Archive (2002-)
All posts by Briantist
Below are all of Briantist's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.ALL: There is no fault reporting for the PSB2 (D3+4) multiplex.
If your channels are blank PLEASE DON'T RETUNE.
The best thing to do is to keep trying every hour to see if they work again.
If you have retuned already, if the channels are missing from the EPG, they won't just reappear. Wait until they are confirmed as back on air, and retune then.
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@Martin: "I think the BBC assets and licence fee will be the hardest but Channel 4 is also state owned"
I think you will find that "in law" niether the BBC not Channel 4 are "state owned".
Channel 4 is owned by the Channel 4 Corporation in their words and is "publically owned" About Channel 4 - Channel 4 - Info - Corporate . It has "not-for-profit status" so it would be impossible to set a value on it in the "normal" sense as you can't value a business that doesn't have a profit (as the value of shares are dependant on the dividend they would pay).
The BBC is created by a Royal Charter that is renewed every decade. Thus the UK operations are a "body corporate", which is technically not a state asset. Royal charter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Plus, once again, the BBC is a non-profit making entity, so it would be impossible to price it under the normal rules because any shareholders wouldn't receive a dividend.
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@peter tyson: I don't mean to be rude, but
a) you agreed to have them sent to you; and
b) can't you see this:

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Ian Sutcliffe: I seem be getting Channel 5 on freesat OK here... All the other channels in their bouquet.
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MikeP: Yes, indeed.
I think one other thing that people are not really thinking of is, if a state starts declaring that they intend to cease even one asset that it doesn't own, then this will cause what is called "capital flight" which is where business, investment outfit and individuals who can move their funds or assets out of the position where they it might stand a chance of be ceased.
This is the same what happens "bank run" where a people get spooked and then there are massive queues (online and outside branches) causing a "herd mentality" which is very hard to then stop.
You can see the same problem arising in independent Scotland refusing to service debt the market things it should: only those lenders who are prepared to take an large risk (with Wonga style interest rates) will lend to such an entity.
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@MB: I suspect that there is some truth in what both you and Peter have said.
There will be considerable issues.
Two that spring easily to mind are UK-wide SFN networks (the BBC national DAB being a prime example) and the likes of the Calkbeck region - TV regions | - 12 years of independent, free digital TV advice - where mast, located in England, serves a considerable number of homes in Scotland.
Also, UHF TV relays tend to use "other area allocations" to fill in the gaps. This is "internal allocation" rather then "international" at the moment, so these could be a problem.
The issue with the BBC isn't so much about "maintain its presence" as the ability of the Scottish Parliament to cut the funding, and also the question as to the ramifications from the "nationalization" of BBC assets in Scotland.
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Sam C: Actually you'd be the second. I have it printed out at A1 size on my wall! it was £22 at Prontaprint...
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@Matthew Gough: Yes, I did get called some awful things for doing something I hadn't done.
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charlo: I covered that on the An Independent Scot would still be able to watch the BBC on satellite, surely? | Freesat | - 12 years of independent, free digital TV advice page.
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