Read this: #114 - Guardian bounces back; Danny Baker gets the sack - The Media Podcast with Olly Mann
Download MP3Hello and welcome to the media podcast I'm only man on today's show what the Guardians slide into profit mean for the paywall how Indies in Leeds can capitalise on the new accelerator program and what is going on with Danny Baker + could negative coverage of sensitive issues to newsrooms into hostile environments and in the media queries we asked our Legends to identify the TV Legends who became the story it's all to come in today's Media podcast and join us today.
I'm thrilled to say we have veteran Media journalist and Channel 4 historian Maggie Brown back on the show hello mate.
Thank you for having me back.
It's always a pleasure and you just come from a lunch of course.
I come from a meeting people come from the voice of listener and viewer which is really something like a radio for pensioners club.
I'm afraid I think was that the Mary Whitehouse one, but it wasn't.
This is the one that actually believed in Public Service Broadcasting in all of its forms.
I give us a tit bit of gossip actually was quite funny Awards being presented and they had one January and of the dead Ringer and she started off with the roofer back most miserable show on Radio 4 which she said was you and yours and how to get blood off a will impersonation of the presenter of you and yours.
I imagine it is at the voice of bagheera Mr Good on.
What did he win for E14 in our time? I didn't know runs for 42 years.
I was 42 weeks, but I'm going mad and it the most amazing things supposed to take the whole of the submarine after 42 weeks because it's done to such a high intensity of three very expert people you know talking about the subject and the researchers.
Course of the highest the highest calibre he said I can't see why the BBC should be an arm of government and collect money from old age pensioners, which more later also is the deputy editor of metro.co.uk Alex Hudson is back on the show hello good afternoon.
Hello you've been canvassing opinion on how we balance free speech with protecting people from abuse online.
This is part of Metro is the future of everything series shameless plug read it read it go to your internet Google future everything metro all the time.
It's can you really have free speech on the internet the answer is no.
Shut in short terms because ultimately there has to be balance about what you can and can't say what abuse you can and can't give but if you try and edit free speech like they have been in Sri Lanka after The Terror attacks than that shuts down the entire social internet, so where's the compromise and so in my inbox for the last census piece went up yesterday a lot of people have had a lot of opinions about whether or not free speech should be banned or whether or not it already is the general view.
I guess the latest headline grabbing bid on this which was Alex Jones and InfoWars been banned from Facebook it depends on if you see Facebook and YouTubers publishers, I think they're coming to terms with the fact that they are publishers or at least the public sees them as such so there it's their duty and editing right to see who doesn't who doesn't appear on the platform and there are some of the arrival different YouTube offshoots that have a more libertarian view on what's discussed that they are going to very quickly well know the point of the piece of point of the whole issue as there is no right answer.
It's impossible to get that exact point where people are there's a consensus around what is and what isn't allowed well talking about freedom of speech online and real-world repercussions.
Let's talk about the story of the day as we record which is that Danny Baker award-winning broadcaster Danny Baker has been fired from Radio 5 live.
After tweeting a picture of a couple with a baby chimpanzee with the caption royal baby leaves hospital, he thinks deleted the post is apologized.
How good was his apology Alex and do you think the BBC could have done something else of them fire him he apologise for the offences which is the Beautiful South of press rehearsed version of I'm sorry, but I didn't really do anything wrong.
I think we've run a lot of stuff today about it and the fact the fact that Danny Baker is not a bad person the fact that he posted that is horrible and it is I would say it's a racist tweet but him doing that does make you a bad person it just means that he's a product of his x and the big him a bad person if you intentionally posted a chimpanzee as a reference to someone black want it that then to be a racist thing to do is to different forms of racism both both things are racist A1 is this attacking so that malicious racism and wonders of social races and it's just accidental is the wrong way of phrasing it, but it is an accident and it's not men.
Deliciously, but it's still horribly racist.
It's still socially inappropriate still it's a sign of his times and so we've had our, masonic today messing.
It's not Danny Baker is a bad person.
It's just at the BBC is finally coming round to the fact that it's not appropriate to pass it off as banter or pass it off as a joke.
There was no other option for the BBC other than to fire him.
Do that what it is.
It's a toxic mix of royalty and what appears to be racism actually been discussing it with some pretty senior people Producers at the BBC and they're quite unanimous in their view that what he did was wrong and that it was right to sack him.
I think you've got to remember two things really festival.
He's in the business of live broadcasting which I know there may be a second or two you know but there's hardly any real safetynet that so you have to be absolutely certain that the person you are employing in what is a pretty freewheeling show weed wiper.
He don't like but that's not this not aimed at me and I'm not ever going to be a red sauce personal whatever it is the points is there was a bit musement about it because it isn't just a flippant remark you had to construct that we'd it was it was something that required thought so I think that that is also may be played I'm a part as well.
I've actually met Danny Baker few times when I saw him when he identifies remember he did the sitcom from the Cradle to the grave which was on BBC2 a few years ago and it was really about it was badges of Childhood in inside London and it was nice meeting him and I saw his daughter and all the rest of it, but there's a sort of list of lack of charm about him is what I would say and I know that probably appeals two blokes but perhaps that it's just gone a bit too far and the comedy itself didn't actually take on and work although.
It's inherently very funny.
You said you'll be followed in your mistake.
I mean that's what I mean.
This is it sounds like I think this takes mistakes.
I just said it depends on your job is the whole point.
If you are going out live to a national audience that you didn't make the mistake, I know he didn't but it's a question mark about the broadcaster and you put all your energy and enthusiasm into creating a brilliant show that millions of people loving interact with as it goes out that used to be the job and now the problem is because of social media.
There's a sort of pressure to continue being that personality all the time and of course.
It's not it's not your real personality.
It's a projection and you know he's trying all the time to push the envelope say funny things and this misfire, but it wasn't on the radio it wasn't but as part of your job, although it is the rhino showing right.
It's not the real human Lorraine just one that case around she just won the case about the fact that she she is an actress which is an interesting development with social media is part of your job and I know that if I tweet something I can be fired for that relatively easy and I think that's true even if you're not jealous that you can see.
Countless examples of people putting out racist tweets or sexist tweets or things that just a pretty apparent and actually then that losing their jobs even if it's in like as a more conventional office job and particularly when your presenter you are presenting.
You choose to be on social media.
It's not it's not a necessity, although.
I think the present of should be you have to be careful about what you saying.
They were very clear Lines about the way you are and are not offensively think you meant the really good point about the fact that it's is that lot of effort to find that photo and then to put it on their little what point did it in the back of his mind he's been a BBC broadcast of a how many years now.
Just think I can see how that might be interpreted.
It's not just what you say, it's how what you say can be interpreted and they're too often quite different things but you have to know what the audience that you are aiming at the expected reaction of what you get there all of the responses because I've been in this meeting but has there been any big reaction to it from say his peers the 7th generation very upset when he was.
Yeah, baby, I've seen responses from me and Lee and from Jon Ronson saying this is a terrible mistake, but he shouldn't have been fired for it, but I'm sure there are example of a sign saying no question you deserve to be 5 but it's the other of his is allowed to be forgiven after this like the one the BBC is left with no option because of that sort of serious misconduct.
He should be fired but in that same vein that doesn't have to Tara's reputation for lifey can learn from this and should learn from their Sammy can get a contract talk radio and I will come out now casting all his writing career, but it is unfortunately for him available judge.
Maybe he meant to be satirical that it just isn't right.
I wonder whether actually 5 live with quite keen to get rid of him because he was always like the sort of Steve Allen of five live in the sense that they can't deny his enormous popularity and yet if you were creating the station as it is now you're on LBC is case it is a
Effectively some news commentary network and in 5 lives case it is rolling news and sport Danny Baker doing 3 hours of completely irreverent nonsense on setting money.
It's fun, but it it has nothing to do with they won't commission it now with their I don't know because I don't run Radio 5 Live at the commercial radio at the moment seems to be snapping up the BBC presenters that Lisa handful reduced BBC opportunity to bring in someone and unwind on non miles somebody who actually speak to a breadth of the audience at the BBC doesn't traditionally it although we're going to see a lot of pissed off five live listen is a good weekend or weekend.
He just got fed up with it, which I was really pleased about to be honest talk about something that needed to earlier.
There are over 3 TV licences for the over 75's it's returned to The Commons this week, but failed to find a resolution at first will make it.
Why was the Debate back in Parliament this week?
Do it and private members bills were laid it has Age UK lobbying very hard as a petition of about 100000 people and of course the BBC itself has been lobbying extremely hard and Tom Watson for labour who's actually you forget is the shadow culture secretary as well as toxic the background to this really is the states of government.
We are not really being governed and the brexit on passes at literally absorbing all the energies.
So there's no real decision-making going on so this loving is building up.
It's a bit like a volcano you know about to burst and you don't kind of know what's going to happen and it's urgent because whether or not this scheme was sensible not my personal views.
It was not right in in 2012 introduced it.
They should have put the pension up if they will either pensions couldn't pay the licence fee but we are where we ask.
What has happened today.
Is very interesting because one of the Twelve trustees in 2015, who is there when George Osborne Force the BBC to take on this commitment he was in the room with the chairman of the BBC at when she was phoned Rona fairhead and told that the chance of wanted to speak to her and also to Tony Hall he was not then party to any conversations, but they were given till 12 to accept John whittingdale.
Who was the former culture secretary actually said in the in the commons that the aim is basically to abolish the BBC licence fee at the end of the day.
Ok Alex where we are now given the situation is a kind of political decision whether older people should be paying the licence fee or not whether to get subsidise licence fees to babysit what I mean.
Is it yeah, but the BBC would still be making a political choice should then he'll be a U-turn on this and an understanding that it was never the government's to pass over to the BBC
I think it is a little decision cos I think everyone is it so angling for the pension about and I think my broken server talking about this is whatever happens is a key part of winning the over 75's vote Labour Attila coming into this because they think they got the young young vote sign up.
They don't it's falling by 12% over 2018 so actually later the support is dwindling and I looking towards minor parties or just disengaging with the political process after Corbyn when it comes to the licence fee.
I've talked about on this book as many times before about the fact that the BBC has underfunded.
I'm so the Netflix came out with figures that spending 15 billion dollars.
That's 11 and a half billion pounds and content this year that the entire BBC's revenue is about 5.3 billion pounds so you can expect the BBC to produce half as much content as Netflix does that's that's what we're saying is a sort of country that we're willing the BBC to be half as volume as a half as creator behalf as brilliant as Netflix's and that's why the BBC is and that's containing that revenue even further is.
Baffling and its political football that doesn't make any sense Ibiza political decision BBC would it cost to make it means testing have to actually that means testing it's not really something that they should have ever agreed to and then I caught in this awful inheritance really I think it's maybe why Tony Hollis artist and the job to be honest perfectly by regardless of what it cost to set up in terms of means testing and regardless of whether we think that's the BBC's job or not make it that is the fairest way to proceed with this because as Maggie said it was going to Gordon Browns decision when money was to say let's try and reduce pensioner poverty with this giveaway, but now it's easier to make my case, isn't it? Well ok if you're a pensioner who doesn't have any money in these benefits, then you entitled to a TV live.
And if you're not in that situation, you're not that's a wonderful idea and it would be great if it's rolled out across everybody means testing a licence fee as something that I think is broadly a good idea, but by the end of 2019 37% of children will be in poverty in the UK there is still a poverty issue around elderly people particularly of Netflix maybe and you do have pensioner credit.
So you could see a way of doing something.
I only have her own 3 properties going to subside licence for do you get it was clearly a very toxic subject.
I think that there will be a political intervention because as you say it's it's it's it's just a poison which
Ok sticking the BBC there are two new controller roles there in audio and music head of BBC sounds and head of pop music Alexa can't understand the BBC sounds things are they didn't have a head of BBC sounds considering.
It was their big launch already, but head of pop music we have controls the radio stations isn't good enough.
It's really confusing but as w1a takes takes on inside of make jokes around the BBC has that restructure once every couple of years and there's a new head of something or there's a new deputy director of something else is the weather BBC works to make sure that is always a rigorous with who in her it doesn't employ as far as pop music it's because the BBC is losing its way with pop music.
It's no no fault of the BBC's it's just that the entire commercial industrial corp capital Scotter when it comes to radio when it comes to digital you are competing with the entire internet and Spotify is the single biggest thing on iTunes as others not distant second but still a second when it comes to where people getting their music is my music journalism is struggling because if I want to.
The new song the Spotify algorithm has it and if the Spotify algorithm doesn't their influences on Spotify will have all of the music I can ever want to listen to and I buy Amazon executive going to help with that that I think that's that's a question with you see I don't think it will I think Ben Cooper is an absolute dead cert for this job unless the recruiting externally cream again.
Thank you for the hottest job and that that is a former controller of radio 1 and not had a controller since then took up his new role, so do you think what they doing actually is facing the controllers out and then giving the jobs back to Bob shennan, Rebecca Cooper which is quicker 10 years and people grabbing the bits.
I don't really understand what's going on at the BBC and I think sounds is clearly needing some work doing on it Tuesday I think once again and look crossword on a new Radio 4 controller who's some.
Can going to be appointed pretty soon? I think there is only 3 weeks ago when we going to find out if she's in America there is a final interview round going on at the moment which I'm not meant to know about all talk about I hear name so I think I may be but I'm absolutely not getting that go and see him loads of name, but no names and have not no not at all.
Sorry ok newspapers now and the outcome of the tribunal to decide whether a former times editor was unfairly dismissed on the basis of their transgender identity.
I could have major implications for newsrooms.
Why Alex why isn't this is a simple case of whatever sort of cases for the case is around a editor who is at the Scottish officer the times and she was transitioning towards a female current identity while she was working at times yet, so is Catherine O'Donnell
Omanyte editor of the timetable and she was then made redundant, but this and what transpired after she was made redundant was the what she perceives as being a very Passat pernicious culture and anti trans culture and the comments that flew across the newsroom and evening that ended up in The Times newspaper were perceived by her lesbian anti trans as that's the thing isn't it Maggie's not just that she saying I was bullied and harassed in the workplace in making his allegations which the Times dinner but actually what you're saying is and their transphobic attitude made its way into op-eds and that made me feel bullied as well and that raises questions for anyone.
Who's you know a labour supporter works for the Daily Mail or whatever it is.
I don't understand if she's been grievously mistreated that she is taking this step which is a pretty Uno Extreme step that has been obviously a lot of debate within the paper column site Janice Turner who's been quiet.
I've spoken about these issues and I think that maybe what she's referring to I read The Times everyday.
They've certainly made the whole issue and also have children being allowed to run transition noisy Strand in the paper is what I would say things if you like over the years the attitude to transphobia as you call it now being something that was akin to racism homophobia.
You know in 10 years ago even it was more reasonable more accepted by the mainstream to write a critical column about people who transitioned and it would be now and I think that's the tricky thing.
I think if you can find me a person who isn't the editor of a newspaper who agrees with everything me a paper cuts out, then you are doing a better searching job than I did a result there are always things in newspapers or on broadcasters that that people who work there won't agree with and I think that's that's the first point.
I think the second point is the way that unusual operates that I think you're right that I think.
Speak about the specifically is is probably a dangerous thing to do but more broadly the stuff to get selling you dreams and I think that is improving and I'm making it to the person who's the make sure that the stuff that shouldn't be said anyway regardless of whether in his room or not isn't said but when you're a breaking news story if it's a crash bang something has happened some somebody has died will ever know those conversations need to be Sharp and brisk and the people who are at the more Danny Baker spectrum of their age and over their knowledge of LGBT lgbtqplus issues are more likely to say something offensive and it and that's about that's the thing of the issue.
When stuff is reaching in a print.
I think that's you get into all of those so allegations of snowflake of you.
Can't take criticism all that sort of stuff.
I think that's unhelpful The Newsroom at any point in time in your head is a big live events happening in people get very stressed and they're working instead like she's a night editor as well remember.
That's one lot of changes they made.
I just don't know about Alex Smith about Newsroom culture in general graduate trainee being Barrett and Tom I don't shave your legs as you know things like that.
I mean very sexist remarks of age and partly to that.
They were not that many women around as well.
So you were always objects of you know maybe even last day.
I say and I think that people behave differently towards women and you know they that they were very it was very very masking really clear Gardens from all sorts of LGBT charities is really clear episode guide and some stuff stuff makes the printer is misleading or in anyway transphobic or any of the other phobics that the Bear ipso has really rigourous checks in place to make sure things are accurate it said that that side of it a thing is I think there's a lot of things around a pain in the what what can and can't be said as on this be held views when it comes the actual factual factual rigour of what happened.
Ipso already is doing then.
Yeah, ok be interesting case to watch 14 times of had a chance to put their point of view as well.
Ok more meeting using breeze coming up after this time to meet you need a break now Megan Alex are still with me and the Independent trade body for film and TV packed have open an office in Leeds this week your hometown that is sized to congratulate Evans moving know it's a new place to beat yanks apart from you.
You move down here for a quick Avenue accelerator programs are Maggi can you sell a strange thing because what is really getting on is that because Channel 4 is is transferring the bulk of 300 people up there and a lot of commissioning editors all across the number of genre they've got a lot of production already that really but it's going to be ramping up at you've got things like the new young audiences content fund which is also has got 60 million to disperse.
The next step 3 is there they're putting people there so the overriding problem now.
Is that what packed campaigned very vigorously for not having to Channel 4 move outside of London and it's changed its colours and in the background or not so much in the background actually knows Ofcom saying that there has to be much more stringent controls on what constitutes an out of London production and in addition.
There are there now Consulting on really quite tough rules of what constitutes an independent production, so you can't just suddenly shift a load of people out of London and take them up to say in Leeds or somewhere the Scottish Highlands and make a program you have to show that you have an office and that you actually are original producer and what's more the quota is going to be 50% which is a bye bye 2022 out of London 50 Cent in Leeds so there's no point is like it has to be around the country said there's been a dramatic change in.
turn around in the northwest because of Salford and the BBC and all of the kind of activity that has occurred there has been a certain amount in Cardiff where there's been a push to do drama and other problems associated with that but that sits there and it was felt very much that the east northeast have been neglected and it was partly sold on the fact that people in Newcastle on the Tyne could get Gateshead could get down to lose much more easily than as we know the Notorious problems are getting across to someone like in a Salford in fact as easy as easy to get to Izmir Alex I mean you know if your reasons everybody knows that the political class and London lost really contact with the regions and washing machine for Brixham what's the difference Alex if you're if you're in Birmingham or Brighton or Manchester what's the difference really going to be still going to London your to go to a different City get a whole different view and it's it's
People from different places and I think they're London is a wonderful customer falls in city, but once you're in London for more than a couple of years you become very slimming doctor note with the way and the pace that London works and you're right like this.
It's many different voices, but they will have that sell of slight London twinge about them and moving it away from that having having a real idea of different types of people different walks of life and having a better idea of what production.
Two different people around the country could do is exciting and it in your welfare, so we've got TV production moving into regions of exactly the same point that newspapers are essentially shutting down their local operations in Yorkshire remember, but do you think I should be are so similar Ofcom style quota for a content created outside London news journalism.
I would say what you have to remember as there's number of problems here one is actually that there's a push all the time for diversity and representation and you know treating everybody Fell
Everybody been represented but London isn't actually representative of the rest of the country.
So then there's packed is is well aware of this problem so for example if you have to list in your production team people who have black Asian what is diversity when you're actually saying there needs to be more production at in Glasgow in Scotland where actually the populations are actually but there's a sort of whole issue about representations as well which is all mixed up in this and making sure all these different voices get her to tell Alex what's your answer.
Do you think you should have a quota outside London town in the long-term? Yes, I think you're right if he's jealous and still exist.
I think ideally having a brighter Voice setting Leeds is doing some good stuff.
I think Joe and I think ladbible doing some stuff out there.
I think I think it is slowly getting that way with digital-first.
You don't necessarily need to be an office which you can read about on the future of everything about moving back to the point around TV.
The golden age of TV production so if you look at Luke Lewis who's formerly BuzzFeed for movie are you just moved over to become Netflix UK is head of editorial and you can see where that's going with those budgets for independent Productions that's huge.
So it is what what does he doing that job? That's really exciting and what Tupac bring to that and what they work together ok? Let's talk about the Guardian they have gone into profit for the first time since 1998 one of the most significant turnarounds in recent British Media history or that doesn't account for operating profit operating £1000 you know it's it's a very slender profit, but she looks after you no subsidy from the trust fund of 25 to 30 million as I am very pleased obviously and I'm delighted to that they have managed to find a source of income from readers however unreliable or reliable that turns out to be I was there been a working in 2010 when.
Basically, they tried yet again to bring some sort of discipline to to the garden and it clearly just failed and there was definitely a sense.
I'm afraid that the business side Andrew Miller the chief executive somehow did not have real control.
I think I feel fine spending on editorial and all of the things that happened since 2015 from you know ditching the banana going to have Lloyd cutting a huge number of jobs and actually also a lot of freelance contract that there's been a definite contraction, but at the same time they have managed to pull herself together one of the key things which I think is overlooked as that they have a much tougher chairman of the Scott trust that is I think more unit somebody who's interrogating Alex Graham who was a very successful independent TV producer and is in fact still in the business.
They've they've just sharpened up their financial controls as well as contributions from readers have led to this a year clarify that by saying I think half of whom are American
Exactly that you could almost say contributions from Americans couldn't you can either way not whether that sustainable because you know the USA is a big place but whether that will could be replicated in other titles has a particular left-leaning American leadership that once the Guardians content is not voluntary.
Isn't it subtitles, do you think could could replicate this model of asking for donations and getting enough to be in profit the Independent independent trying a similar thing and the the point with this in an anyone who tells you otherwise is entirely wrong.
Nobody knows nobody knows what what is the actual answer of how you sustain news journalism particularly like investigative journalism particular edition of diary big story journalism without having that hard to pay wall behind it so dropping them dropping out those trying to in his talk about it.
I'll private eye and he was that there is no possible way of doing real journalism unless you're charging for a think it's very different from that.
It was a number of different business models that the voluntary.
Description so you have your 50 million weeks a month or 100 million month of whatever it is you got a core group of maybe one or 2 million people who live and die by your content you travel to your side every morning every single whatever that time and during the day and it's how you can convince them that attempt at £5 a month £10 a month £15 a month is worth paying to make sure that your site which you love is going to stay in the 5 and 10 years.
Would you give me incredibly challenging particularly for sale of deep long investigative journalism, I actually think I know that the Guardian would not necessarily turn their back on a form of subscription.
I'm not saying it's is happening but have some sort of because I'm a premium.
I do I don't know I think that I don't think they can rule out anything because the long-term question is the survival of the Guardian as a newspaper.
Newspaper as in print animes with question, but you've been asked ever since this show whilst the Guardians Media talk podcast how many years ago? When is the garden going to ditch print it sort of makes sense maybe Saturday Guardian Sunday Observer but apart from that.
I'm losing Focus making Monday to Friday print title with dwindling leadership when profits are coming in now digital reminder and a brand of the paper are it's perfectly possible that just like books are coming back into fashion at it is possible that a form of paper and uses paper will somehow retain its salient Friday the times that have the times of the visible paper publishing world.
I have been saying this for as long as I've been on This podcast but what edition based publishing to the X model is 33 edition today.
I think will sustain because people like the idea that they are completing the news all their version of the news or what is happening at day like The Economist espresso.
They've talked about before it's 7.
Here is what you need to know today and that's it.
You don't need to search through the depths of the site.
It's just these stories for I will before we keep you hear any longer than melvyn.
Bragg has been on in our time.
There is just time for our Media quiz Elgar suite.
We are calling it Legends endgame.
We have found three stories remedial am deleting Volvo broadcasting Legend I'm going to give you the bare bones of the story you just have to name the legend at the centre of each one you buzzing with your name.
So when you know the answer Alex you will say Alex and Maggie also my brother if you like ok series Legends number one to whom.
Am I referring buzzing with your name when you know the answer who had a hand back to the studio halfway through a report after stumbling over the news of the royal baby Maggie it was heading hand stuff and then he was on last night and he was perfectly ok.
Everybody sweet advice sympathetically don't judge him and I just looked at him and I thought oh dear you do look a little bit sort of Pale inside and I was ok to the end of this item.
Please everyone has bad days at work.
You know everyone loses their train of thought it's just Nicholas which unfortunately is on telly when it happens but does his style of learning a minute and a half by road to Mum saying it down the lens.
It does that contribute to this issue.
You know you could have responded more authentically heavy not scripted in that when I forgot midlink could have done but in that same way the baby was born at 5 a.m.
So and chances are that he's been tipped off off the record in a way that most of the nationals weren't so he'll have been up since goodness knows what our and it's what's 1617 hours later.
He's not going to be is going to be a bit tight.
It's been quite a long day life as a Royal correspondent.
You've got very few jobs Biggar until until if ever it happened which it will a big senior royal member dies and yeah, you shouldn't I think learning by rote is?
The good jealousy principal particularly on the turn on the news channel you've got more freedom to convert 11 to have a conversation.
They want something snappy.
They want more minutes 30 you have to hit those things and soap learning that script to a minute 30 is actually quite a good idea about the royal baby Maggie I can talk for me baby being born please ok.
He's lucky number to which political reporter has stepped down from Channel 4 News comes and his writing Alex yet.
It is Michael crick in ounces depart from Channel 4 News after more than 7 years saying quotes there comes a point when you can't carry on chasing politicians down the street forever.
Love him.
I love that too.
I love the fact you chasing my book my tour before miss Michael crick and probably but it doesn't mean that channel 4 won't be making so you documentaries all current affairs with him dispatches and I think that he remains well.
I know he he he remains faithful.
Love of her life and him and we know.
Has an ability to spot stories and Cambridge analytica was one of the ones he kind of worked out quite early, so we haven't had last of him at all.
Maybe he's decided actually that being changed the Newsround and you know the 7:00 8 slots.
It's quite a sort of you know a difficult time and I know he's got the daughter at school near me said maybe he wants a bit more family alright is the tie-break legend number 3 which 93 year old broadcast is seeking a trance producer to make recordings into a club banger Maggie David Attenborough 93 this week.
She's looking for a DJ remix a 3-minute field recording of sacred gamelan music to introduce the indigenous music of Indonesia to a new generation.
Will you be listening? Just shows how old is you should be getting a drill produce O'Hara grime producer chances chances so naughty and with that this week's Media
British Maggie McCarthy again at 4 for today my thanks to make you brown and to Alex Hobson if you like what we're up to hear on the media podcast you want to help us keep doing it then do consider taking out a voluntary subscription like The Guardian it work for them 800gr expecting now head to the media podcast opcom / donate and choose an amount to keep us going all year round if you go it's fine, if you haven't got 800 Ratlinghope with a previous episodes and get new ones as soon as they're released by subscribing for free on our website vmedia podcast.com I've been Olly Mann the producer Rebecca Grisedale Sherry the media podcast is a PPM production and until next time.
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