Read this: RadioToday Roundtable June 2020

The radiated a program with broadcast bionics created of the bionic studio the smarter way to make radio hello, I'm Trevor down.
This is the June roundtable.
We've got a stellar cast as ever assembled from all around the country actually but before we meet them because we are recording on blackout Tuesday I thought I should share this with you and death of George Floyd was being held under arrest.
I didn't have the mental strength.
yesterday because I was crying and also knowing and in this case is just
So much more and her today.
Let me know that you are doing the work better.
I see you.
Let's text Clara amfo recorded this afternoon as we're recording Tuesday June 2nd on Radio 1 and I don't think it needs any comment let's meet our panel now.
I'm starting with the man with a very large microphone.
It's Christmas in the air presenter of Radio 4.
Is and one of the BBC political Correspondents news as you mentioned Trevor of a microphone shield in my front room here in Charlton South East London hopefully improving the acoustic and so no longer like the gents toilets at Euston Station as the chief executive of ukrd group and presently a director of a company called the things and I'm sat here very jealous of you Mike and Michael David Hepworth and high rise about the Pokémon podcast Duty during the duration possibly or even longer who knows which things actually wants to talk about really which is you listen to radio all your life and now primarily to podcast what's the difference between them as a listening experience everything.
I always think the difference is that a broadcast rules assumes people are about to switch off.
And a podcaster always assumes that they pulled it towards them therefore they will tolerate and you know if there's any bit where the retention drop still just stop listening for a while and then if we have somebody who was both a broadcaster and a podcaster we could put that question to him couldn't because I look like description of the idea of the broadcast to living in constant fear of turn it off.
It's true.
I think that's exactly right when you're broadcasting and I suppose I suppose there is that distinct difference isn't as much as the radio seeking mean warns that some radio columns of moth podcast columns have noticed that in the In The Spectator recently that they call the radio Comedy podcast column that I think you're right in that when you're podcasting there is that because it is a more narrow casting Xperia there is that you can assume a little bit more knowledge you can assume a little bit more interest we certainly couldn't with the brexitcast you could do my far greater interest from our podcast audience then you could when I was on.
Live radio for any sort of linear mass market out loud, but then the other intriguing thing is the extent to which then the kind of the town of podcasts leads over into into how we do the the other stuff as well.
What are you listening to these days that you know as this changed the pattern of your audio function to be saying I listen to podcast the crystals, but I have to say over my listening has become slightly more podcast Focus and less radio focus as it happens, but I think the forecasting is very much for a long tail of broadcasting a sense that you can go into greater depth and you're likely to get the really keen interest of those people who listen to that subject as one of the things.
I find interesting about your tweets.
I mean, I'm a bit of a political affairs and myself and I can't keep up with the door is likely to be tweeting about what was on pole saw Radio Derby or local as you are on the Today programme.
Where do you do all this listening to pop radio but it's on its classic sort of radio nurdrage every room so I just got that was my 40th a few weeks ago my wife got me and you radio which is now taken up private place in the kitchen with the most of the other one of these Roberts iStream 94 things which got no internet radio on all the D2 digital stuff as well, so you know radio in the kitchen ready in the bathroom waterproof radio on the bathroom was meant to be in the shower, but I discovered that he actually have a radio in the shower even if it is waterproof actually hear it when you heading to the under the water on the side in the bedroom.
You know anyone different things and I like a classic nerd love love sort of listening around.
Also, there's a little bit of me that is you know too many people in my view in my game I in in news and politics and journalism.
You know think of the radio and only tend to think of you know maybe one or two networks and as proud as I am to work for Eddie at 4 have a program on your phone then sleep now this project thing.
I've done in my life.
I want to listen around because the audience is and I want to see what's the top story on heart.
What's the top story on magic you know because that's as useful to me and getting a sense of what people are talking about and unaware of as you know who appeared in Plaistow Today programme the only thing I've learnt in 40 some years in media and Radio 4 podcast but the only thing I've learnt is this the only thing that the media is habit.
It's not what you do occasionally it's what you do all the time and we have just we're living through the greatest disruption to media.
In media age and nothing is tracks me is going to re-emerge in quite the same way and then just from my only time.
I have tiny you love me my wife here.
We are on our own yet.
Nobody is listening to the right.
That's not suggesting we completely lived by it before but with absorbed the basic government instruction.
It's really bad stay indoors fine.
We done that.
We don't necessarily need to know every daily convulsion want to know it either and we aren't averagely concerned citizens old what's going to happen is all kinds of England me the habits buying a newspaper listed radio time or whatever television program can be shattered.
Otterly by this experience and I wonder how the industry is prepared for that.
I love that thought about habit, but I think that you're onto something as well about that that idea about knowing you haven't heard the government message and therefore sort of dog is Beethoven any more news around the around the virus or over doing it because I think you know certainly in my experience journalistic.
Lee every covered up until now it mate 20 is year almost 20-year career Observer not a participant and all participants.
Are we in this thing with the coronavirus.
We having a baby in a way that news traditionally can be used this phrase incredibly likely in the context of news, but in the way that news tradition it can be at least an element of escapism escapism from your own life to find out what's going on in other people's because we all live in this stuff.
I kinda get why people might want to might want to escape that guy said it at the start of any questions about a month ago, but that's all thank people for being there even though he might feel like this.
Overdone it as far as news on the virus is concerned.
I think you're right that is a big factor with all of this William I want to change the subject now talk about what was last week's but also this week's news in radio and that's what borough is doing with the stations that it bought over a year ago and can now change into Greatest Hits radio on Hits radio on Wednesday or whatever all the details are on the radio today website and I won't go into them in any great detail but obviously many of these stations were owned by you I'm wondering how you feel about what's being done to the x UK R&D stock what I think the first thing to say and I think it's is how sorry I think we should be and and I am about the the loss of jobs and pay.
Departure from there the radio stations a lot of these people have worked unbelievably hard and very professionally for many many many years and local their life not just their job and I think it's very very sad that there will be scored as if not potentially hundreds of people who may lose their jobs in and it's an opportunity to wish them well with whatever they mean do next but also to say thank you on behalf of radio for some significant and very important in a local radio contest I think about all this is the impact of covid-19 self.
I mean I clearly don't see detail numbers anymore, but you don't need to be able to work out that the consequences of this pandemic on.
Radio revenues has been utterly catastrophic and I wouldn't be in the least bit surprised if revenues across some of these months haven't actually hard or even even worse so any radio operator that has to make decisions against this backdrop is probably going to make decisions which may have been forced upon them, so I'm not I'm going to avoid the temptation to pass judgement on the decisions the power has taken because I think anybody would not wish to be in their position the only thing I could say in general terms.
Is is something that I believed in for over 20-years involved with 30 years having a involvement with the radio in the Stream and that is that but I would describe it was have done his proper local radio.
As a result of these changes and it's just a great shame because I think we are slowly going to lose some of those critical component parts which are the glue of Communities and commercial radio delivered locally within the local community that it serves made a profoundly important Communities so I guess whilst I have no criticism to make because anybody who's in charge of radio these days has some pretty difficult months ahead of them and some difficult decisions to take I am very saddened and particularly for the people but also for the principle that I've always believed in which is the local radio should be and I hope that our managed to at least some of that to be maintained.
I was delighted to see some of those radio stations surviving not least the pirate which was where I was.
Someone who help to bid for and one the one that and it's good to see pirate and surviving but I think it's some very sad changes the nature and behaviour of commercial radio in the UK away from it's local routes from a personal perspective.
I'm saddened by the famously from Yorkshire as his Dave in do you think there's any room for local radio for local news coverage from anyone except the BBC what Main Street journalistic? Is that you know competition is always a good thing at 4 for the journalist but also them for the for the listening.
I think I had a call from Tom Holland the stray FM Harrogate at about 6 months ago wanted to have a little chat with me because he was doing the overnight show for straight on election night and I thought you know what a wonderful you know he knew what was coming if I think I've left a few months ago.
Retrain to be a train driver because he could see what was coming but there was doing a you know doing an overnight show on election night.
We're not too tired to feel like she waiting for declarations Norris of any copy on somebody you know grown up down the road in the in the Dales and all the rest of it and I remember as a teenager just as nearly as I am now.
You know go shopping with my mum and dad and walking past the stray Harrogate thing.
You don't mess about spotty nose up against the glass and so you know from that perspective you know it's sad.
I think it's sad in terms of the journalistic ladder.
If you like the local radio is a proud part of not that you can't have it incredibly fulfilling career.
You know the in local radio.
I don't mean to indicate for a second everyone would necessarily aspire to do you know working national race start in BBC local radio after training and learnt how to be a journalist and reporter on a local patch where you're the only person covering the stories.
He can't just copy what pressure social.
Britain and you know you properly learn how to tell stories and how to connect with an Audience with that connection is so much stronger inevitably it at a local scale so I think it's it's sad and I'm conflicted because I've also had a big fan of Greatest Hits radio and you know I wonder what are going to do with it as they have you know so many more licences that possibly be broadcast does that mean More Money More investment more programs or interesting games that are popping up.
So is a listen.
I'm intrigued.
You know on that side of it, but yeah, you know journalistic and for the sake of rich diversity of stuff coming out of speakers.
Yeah, you know it's impossible not to be a bit.
Do you think the local radio simply reach the end of the road apart from if it's publicly-funded like the BBC stations from my position of sublime ignorance here.
I wonder who stopped you before know absolutely right now as I said things.
Emerge from this into a different world.
That world is going to involve a lot less movement around the littlest free attitude to all go here.
I'll go there and you were affected one of a kind of things that might prove some you know shot in the arm for localness in terms of Interest because you know I noticed from my neighbours and you know the kind of take out of WhatsApp groups of people slandering their neighbours and wondering about the traffic calming and all that kind of stuff.
There is no shortage of people's interest in there for a small local area, then there's only want to know about the larger local area the one that the small local area and you do wonder whether it could be an opportunity of any kind or whatever they're talking to you.
Don't complete ignorance there and just the other the only other thing is I am a connoisseur of corporate announcement.
Media companies and I particularly comb any that come from Radio groups because I can I go through paragraph after paragraph to paragraph and I never see any benefit for the list.
The benefit is always to the group to the Advertiser to the technology.
It's really ever to the listener and I will say the same thing about this perhaps barrel be able to afford to get logos for their stations.
I'm just looking at their press release their terrible.
They have been done by kids and infant school.
What do we think of Ian Lee Leaving talk radio Chris Santa think because he's because he's so distinctive his knee is so so different.
He just needs a completely different way to anyone else really and so is unique so you know I know of him virus ex-wife BBC correspondent and exchanged tweets with them and what not what I've been listening.
So yeah, it's sad.
I hope he popped up again tomorrow easy sort of you know spent plenty of time in his career.
He had all sorts of different radio station.
So you know he's hoping you pop somewhere soon.
We wish him well, let's see.
Pause for a small commercial moment the radiated a program with broadcast bionics creators of The Bionic studio listening watching reacting to and learning from every spoken word Kolo sweet and SMS for a mix unlock and understand your content the bionic studio transforms everything about radio except.
It's the June round table from Radio today.
I'm tripping and David Hepworth is here Christmas is here and William Rodgers is here.
You've launched a few radio stations in your time.
What do you make of x radio which now has a full lineup announced for the impressive to be honest? I'm really looking forward to listening to it, but it sounds like I think it's a tremendous lineup.
It's almost endless list of pretty impressive people whether it's you go.
John Pienaar Ayesha hazarika Michael Portillo I mean it's impressive and the other thing about x radio is the owners of x radio only have to look they done with the other radio stations are not frightened of investment and they're not frightened of marketing and they're not frightened of putting the money behind the names and the quality broadcasting the that I needed when you got a little something with as prestigious and end and I think with talk becoming a person of you, but I think we've talked become ever more important as a component part of radio whether it's in the public domain all the all the private domain I think x radio is probably going to be one of the most exciting radio to take place in 2020 and beyond and it's it's a really good exciting initiative and I'm actually really looking forward to this it's going to create.
Interesting space of your friends have left the BBC to join x radio, not you.
What do you think the attraction is for them? I think it's probably the attraction of starting from scratch.
You know I think people like Phil Williams and Kelly MacDonald old mates from 5 live match.
All he was my lunch partner at Westminster one of the conventions of Westminster monster team up a couple of you and invite ministers and Shadow ministers out for off-the-record lunches and matter I've been lunch partners for the last 7/8 years and I know he's very very excited about doing good morning on times and Kieran for me is it you just love I just love alone to remember century 105 Manchester way back in the 90s Yorkshire Dales radio the Australian of super party Greatest Hits when Stuart Clarkson Radio today was doing the evening show back in the 90s.
I love it from this perspective.
It is not least because I guess the Counterpoint
Just had about about Darren and Greatest Hits is that you know you have you know that you end up with her that you know what network and therefore similar or identical products are lots of different places where the distinction.
I guess something like that comes along with its menu.
Isn't it? So you know from that perspective is a little beer.
I've been intriguing thing to click on you and your missus to switch radio back on thinking that's really good, but it looks like a conference.
Would it be ideal if we had our core and then we had you never mention that the conference goes down really well and then practice you think there's going to be a role and this is just too nice.
This is too comfy a middle-class dinner dinner party.
Set up you've got here but
Fair enough, it feels to me quite metropolitan and defects can be if they're open about that being a point of different the only thing that intrigues me.
Is is the strong Brand and in the times, you know the types of losing money for years as it is the time supposed to benefit the radio is the radio supposed to benefit the Times I'm not really but I'll certainly try and there's loads of broadcasters there.
I really like and I get the feeling that it would be like Radio 4 with us with less worried about its heritage.
Do you think Radio 4 would survive without its News Chris because actually I know you work on the news programs, but plenty of people at me.
That is the news programs that they find the most of putting their and they really wish it would be all the other stuff all day long and anyway maybe that's what time is radio is supposed that.
Radio 4 and I say this is a sort of longtime contributors as a political correspondent, but it's very much.
I shouldn't you be present at what I'm learning and my goodness.
I'm learning a lot but I'm learning is that the essence of radio for in terms of what you know is is offered to the listener.
Is that each program in its own way is distinctive and is different from everything else and so you'll be I suppose a fan of The Archers but maybe not necessarily listen to a great deal about of the network or anything you know any other combination of programs all that might be a bit of the schedule.
You don't think that close to but you devour other bits in other words.
There are some very big and S programme brands out there within the Radio 4 schedule as well as radio for itself being a brand and I guess in a way that lots of the radio stations tent pitch themselves as you know you turn on and you know what you're going to get to a Greater or lesser extent any time of day or night.
I guess that's different with the road, but Radio 4 always has been so in that.
Rattling around on the network, whether such a great diversity of stuff for want of a better word to describe it.
I think it's kind of always been there been the Radio 4.
Why isn't it I've got you.
Can I just ask you a thing about being on Radio 4? There is a certain weight on your shoulders and I've presented the very very occasional Radio 4 programme in I don't know whether you feel this sense of my god.
You know I'm on the heritage station now.
That's better watch my P's and Q's and also probably broadcasting to members of the royal family and members of the government and the judiciary and there are probably some Bishops tuna getting up.
I hope that what you doing.
I absolutely love this running running joke.
I did have a running joke when we did any questions in front of a live audience which obviously for the last couple of months hasn't been the case, but I will always joke to the audience.
One of those jokes where I meant every word of it that prior to words to what normally happens on the question is that was in the panel or walk onto the stage and about 10 to 8 on at 8 on a Friday night and the live audience in front of us put on Radio until 8:02.
So I'm a bit of a chat with the live audience and I always joked that sort of 75930 that here comes the bit which always makes me sit up straight in other words for PIP and they never fail to have that effect because you're just incredibly conscious of the sort of the weight of the brand the heritage of the brand the reach of the Brand and all of those things.
I never never fail to leave you, but then that's the that's the power of it and that's the privilege of it and you know I have never forget the privilege either ok.
We will need to find out what you three of been listening to you.
Got two choices to come will take another commercial break and then be right back without June round table.
Thank you.
Trevor yes in these lockdown days were living.
You might still be looking for a solution to get yourself on the air from home or to connect with guests for your radio show or podcast cleanfeed is one such solution which is were there is a completely free version to get you started within minutes and it's really good quality.
Just using a browser no software to download anything like that.
You send a link somebody other clicks on it and they connect with you in decent quality is really simple to use as I said and you find out more about it at cleanfeed dot net as cleanfeed dotnet original music for This podcast was composed by MiKasa the choices of our guest their recommendations podcast all programs.
I'm going to start with you and I'm guessing it's a podcast.
It's not actually strictly it's a good I don't know if you've ever dealt with this before I suppose it's paid audio.
Is a service which has the road the unlovely name of autumn spelt audm yes, that's right kids audm my god terrible name areas, but it's a good idea.
That was about 3 years ago in the States and basically.
It's long form journalism from the likes of New York Times the New York and London review books the Atlantic Vanity Fair Mulberry publications all run really long form features are features that you really can't be bothered to get around to Reading but you'll be quite hey listen to them if they're voiced by as they are in this case really high calibre voice actors and it goes together with their you pay about $8 a month.
I think you have an app and the app reads the you can read the item that same time as you listening to us polls as it takes you back to the same spot.
It's a beautiful bit of technology and it's just
By the New York Times company so I think and the New York Times company a very savvy when it comes to digital media it seems to me and so I think where they go others made following.
Do you like could be interesting to hear something from Oldham one day in early June Miller Harris the junior senator from California tap the glass of the bakery case that a blue bottle coffee shop non iconic block in Beverly Hills no one seemed to know if she was another polished professional woman grabbing an afternoon coffee which was fine by her presumably for the anonymity of a few minutes later her body woman delivered her cookie caramel chocolate chip covered in a light snowfall of flaky salt small pieces and put them in her mouth.
We talked about her early life rummaging through the layers for identifying details the child of immigrant academics who divorced when
Another cancer research came from India and her father and Economist from Jamaica has grew up between Oakland and the Berkeley flat but also spent time in towns in the midwest a little clip from Oldham just before I leave you on this occasion.
Dave I forgot to ask you what you make of the new way of doing the Arches my god, what's the single worst idea in the history of broadcasting? It's a simple as that it's basically turning the the Archers sounds like FanFiction suddenly sounds like somebody is absolutely fantastic.
I simply can't get through an episode you think this thing as survivor it hasn't survived wars has it that you know all kinds of national crisis, but you do wonder what's going to come up with the wreckage of ambridge after they're still it's a terrible idea.
I can't alright let's go to William Rogers William
The first recommendation I would with makers actually through BBC Sounds app which is a podcast and it's one of the Michael Portillo 2 series podcast about capitalism on trial and I think is coming out of all of these problems you you look out over the last 1015 years I do wonder whether it's going to lead to a much deeper more meaningful with you by almost everybody about what mass is and how society works and how capitalism itself needs to be changed and adapted to help that and it's a really excellent podcast if not a little dry in a little deep, but it's also interesting for the contributors and it's a fascinating 2 episode podcast remotely interested in the world around you and how you like me to be able to influence will be influenced by it and I would recommend you take a few minutes and listened to both of those episode as a former politician.
I think about whether we can maintain public support for a system that many associate within equity and I'm fairness.
There's a huge range of content erupting all of the world that is great that group inequality and discontent in many societies as a proven by recently in this country.
In this series I want to put capitalism on trial in the second program opera by the recent economic crisis suggest that capitalism has become more unstable and out of does it actually work anymore, but it was first programme I'm going to focus on the morality of capitalism.
Does it create more inequality than other systems does it turn us towards selfishness and greed on the other hand is there any other system that could live so many people had a and create societies rich enough to provide welfare health and education services of times already and Michael Portillo a first Choice play some what shows my first choice.
Call me traditional.
I'm actually a radio show and I am going to pick up now.
That's what I call a chart show on Greatest Hits radio with Mark Goodier on a Sunday teatime so 567.
It's kind of reclaiming that traditional charts spot and I'm it's just a great listen.
Good old-fashioned trusted guide at guiding you through you know big but then also of school records even taking a picture of my radio few weeks ago because I had this track I've never heard before and I just thought was an absolute Belter banner.
Man by Blue Mink
Anyway, it was just fantastic.
It was just this is terrific and I never had any of the first dignity is he left the building with many many many years ago and turn on study.
Leave me this way October 86 Five Star Rain or Shine their first single is called problematic.
They debuted on pebble Mill at one in the 80s.
They were on the side, but before it even finish the song they've been offered a major record deal on to November with another one of those feel good radio hits from the autumn of 1986 that still sounds good today at number for Swing Out Sister breakout David back to you for your second choice.
It's just because he can do.
Extraordinary podcast series four winds Of Change which comes out of the same people who do pod save America whatever and it sorted by Patrick radden, Keefe the rid of very good book about Northern Ireland and basically, it's the idea that somebody tell them 10 years ago that the Scorpions hit winds Of Change brought down the Berlin Wall because it was written by the CIA and so he decided he wanted to go off and end and investigate whether there's any truth in this.
I don't know whether you'll find that any true or not, but what I do know is this he's done 14 episodes.
Ok and hats off to anybody do 49% of these things related to someone things were talking about earlier about I do believe this.
I've been doing it with the word podcast is 2004 or whatever with my cousin and I also the Mark when you fear it's getting boring is when it's getting good.
And that's what I think is is one of the things that applies with podcast and lots of the things I like I like winds Of Change you know it's like slow burn the series from slate.
They do stories that you can't half no detail that you never you never expected at all and I find that quite exciting once you get into it the song is arguably too long the 14 Episode podcast series this definitely too long but anyway.
It's that seem strange that are Iraqi might have functioned as an agent capacity because I think if you look at the tools and techniques to Influence People so if you feel you put it in the context of the Cold War
Then it absolutely makes sense, but that music and other media like movies could be used to communicate with us as a kind of wheels of the West or more broadly to communicate the situation that you're in you're not alone.
Thank you for that Dave William it's time for your second choice second choice is from the eat your greens series of podcast in these are podcast about every week and they are discussions and chats with people who influenced something done something particularly unusual or change something and this particular one has been fascinating.
It's about a guy called me and Nick is someone who has run a marathon in every single country in the world including the most dangerous places.
And his explanations of his travels trials tribulations is a really fascinating listen and if you've ever felt like you've got something you need to come or push through or just keep going you could do a lot worse than listen to the podcast because he's a remarkable character and grit determination delivery report from that young man and it's a fascinating and what's it called again? It is actually eat your greens series of podcast and it's literally Nick butter the physical endurance the mental endurance of the financial insurance insurance x one another in a place where you you can't escape those two years of every country you have to keep this is very very difficult to keep in touch with with everybody know you got battles with Wi-Fi
I'm on my own writing in my own mind on my own to resolve the situation and so I think that was that was the hard the hardest thing is the whole thing was the compound effect and everything with no 11 bit of running was the opposite end of the spectrum the running with the easy bit and there's no butter from eat your greens company run by William Rogers let's go to Chris now for your second choice, please.
I should pick I think meanwhile in Brussels by Katya Adler which was on Radio 4 The today at the beginning of June and we have to catch up on BBC sounds, but because I want to go back to Italy commercial music radio example the one I'm actually going to pick because I just found myself being drawn to it and you know what I struggle to Almost get your head.
Why are loads to this presenter.
Do I think it's a combination of world economy passion that sense of being up a teenager century in the North West of England
Nick Jackson who does Sunday breakfast on Virgin just started I think in the last couple of months.
I've only discovered it in the last saw him there in the last couple of months incredible top of you never more than about 700 seconds long and yet managed to combine the colour a sense of de pays better personality and then bang straight on with the with the music and I don't know I am very very different type of broadcasting always listening to those guys and just trying to listen and learn really about how they communicate and see what little things I can I can take from it.
So that would be my that be my second choice Virgin Radio on the last day of May fine dry warm sunshine and June will start exactly the same music radio and missing you.
Handy hints and advice in America last week.
They took things one step further one of the big American TV networks, I think it was CBS did an hour long special haircut night and they both had a load of top hairstylist walking us through the perfect the perfect DIY home haircut and colour and style from their own home.
I don't think we have still time haircut night coming to a TV screen near you soon probably this morning.
Hope you're ok.
I'll get Jackson play some great 80s anthems so far this morning John Farnham John weight, but not all been from artist called John by the way.
They simple is celebrating their 25th anniversary this year and the celebrating by releasing some material wasted on you is new from Evanescence from Sunday breakfast.
That's Nick Jackson courtesy of Chris Mason bit of a surprise to find you a picking two bits of music radio Chris but delightful you did we usually who is any other business? Is there anything you'd like to bring up William that we haven't yet? So far.
Just a final thought that I hope that local commercial radio in Sandwich between the indifference of our politicians and the incompetence of its regulator Ofcom manages to survive and that would be my fine for on the subject Dave just the magic of audio.
That's the second podcast have been on this week this mention Blue Mink and put blue Maine Coon mix this and he'll I'm sure that take that recommendation on board.
Thank you very much for being on the show Chrissy clearly who's stamina? Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you Dave and thank you William this is the June edition of the radio today roundtable will be back in a month's time with the July version thanks for listening.
It was 30 years ago that Lancashire got its first taste of local commercial radio choice when red Rose splitted a.m.
And FM frequencies station began to rock FM gold on £9.99 a.m.
To make your own place now.
It's Friday June 1st 1990 North West
This is the new Red Rose Rock FM good morning.
It's bigger and better than ever and this is the new Red Rose Rock FM launching this week in 1990 called rock not because of its music but because it was very nearly go to Blackpool it's 2 years since Hits radio launched spawned from a marriage of the UK station the hits and what have been key in Manchester key 103 is upgrading the country's national commercial radio station ever to come from Manchester now because of this name is change.
Is well we are going to the UK on DAB digital radio as well as cost on 103 FM in Manchester and is now going to be known as Hits radio show for you and your mum and shivers down your spine the tingles you might lyrics of the Beat or synapses in your brain doing crazy science or something to do with the exact place in the universe.
You are at that exact moment in human history.
Anything in the world or the person you're head over heels in love with it's always going to be our song and this is our new radio station is Radio launching this week in 2018 much is being made just now I've radios incredible ability to boost download this week in 1941 we relied on the very same qualities of a medium is the BBC begin a new program intended as a morale booster for industrial British workers in wartime get around your own special show broadcasted from a large.
What time that you can do before a crowd of men and women once again.
We send an all-star cast radio musical artists and this is workers playtime.
We're Calling All workers in this country and in all the allied Nations is the euro and here is your show workers playtime.
We in the campaigns at the moment cast on both the BBC Home Service and the forces programme as well that began this week 79 years ago and until 1960 now if somebody launches a new radio station and asks you to do the breakfast you just say no to say no because very few of the Breakfast Show presenters who are on at launch of the station of a couple of years afterwards however having said that this week in 1973 Tony Blackburn ended his impressive 6 years on the new Radio 1 Breakfast Show and down like this in the 70s to say goodbye to your husband and your husband running after other women what's the time in 24-hour clock?
Play jazz on the freshman, Blackburn on breakfast commenting on the changes in the press that does Margaret's controller have Radio 1 and 2 said this is a schedule that isn't it just say as a summer schedule in case it doesn't work promotion to the morning promotion from Breakfast to be boring but anyway Edmunds what are the brightest Rising Stars his big chance in the early morning 10.
I will prove a great favourite with the audience.
So it was the beginning of this crazy phrase they do matter as you walk into school to work today.
Tsunami in your office today at 6:41 a.m.
Wednesday morning and Noel Edmonds who became the presenter of the Radio 1 Breakfast Show this week in 1973 Nicholas Parsons died earlier this year 2 years this week since he missed his first ever just a minute so I'm quite Roger things you should be allowed the occasional day off.
So two years ago this week and you breakfast presenter for Absolute Radio
Tomatoes cucumber carrots Dave there is debut on Absolute breakfast and that same week the programs previous presenter made his first appearance in Australia good morning as the Christian O'Connell Breakfast Show INXS new Sensation on gold 104.3 all the music been playing there since we launched at 6 this morning and just change in Great I didn't have a mess the first half hour or so, but even suggestion could have been the first song that played Erin gold 104.3 thanks for doing that is done.
Good things their Christian O'Connell making his debut in Australia in Melbourne on gold this week in 2018 so were the first test match special 63 years ago.
They won by 18 runs when it runs around punching the air the Boyz invader, Brand on Radio 2 40 years ago is unable to do Justice to Sophie's cooking for an extraordinary reason hit 4016 years ago 2 years ago every day like a little dream of a child coming this week.
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