Read this: RadioToday Roundtable January 2020

The radiated a program with broadcast bionics discover the world leading brands at radio hello Happy New Year welcome to the radio Today programme and Trevor down and this week's edition is the January roundtable wear at guilt-free Studios Which advertising off so I'm going to say whenever I need a studio in Soho London always come to guilt-free on Dean Street and very nice people they are too but we're basically here today to have a normal chinwag which we do every month about just what's going on in radio and audio.
The panel is assembled and I'm going to let them introduce themselves and Spencer and digital content for Power radio.
You are a legend in Los Angeles Jean and you shouldn't under play that anybody has been there in the last.
What was it 30 years you were on the will know a rock and The Cabin in being sure you half of it.
Even though you were not always literally and Helen but briefly and brought you to England I did the shelf for 30 years.
It was half my life.
I thought there's always a pull from where you're from and I had lived in London for a long time.
I feel like I've done about as much as I can do on the show that I was on and I was looking for some new challenges plus my wife is very excited to go to Paris every weekend over here basically as one of these immigrants looking for work.
I am so I don't think I can wait for that, but yes, I'm very much looking for work and that part of the equation when I made the decision to leave America to come back.
Home is who is going to give an old man with accent like this shot, so I'm just point I haven't been beaten down.
I've haven't heard Love Knows yet.
I'm still going to be optimistic.
I will find work but I love radio and I am very excited about being on British radio.
What is the view do you think in America about British radio? You know when you told your friends and colleagues that you going to come over here? What was their attitude America doesn't think about Britain and doesn't think about anyone else in the world and that affect they really don't care.
What's going on in America believe is an exceptional nation and their entertainment industry is the only one that matters.
So when the Golden Globes come along and a Korean film in Korean wins the best picture of the role of Americans who don't think that's possible.
That's right away.
Who are these people? I don't like them.
That's the American attitude.
So I don't think they think about British media and what did you think when you were working in America from your perspective about those of us who lived and worked over here for some years with this thing about British Media police radio course.
It's the best in the world.
Is that how it looks like? I will say that I think.
America and Britain or look we're all limited by the fact that the most only speak English so there may be phenomenal radio being done in Africa that we just haven't heard or don't understand but I think American radio are the best that I've heard I think largely in England because of the BBC low I think those networks those channels are the ones that are making the most exceptional radio without the BBC I don't think that the commercial sector in Britain is a sword dancers it in you listen to a lot of American podcast and radio and European radio as well.
Where do you think we sit in the panoply? I think one of the reasons that because there was a great history of speech radio in America outside of mpr.
So they're being exposed for the first time perhaps to a wealth of speed and quality Wisconsin have not they've not had before I think we like to think we got the best radio in the world.
I spend every country of the world probably think I've got the best radio in the world.
I think we've got.
Public service broadcaster in the in the world and America doesn't necessarily have a public service broadcaster the cow is the sort of weight of the BBC Daz and that's why the BBC is held in high regard here and also us I know when I've been in the US the BBC the immediate thing we want to talk to me about when when I mention the word radio, would you touch down there Trevor about not always being there a I know for a lot of the time when you were doing a show in Los Angeles you actually in Seattle and it's very much of live debate here at the moment with consolidation in the radio industry about how important is or not to be broadcasting from area.
You're in.
What was your what's your take on that somebody is breakfast over from Seattle for so long in Los Angeles for 10 years and was very familiar with the market.
I knew the inner sections.
I knew the brands.
I knew the people so it wasn't that much of a transition when I moved to Seattle in the last 4 years I lived in New Orleans
And it from there as always was so familiar with the marketplace have been very different if I was doing the Breakfast Show from New Orleans to Detroit City have never lived and I think that would not have been nearly as effective as there is a view is that you can do particularly commercial music radio from literally anywhere although there are people who say no.
I don't like it because it's coming from down the road.
It's a difficult so good at sport programming over the years.
What's your view of the way that we do sport compared to the Americans I think as with everything.
It's always about authenticity one of the things that we keep getting asked by people is when we're going to do in NFL show the short answer being never because why would you want to know what a load of pasty guys staying up at night on the on a Sunday think that the NFL will listen to Bill Simmons
Where is always be in the audience at about 40% of the audiences from outside the UK there tapping into you know that authenticity of people being at the game and in terms of the way, it's delivered.
I think certainly from our point of view were a little more.
I may be a little more deadpan, but you know there are a number of American outlets which in that direction as well particularly from the coastal areas with our podcasts.
Do you think that when you listen to particularly British coverage of the Premier League that it's just too independent I bid to him partial that he quite like sometimes on Broadcast commentary to have the feeling that you get from one of those you know know I can beat it fam podcast speaking on a personal basis.
No, I like having the certainty and stability of having something coming from the middle in terms of
Commentary on the game I can go elsewhere for for my opinion and partisanship and to be honest.
I've never been a huge fan of partisanship anyway.
I like a certain sort of verification from ex, but I'm very much the aunty Mike I have a lot of time for experts.
So it's never been something there but also if that was mainstream than all of those parts and sites we get sidelined quite quickly you were saying before we came in here, but how weird is that you can't find streamed commentary from Premier League matches on British radio.
It was driving me mad over Christmas and I don't notice the position of naivety I was at 5 and 6 years and before that the company that built the website that hosts the official football league commentary but it does seem bizarre in the Premier League is trying to keep up with technology introducing var which is a whole different conversation.
You still can't stream Premier League football on the radio and over Christmas I'll listen to 5 live and talkSPORT and BBC London BBC Three Counties and everytime I try to say to a game there was not blanking message which hasn't.
10 years and I was walking around the house plugging and unplugging the DAB radio to keep listening to a game in the USA New Orleans and the Saints can you hear that it's very restrictive as well the flagship radio stations of those respective football teams black the broadcast my backup was I had Sirius XM satellite radio with the NFL so that would be better if I were travelling in morning to get the game and in terms of all the sport is that yes, yes, I'm in the you know the NFL does after its own app with streaming and he does his well in the NBA does as well, but yeah, you're Jumping Through Hoops if you want to stream a game in the us as well.
We're talking about time now.
Where were being encouraged to listen to as many different devices and smart speakers as possible BBC2 listen to BBC sounds and all other devices that would be migrated to a device and what you can't listen to live football from we've got muddy knees Media
And we got the man banging the table and a very unprofessional way, I'm not touching the table.
I think it's ok.
We're all looking for my phone and talk about what Radio 1 were up to over Christmas and this is like I'd imagine being made when I used to work there where somebody obviously went along and said look every is on holiday or wants to be on holiday over Christmas let's just rip up the schedules and put on a load of people who have never been heard on Radio 1 before a very creative idea or madness and wishing underestimate the amount of work that takes in terms of audition process finding the right people finding the right combination of people make sure that the levels of representation.
Versity and they're comfortable in a Radio 1 studio and able to broadcast in in the environment that a huge amount of production and work by people that wear one but as we just talk about it.
We got a public service broadcaster.
That has the time and the resources and the space and the people to be able to do that would that happen in America do you think a guard and if any of us had the opportunity to present over Christmas we would literally poop herself.
It was amazing.
How comfortable somebody's 19/20 25-year old sounded on the radio like they've been doing your whole life that was that was the one thing that I notice with what I listen to adjust.
It didn't seem like in some cases there isn't much difference between the images and the professional.
I think I've been making a lot of money as a professional Radio 1 and it was a conversation on this very programme about do you have to have a TV profile and a million social media followers in order to get on the way there now so to have this conversation is very funny.
I thought was fast.
Is that the parallels with that and what happened in the 90s with Radio 1 as a teenager in the 1990s Radio 1 didn't reflect what I was after and that station was supposed to be for teenagers in a 1970s station it was so smashie and nicey and then of course with your good self and Matthew Bannister coming in ripping it all up bringing in things actually did reflect what I thought the world was now we're 20-30 years on from that and the idea of bringing in people who are so diverse and so individual and people with YouTube backgrounds and up-and-coming that reflects the way that I think young people see the world now.
They don't see the same sort of barrier so don't see the five years of hospital radio.
They don't see any of that they want the personality driven real personality driven.
Diverse personality driven world very very brave thing to do and I have two Echo your statement about that's what the BBC should be doing fantastic, but you know that is there is still a
People coming from for the background isn't you know without agent or without without TV and relationship between all the broadcasters and the student radio Association is fantastic and they do great work and just started on the evenings an absolute has come through the SRA as well as soon as it's all good in this room.
We were talking about the audio production awards in in the round table and we were saying what a cool and refreshing thing it was because there was a lot of diverse people winning awards and someone and it felt as though we were on the cusp of a new golden age of radio and we've had all these stations open we've got these new voices on Radio 1 does it feel to all of us as though you know the flood gates are open and then all this to PL4 I think on the PS I was interested in how more often than not the people that we were dominating or that were entering were people who had never want to broadcast that I work for production company or they were.
Custom sales they will freelance producer and it doesn't seem to be the case now, but isn't the case now that the aim is to go and work for a broadcaster and you can build a really good career as a freelance working for lots of different independent companies and I think that's really changed over the last 10 years and podcasting is really hot change that again to go back to parallel, but from a different industry in football journalism in about 2019 thousand and 10 a lot of people from non-traditional backgrounds who had their profiles amplified by social media or blogging things like that and suddenly there was more out there for the kind of people that you could give great platforms to and there's been very similar in audio.
Not just with your popular music stations, but also audio fiction which I'm fascinated by at the moment.
You have 100 years has a logjam of Talent outside Radio 4 store and now all of a sudden with podcast this opportunity for the brand new voices new eclectic weird idea.
To come out it's a fascinating time.
I agree with the room.
I mean we live in a world where a 6-year old who opens toys can make 10 million dollars a year on YouTube for real to get into any kind of communication now is virtually non-existent the whole world can make a shower so yeah, it's a very exciting time and I think it's just a side benefit that because the entry level is so low that we will automatically be able to hear more defence forces training is the last few years talking to students and it's very disappointing when they come back at you with the old thing about will I need to find a job.
I need to apply for a job.
I need to look in the jobs that you know columns.
It doesn't work like that now, because you just make it yourself.
Don't you need to bang on the door? You need to get your bedroom and make something get in contact with people get on and there's a bloody big internet there and most of its.
Find email addresses send me your stuff make a podcast send it to me.
I'll give it a listen there's an opportunity to do it now change from your point of view and you are as you said of a certain age.
Is that kind of thrilling or a bit weird because your career has been about getting employed by somebody are you starting to think I actually maybe I don't work like that anymore.
Maybe what I do.
I make my own stuff.
That's absolutely where the industry is that I mean Britain has been the same especially this past year with all of the nationalisation of the shows the same as America has been for years which may be 80% fuel radio jobs now, then there were was 15 years ago in America you have to start looking at new media.
You have to start looking at different entry points are absolutely that in my head right now.
Let's just pause for a small of this music was composed by the radiated a program with broadcast bionics.
Is a bionic studio listening watching reacting to and learning from every spoken word Kolo sweet and SMS to a mix and lock and understand your content the bionic transforms everything about radio accept the way you make it round table from Radio today and we've got Jean McIntosh and we've got Brett Spencer here.
Jean Don imus has never been well known over here but within the kind of the world of BBC Radio people he was a legend recently deceased.
What do you make of him controversial figure very much, so he's a perfect example of how people are not all bad and although many of the things that he said whether he believed.
I don't know where completely racist and sexist and homophobic and inexcusable in any year, but on the other hand he weighs.
Millions of Dollars for children's cancer charity millions of Dollars for first responders he put on a very intelligent political talk show for which I think is best known now is Last 20-years of doing that can be sure it was especially amplifier and United States when it's better been carried on MSNBC so people could watch him so now he has a nationalized but even before that and he's on the radio for over 50-years and when you talk about what came to be known as shots in a derogatory way.
He was one of the very first when all the way back to 1970 and Cleveland he was doing a show that was very different from the shows of kfrc in San Francisco wabc in New York which let's not offend everyone and it's for the whole family and I was really broke that more info as much as you heard people in radio certainly have all the bidding war between Howard Stern and I mean how it's listening to that have been Howard Stern that I don't think he gets a lot of credit for the work that he did before he became well known as
Politicians with going to be any of you he was groundbreaking many ways even before that some of our broadcasting rules stop that kind of thing before it starts.
Do you wish that was why are people can say what they want to do know I'll be very dangerous listening to you know UK version So remember Nick Abbot show on on Virgin and I'm pulled off their repeatedly as a cleaner at hospital doing night shifts years ago and listening to James Whale until Grady again another one who got ripped off quite a few times.
I don't know that much about Don imus outside of the obituaries I read in preparation for this but you could see there were more than a few occasions.
He said he had gone beyond the pale, but I don't do completely the Echo the comments that people on fractured individuals with good and bad in them.
We've never really embraced shop dockery they have we Brett broadcasting will sort of mitigate against it really although you have got people.
LBC who are able to express an opinion about the way the forecast not be able to do so before so I think we've we move slightly closer to it, but certainly if you know from where we are now following brexit and vibrating election.
I'm off for a bit more stability on the radio that would be a very good thing is one of the biggest difference between British and America is very committed to its first 2 amendments of the constitution very committed to freedom of speech and it takes all what for somebody to say you can't say something even if you're on an FCC regulated and Horses that guns which I know you think the Americans all crazy about but those of the bedrocks of the country and that's why I like Don imus allowed to do with that.
I was allowed to do for so long and I don't necessarily think it's I really don't mean I think if you want to offend take radio let people be authentic and let the marketplace decide whether there's a place for them on the dial.
That's not very social issues it.
Luckiest people if the market decide advertisers decide somebody comes on the radio in Britain and what you say shark which is a very derogatory term that nobody listens to enjoy every word of that personality is a shark.
It's only two people don't like the show the cul-de-sac but if a person goes on to say things that offend too many people there will be complete to the station and the advertisers and not show simply won't stay on the an interesting point that I think which is we do believe in the UK at least we operate under a regulated system whether it's the BBC Trust or it's Ofcom elbow we accept that there are rules and you was a society don't forget your ruler that there are no rules rules, but they're not nearly the Hour Radio from what you've heard would be better if we were less well-regulated.
I do voice is just because the unpopular opinions let those people be on the radio.
Pleased to say whether Italian but will the marketplace always make the right decisions perhaps now.
I don't think we know I think it would be a case-by-case basis.
You don't really think is so offensive that should never be added into a microphone but the baby millions of people who enjoy it as well.
Why not make it available to people interesting stuff 2020.
We've arrived.
It's happened.
What and fears for the new decade was not within the podcast from I think a number of people have referred to podcasting and spin the wild west.
I think that's an element that I also think that 2020 will be the year that the world West becomes increasingly centralised go to hell and takes over I think it's going to be very important time for the industry.
I think there's going to be more transparency more visibility and a lot more Trust going into the industry as a whole which I think is good news rev, and we have got jeans ideal World
An audio podcast we don't have any regulation.
Yeah, there's there's a lot of market power in terms of what said though I would bend the rules too much.
I don't know if anyone's got cleared jurisdiction over podcast at the moment.
I know we've had a couple of incidents with with things on shows where we received important looking letters yes, yes it can be quite time what you meant about it being more fertilizer will be getting out there at the moment.
We don't really have any cast iron way of knowing what the forecast is we have an iTunes chart, but no one really knows entirely how that works and I can tell you our own totally Scottish football show which is a great show great team behind her but I know how many people that show reaches and also know that it was Number 2 of all podcasts on Apple shortly after it's launch now.
It's definitely not the second most listened to podcast in the UK as excellent as it.
I also know that we have podcasts that will be at the top of the charts shortly after they are released that are way above podcast it get maybe 10 times as many lessons, but it's a good thing with new releases in that way because otherwise I think the top 10 podcast would never change but obviously it doesn't then help in terms of being able to monetize things and knowing exactly what download your with profile with advertisers with reaching new listeners.
I think it would be great to have a really visible either like a Nielsen ratings system of pop music charts something out there.
So you can actually see very very transparently what's doing? Well then and what isn't because at the moment.
I think there's a lot of misunderstanding about the industry to bring up the same thing about the park.
I think I think the most frustrating thing for anyone who is in our business is exactly what you said in which is you just can't tell how many people are listening in a reason that so important because that's been the
Trying to get advertising and so many podcasts because it also will you tell me you have 5000 you tell me you have 20000 whatever it is, but how can I know how can I prove it and I think that makes the whole sector so much more profitable if people buy advertising believe in the product absolutely absolutely can curl their still when we look at the advertisers On podcast It's Beginning to change, but it's still you but you're not still a little bit.
How many people are listening and that is changing you have iab now and a b-2 coming out across most platforms to be beginning to dig down with certainly started to see the ability to tell how long people have been listening to the show where they drop off more of that because as you say if we have that opportunity to go to advertisers and so this is what you're getting this is not just one saying this is what you're getting is good for love.
Little little change and we'll have much more robust ways of knowing how many downloads we getting more and more robust ways of talking to advertisers? I mean we need to think about the fact that is taken us.
You know 16 years to get here.
I mean I lost the original podcast for the BBC back in 2004 because I'm that old and and the first week that we put out 42 People downloaded it and we would just accept it.
So you know it's the 60s to get where we are and podcasting has exploded over the last few years now the podcast and Gold Rush is it sometimes referred to and it's only going to get more impactful.
We have a celebrity product endorsement is Stuart thank you Trevor yes, I'm here with a script reads to tell you all about the fantastic work that cleanfeed do starting the new year with a new project and you need a way of connecting in great quality with somebody somewhere different to where you are using a browser rather than an isdn line or something like that then cleaned.
Maybe the solution you're looking for is great for doing obe's and doing interviews for your podcast on your radio show that may be co-hosting your show from the other side of the world clean feeds been designed for radio and podcast as well.
It's really simple to use and connect in great quality over the web using a browser and can even record within the browser as well if you're making a podcast There's a completely free including food won't cost you anything to get started.
Just Thirty Seconds or so to get signed up and having your first go within a few minutes, so you'll find out more about it at cleanfeed dotnet clean feed dotnet back to Trevor thinking on FM which Margot James announced.
I think last may at the radio festival.
I would not have anything publicly about that.
I think in the last year or so, but that could be impactful for the the industry as a whole I'm going to start doing lots of.
From the audio content fund which starts feeding through over the next year or so, we've got a couple of hours then quite interesting which is a magic within the series celebrating diversity in theatre around the Olivier awards and have a series of dramas on Jazz FM called space is the place which is about dramas, where jazz Legends and then it seems like you're funny kids are going to be a soap opera around the Space Race in the sea which sounds really intriguing exciting content content for which we would not have heard without that fund existing and another round closing closing soon, but only of really good for the industry to see what's gonna happen with five live speculation about we're going to split into five live music and quite warm out controllers A5 licence 97, so it's great that heidegger being charged with you and see what she's going to do with the station.
I haven't mentioned by the way and your company money needs.
Of course, it's name suggest basically around sport, but you've been making the wonderful you're all dead to me a podcast yeah the history we started out with the place.
Where are durnover for non sports shows is rapidly approaching 50% lead by your dead to me which was served my baby really fat people who didn't do so well at school, but suddenly interested in in history afterwards and it said it fills in the gaps the other stand-up comedian like Sara Pascoe you ever the teacher.
You're always wanted like Professor Michael Scott and then 45 minutes you have a laugh and learn something along the way that's been brilliant for us and we're looking forward to making plenty more of those just going to ask you at you may not want to tell me this but how did you as the man from these Media manage to sell a History podcast the BBC we made pilots we would never had investment outside of my ISA which my wife was very angry about.
The company was never taken investment we have no sugar daddy.
We've taken all the revenue from the football shows we piled into new stuff and some of that new stuff didn't work but some of it did we actually took a gamble and we paid for pilots to be made first pilot.
You're dead to me was terrible but miss them are completely the second one was brilliant and we took the second one around in the industry and we are lucky enough that Rhian Roberts at the BBC just got it instantly and actually made it better along the way and signed up and supported it and listen to All You podcast is and it will go make stuff recommendations.
Let's start with you Jean celebrity guest what you brought with you.
Don't understand which celebrity means a lovely Larry he is a program director with chorus in Canada here on cknw in Vancouver is a lovely man in a good friend and he about 3 years ago was diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease
Here's me the podcast about that comment life gives you Parkinson and it is wonderful there so many people around the world who are afflicted with and there's so much research being done at a hopeful time for them, but you really it's so magic in superstore.
He talks to his wife his kid his doctors his friends expert celebrities all about Parkinson's and the episode that will Direct you to now is the last episode of the First season where he did a whole episode about the Great boxing champion Muhammad Ali who is diagnosed with Parkinson's as well and he reveals his daughter and his lots of people including This clip a British radio presenter again here's a clip from when life gives you purchase the books about Muhammad Ali Michael J Fox's name comes up quick that was the case when I chat with Sky TV sports presenter Dave Clark darts, but these boxing football and all the rest day was first introduced to Parkinson's as a kid I was off school ill one day and also programme about Parkinson's.
Symptoms and I said to my mum and my brother.
I think that's got Parkinson's and he said yes, he has and that was a long time ago people called who is 11 years old and 10 years old and we never talk about it 17 days dad was in the throes of Parkinson's which included severe depression.
He was that year when his dad do the cold dark cellar in their West Yorkshire home and took his own life because no one knew the flame world heavyweight champion athletic Giffords when life gives you pop into the it is I mean if I didn't know Larry I wouldn't have even started to listen to it.
Together and it's supposed to be highly skilled radio.
Let's have been first Choice well.
It's 2020 and US election yeah and wonder have wicked game which is every US election so 45-minute the story of the behind-the-scenes Subsea great for a new history buff like myself as with all the Wonder Stuff it's slickly produced.
It's a joy to listen to and they will be putting out once a week all the way up to the election.
It's a really really fascinating so here is your honest there is a principle on which a particular decision is the man from the scored Adams points to a frame document hang on the wall the courtroom the Declaration of Independence document says every man is Endowed by his creator with certain inalienable rights.
The rate of slavery is utterly incompatible with any theory of human right and especially with the right which the Declaration of Independence proclaims as self-evident truth the moment come to the Declaration of Independence that every man has a right to life and Liberty this case is decided thanks to John Quincy Adams school in the courtroom West Africans were set free the Amistad case of 1841 will become a rallying cry for the burgeoning cause of evolution running to Southern interest who wanted to safeguard their peculiar institution of slavery would define 1844 election and push the country ever closer to the brink of civil war that's wicked game your first breath.
Have it all talk about how wonderful UK radio is over the US when they're all picking American I'm not big on going to see the light.
As much as I think they're fantastic is great.
You just get a chance to see their favourite dog has been recorded I often find when I go from after about 10-minutes.
It just feels like I'm at work watching people making away for Christmas a good friend of mine talking to the west wing weekly which was is the penultimate episode they are recording it's presented by Joshua Malina and who is she her way and they have an episode for every episode of The West Wing side recording is the 2016 and they have lots of people that bring on the show so Bradley Whitford Waverley guest, Allison Janney and etc etc, and they all the Feltham episode at the Hammersmith Apollo which house we're not found people and they will loads and loads of people standing at the back and Joshua Malina send money when he first came on stage.
He wanted to congratulate people finding the least comfortable most expensive way of listening to a podcast and they were fantastic and Bradley Whitford who played Jocelyn in the show was there guest of honour was in the shower as well.
Was that the best Life podcast recording I've been to and the audience was kind of the atmosphere was electric but also incredible Bakersfield house of the Apollo with a podcast about that was been off for 14 years.
I was like Game of Thrones just finished or something and then recording the final episode next week.
So if you haven't listened to it, so long.
I will call you before Christmas is not up yeah, but it might be out by the time you listen to this program the shopping centre Hammersmith Apollo on this is The West Wing weekly televisions Bradley Whitman inexplicable three-time Emmy winner proud with her and we are here to discuss episode 19 from season 7.
It's called transition.
It's called.
Transition John Wells said twice in the episode that we put out this week.
I call something that Sam says which is that at heart is America's ascentis nation and if there are people on the fringes unicorn making loud noise when I feel like the Bartlett administration was definitely left of Centre and especially in the talking years you know the fight was about trying to live up to that and also you know there's the big fishing pole in let Bartlet be Bartlet between the president who's the one who is responsible for them being driven to the middle and that the action of they want to take his actually for the left and said they have this new manifesto what you see that again and campaigning where people are Lawrence O'Donnell makes this point recently after the presidential debate that all these people are talking as if Congress does not exist right, but so here it is like the idea is.
This may be a little bit to the right of the president.
He certainly is more hawkish.
We find out and so maybe he is more truly a centrist.
So maybe it would be easier for him to go in a way that aligns with his life story is the first President with give him cover to be more to the right if that was his disposition.
I'm not conceding that he would have moved to the right cos I love a charge well.
That's very well worth a following my view.
Let's go back to Jim Baxter what's your second clip? This is not going to be for everyone just maybe for no one.
I'm on your letters, but there is a radio show that has been running next year 40 years on kpfa in Berkeley California you need is a live 3-hour freeform audio collage program.
They play record sometimes fed up sometimes.
Down sometimes on top of one another they pick clips from movies and documentaries they put live phone calls on their on-screen and let people talk and it's all just put in a blender for three solid hours every week.
It's a different thing most people won't enjoy it, but there will be a few out there who will exactly and archived has over 1000 episodes of the show on the website on the freezer and archive so there's lot there to get into if you like this crap again over the edge is brought to you by The Art collective that makes referencing art in live shows called negative land in areas in Brooklyn kpfa.
Here's a taste of what it sounds like without without brain.
Your standard of living without you.
It'd audience without brain if it is not be for everyone, but I don't see you running with it interesting nearest I think in my mind I could get to it was the Chris Moyles show on Radio 1 blue jam from where you didn't quite know what was coming next at the next thing would be something you'd be fired for if you other station direct.
I don't know whether they do that on this.
It's like a pirate radio broadcasters.
What is anything and everything goes in it can be confusing and can be frustrating and can be hilarious.
It's just it's hard to explain.
That sounds intriguing and it goes over the edge Ian McIntosh your second mentioned briefly before Blood Ties another wondering podcast last time I was on us talking about Forest 404 and blackout.
I love audio fiction.
I love how that medium has really clicked on more than any other medium.
I think in there any age of the podcast the reason the blood ties work, so well the standard of the voice acting.
There's a lot of really interesting stuff out there at the moment been listening to load of it, but when you've got two fantastic actors putting together a production of of this scale of calibre it really lifts at above the rest.
I can't recommend it enough.
Just 6 episodes and brilliantly they're there only 20 minutes long are the tube length episodes hardly any characters.
Is there any chance of kind of losing the thread of what's going on? They are perfectly made for audio previously on blood ties.
Now she won't take my calls.
She's totally disappeared and I'll be home soon and we got a lot more about this episode contains adult content Michael Michael wake up until your pills in the toilet toys one final choice and its preferences with the election earlier, which thankfully it behind us but one of the highlights of the election for me was listening to Emma Barnett on 5 Live who was I thought spectacular.
I think the reason she's such an interview and that program is so good is because unlike a lot of the interviewers that we listen to she's not be part of that Westminster bubble.
She's not hanging around with all the politicians and being all that so she's kind of slightly arm's-length which means she's you know that's not attached to all those you know the little things that are going on and her as you said the question is wiggle wiggle doesn't let go she's not scared of asking questions 34 X 10 interesting little tell when you know she's going to go for a guess, when she when she went she said I think I've understood this I think I've which point if you're the guest your toast but the nominations come out next Wednesday and I would expect her to be one of the frontrunners for speech will cost of the Year there's a label called zarah sultana.
He's had to apologise for saying celebrate the death of Tony Blair and Benjamin Netanyahu
And I'm sure that it is and what what's your opinion of the details of the detail? That's what she said someone yourself is being pulled up for previous social media posts and you're standing there looking down on the people of grenfell.
Who died in a fire celebrating the deaths of two former Prime Ministers in the current prime minister what you're saying is what I'm saying is that we've got people who say these things should be banned from standing only going to allow do you think she should be able to celebrate the bedroom and you just got through a selection process to be the candidate.
I think I'd like to talk to her and see what she was really trying to say and she apologising.
I don't know if she's apologising then.
I think that would be ok about it on Friday can I just have a quick word about Dolly Parton's America which is finished? I don't know the rest of you heard this at all.
This is the new series from radiolabs JAD abumrad.
It's the most brilliant podcast thing.
I've heard in a long time so clever and deep and works on somebody different levels and although it's about Dolly Parton it's really about America highly recommended that the radio today round table for January if you're getting this from audioboom or anywhere where you can see a picture.
You will want to know what Jean Baxters t-shirt says so.
Do you want to just tell us what already is it was a Christmas gift from a radio friend a few years ago, and it's it looks like a radio dial that has all of the AM radio stations most of them clear channel stations from back in the 50s and up and down the west coast of the United States starting all the way down in San Diego and then going all the way up to see at all.
So you go through Los Angeles in Venture accounting and lost in Portland Oregon in San Francisco it's just something that we radio Giggs hang on to enjoy our this T-shirt until it wears out.
What can you possibly be talking about on my station with launched? Just before Christmas of end of November which is sort of what it says on the tin.
It's all the big musical numbers.
What if it's what it says on the Tin that's all I need to know about it because one more thing ok.
I'm looking to hearing we were calling it on Tuesday and Wednesday night where they Falls new comedy series called the skin which had a really good pile about vacuum.
I think I'll take the bedroom house we should be created by John Holmes
Because it's about soundscape of sort of comedy sounds and and clips etc rather than sort of Radio 4 comedy as it is and we've talked before and this program about how some of us find it difficult not funny.
Didn't see what what John and the guys working on that show do the pilot was great and the 6-weeks best article Radio 4.
What do you want to plug in this moved it to a Monday morning release we always wanted to do this when we started but given that the entire business with me my laptop and whatever coffee shop was in at the time.
It was impossible.
We going to do on a Sunday night now after all the football finished and we have that show out and ready for your morning commute, because it'll be released at about 2 a.m.
Have you got anything to plug or do you want to just basically Direct us to yours as well say I love this panel.
I'm so excited to see you again travel to meet read to me and I'm really I'm just in the market to have lots of Munchies and lots of coffee is a lasting dinners with anyone in radio so please.
Naomi been 9AT mac.com I'm just excited to network personally and professionally not I'm back in Fantastic it's great to have you here thanks.
That's been the radio today round table for I think it's my business now to hand over to David Lloyd David Radio 2 Breakfast Show changes hands.
It's often at the beginning of its 27 years this week since the return of this familiar voice.
I haven't been awake open aboot this early since God Was a Boy The crocodiles are still on the street that Sarah Kennedy she's a cut up and she getting up at 2 in the morning and dressing for this program assumes the full Valentino thing the Old Dorada I tell you what the standard still obtain here at the old BBC
It's good to be back in 92 BBC Radio 2 and this is the Breakfast Show you've been waiting for the other very simple stimulating menu first there is plenty of the music.
You know the music of your basic useful information like travel Trafic sport whether you start your day entertained and informed who could ask for more than that and it wasn't wasn't Terry Wogan that's the trouble if I have been Terry Wogan I would still be there until I was called up to the office again and told that program back when I said what you going to do a choice and brothers lion said yes, I know it's a very difficult one is Terry Wogan wants to come back.
I'm afraid to take it and I said if I were you.
I would do exactly the same thing Brian how are you speaking his year on Radio 2 breakfast changes too many generous Radio 1 Breakfast DLT change to micro 39 years ago someone has been into my cupboard and stolen my headphones.
Thought you would say something in your headphone you understand what it's like.
Go to I mean it's almost like a part of you.
Get so used to them had them away so really rotten tricks this morning without headphones then antique pair with cobwebs on.
YouTube beginning on Radio 1 breakfast at this man began 15 months on that hello programme 26 years ago.
I sleep from your eyes Steve Wright's on breakfast briefly this starting quietly 16 years ago Chris Moyles who was to become the longest serving Radio 1 Breakfast jog and Chris with his echoes of Blackburn there presenter to nod to history in an opening link good morning this for the very first time is capital radio.
London 73 and capital Yorkshire in 2011 at the start of Radio Forth 2 for that matter because this is the very first time is Radio 4.
Can we noticed how many stations in their opening links inadvertently use one of the future brand names to be carried on one of the frequencies cvc2 21 medium wave for the capital city of Wales 1966 Magic that's what we will get to know I'm pretty sure this is another example as well this week last year a new national launch for this station radio.
Who was the Greatest Hits radio beginning from Bower this week last year? It's not often that those presenting the news end up being in the news in their own programs, but that's where Carrie Gracie fed up this week 2 years ago.
Good morning.
This is Gracie BBC China editor Carrie Gracie has stepped down from the role in an indefensible pay gap between men and women at The Corporation in an open letter addressed to licence fee payers said the BBC was facing a crisis of trust that the accused of breaking equality law is the BBC China editor.
The Carrie Gracie Saga on Radio 4 Today programme that celebrate two great women the radio world has lost first of all this week 2 years ago Jackie Dixon Jackie's voice graced so many radio jingles around the world for generations.
Hi Jackie Jackie he was one of the elite group of vocalists who sang for every major jingle production company and she was like me to 24-hours secondly Angela Bond died this week 7 years ago.
She was one of Kenny Everett's favourite producers every week to go down into the BBC Record library into the archives and look back form unusual pieces of music that I knew would appeal to carry his eyes wouldn't go to this pile on the corner of the desk.
You know it was his theory on one of them.
I can remember quite clearly was Benny Goodman Sparks
Because it's a generation of music program is just how to use RCS selector so with Jeremy Vine taking over his Radio 2 show 17 years ago now.
Just 10 fewer than JY good afternoon and welcome to the Jeremy Vine show Liverpool 4 years ago show us Liverpool network BBC local radio evening show 7 years ago and you show had a new presenter of the BBC charts 38 years ago.
original music for This podcast was composed by MiKasa
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