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All posts by Briantist

Below are all of Briantist's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Nedbod: See http://stakeholders.ofcom….pdf

The report mentioned above lists 5 HD 1080-line services per DVB-T2 multiplex in 2012, 8 in 2020, 9 in 2025 and 2030, or 11, 17, 19 and 21 720-line services on a DVB-T2 multiplex.

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Majid Hussain: bbc coventry and warwickshire are not carried on these multiplexes.

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Divis (Northern Ireland) transmitter
Wednesday 27 February 2013 8:19AM

P. Kieran Ward: On a properly implemented receiver the levels should be the same. But many receivers do not follow the spec and the HD channel will be at least 7dB quieter.

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Nicholas Willmott: Just to nip in here and the question about relay picking up the off-air signals.

As there are a small number of such sites - plus another 55-ish that are used for "cable head-ends" are know and will be dealt with specially.

MW can't be used for LTE, it would not be able to provide any useful bitrate.

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jb38: From what I have seen from the public statements by at800, it would appear that the proximity to a mobile phone mast (1.5km) is the primary effect on "overload" interference.

The second effect is that masthead and domestic (ie, unshielded) distribution amplifiers are problematic.

Another point, which was in the first lot of the Ofcom reports is that Virgin Media Boxes CAN be effected.

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Nicholas Willmott: It's a very small number compared to the millions of homes in the UK with off-air reception. And they are all owned by one company (Arqiva).

The bitrate that can be achieved by digital communications is a function of the bandwidth aviliable.

LTE is 5MHz up and 5MHz down in the UHF band.

The whole of the MW is just 1MHz in totoal - from 588kHz to 1602kHz. - List of all analogue radio frequencies | - 10 years of independent, free digital TV advice

Remember, the diagram at the top of the page is logarithmic.

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Nicholas Willmott: It's 5MHz per operator per direction (one up, one down), with O2 having two and Vodafone having two allocations, with 3 and T-Mobile having one each.

The problem with FM radio is there would be no room for the 10MHz of "duplexing gap" between the upload and download allocations.

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Nicholas Willmott: Normal mobile phone internal aerials are used for LTE. That is all that is required.

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4G test signals areas listed by the BBC
Monday 18 March 2013 10:09AM

Kurt Eaves: From all the pre-testing that has been done, you should just need to put a filter in your system between the TV aerial and the IRS system.

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