gave this a lot of thought before I posted, as I used to live in Derby for a while and I've walked and explored all over Derbyshire.

I'm going to venture that it is unlikely that BBC Radio Derby will not be replicated on the PSB West Midlands multiplex because there is already the need for six stations to be carried.

There is quite a lot of Derby that can get signals directly from Sutton Coldfield: which is a remnant of the days when there was only a single Midlands region.

However, the population of Derby have a "fill in" mast that provides PSB1, PSB2 and PSB3 to give them the correct region, but using Sutton Coldfield for the commercial services.

Also, at DSO some of the transmitters were re-allocated between the Yorkshire and East Midlands region: today all "populated" parts of Derbyshire can get signals for the correct region.

However, there will be some homes who have not moved their aerials, or must use Sutton Coldfield for technical reasons.

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