Read this: Dicky Dodd and Radio TechCon goes online

The radiator day programme with broadcast bionics discover the world's leading brands at radio hello, I'm Stuart Clarkson and we're back this week on the radio Today programme will find out about radiotek on 2020 which is as you probably guessed going virtual this year also after 20-years of waking up Hampton dicky Dodd has a new radio home will chat to him and David Lloyd's radio moments is a big birthday for Pete Murray miles returns to commercial radio the Archers aims to spoil ITV's launch and David has a radio moment of his own stay tune radio today's founder and editor Roy Martin is here.
We're back.
Sorry about that.
Did I say you can have a week off circumstances prevent it happening.
I had a child at home with a cough, but it's all fine.
You a persistent cough but yes good news.
Is it all came back negative? So so good.
I think we've done pretty well through the whole coronavirus pandemic in providing a normal service so I think I have an occasional at glitch in the Matrix is fine, so I should let you off father so kind still not getting paid for it hang on let's go with the radio news has been quite a guy last week's and this is a bit of a hoo-ha really about Radio 1 dance and dance to Great fanfare by the BBC just after the new director-general said we're not gonna lunch and a new services and then ups Radio 1 dance on BBC sounds and then commercial ready to hang on a minute.
We don't like this that sounds the same as ready one dance as well, which is what they call it different.
Something that has been bubbling for a while think somebody leaves that it was going to happen quite a while ago, so it's come on.
I just on sounds kind of what we expected.
I think they would be an uproar if it landed on which the multiplexed across the UK and 128k with that wouldn't be good, but I think because it's just the sound thing then I think I'll get away with it.
Cos it's just basically repeating a lot of the stuff that's on radio an expanding awesome little bit so and sound great as well.
Yeah and obviously Andy Carter the former radio Shack in their involved with the old party parliamentary group on commercial radio that was kind of fighting the corner for radiocentre and say this shouldn't be allowed they should be what the BBC is about doing is competing directly with stations that we are running in the commercial radio sector which it is.
I don't think anything will be done up to change what's going to happen, but it's just what it is.
It's what the BBC do they've done it before and I'm sure they'll do it again.
Yeah, as well.
I think ages and ages ago.
They took was a things.
CO2 8ys as well at the time, but I'm guessing that what happened there shortly with all the other radio stations.
We've got that's just taking the mick isn't a little bit probably the biggest feedback.
I've seen about an issue on sweets of the letter will come to that was the tune in taking down International station, so you can't get foreign stations on TuneIn anymore that has caused a bit of a hoo-ha.
Yes, no because you can get them in other places.
Can you can if you know how to do like a proxy or whatever then you will do that, but it's just a shame for tuning because it's entire point of existing you say listen to radio from around the world.
I think they've been promoted at one point so it's a shame.
I mean we haven't been able to get us stations for a long time on TuneIn but now you can't get the all the stations in anything really outside of the UK and it's a big shame.
It would be interesting to see how that develop something and obviously UK stations can't be received abroad via, TuneIn
Gosport waste a ring just settling into a week's work kids back at school and all that and I thought I'm going to treat something interesting here and maybe get a bit of conversation going and I'll put the word a is the start of a sentence another hundred replies later.
It was great.
Just sat there watching the more coming.
We need more stuff like this on on the Twitter Twitter let's face it it's full of rubbish these days.
It really is so I thought I'd just make people smile and achieve that was the plan.
I think it did I think you did I will look forward to the next letter at some future if you're not already following at radiotoday joiners for
A bit of fun, I didn't hear anything.
I should have really tried to listen because I was a massive fan of car park catchphrase with Roy Walker back in a 1 days, but miles brought it back last week.
You tuned into have a listen this was brilliant a silver heard this was happening on Tuesday and yeah, it was exactly like it was on Radio 1 all the pre-recorded Walker inserts made them.
It was obvious the little bits of Nations internations whatever that word is slightly different by the way.
He says he's waving and the fact that he says only on radio x right at the very end.
Obviously give the way that has been back in the studio recording some it because I used to say in the exact same way only Radio 1 so it was good to hear we even had Dominic on the bums.
Give you a fan of the show nobody did a few months.
On the 1st of the 2nd morning earlier, I heard so well done for the bombs.
Cos I was always my favourite bit cos I used to start work at 10 at smooth and I always will it away from work and you exactly where I was in Manchester which road goes on every time every morning when they did the bombs so it took me right back to that particular Road in Salford Quays ex and that's alright former bosses.
He was obviously listening to his own radio station driving in not to a different one because nobody does that nobody does that a bit of a fine for Punjab what's been going on here £30,000 fine yeah panjab radio which has been on and off the national multiplexers over its 20-year existence has been I mean Punjab does such a great job in in the community and in the serves everybody rallies around and they get stuck in and they were really well respected.
Listeners, but this one incident which happened literally the couple of years ago August 2018 something happening One Show which got a complaint about and then they found in breach of the licence taken off Converse long to say yeah, that was very very bad.
We're going to find you and £30,000 so at the stations been can I living with this for last couple of years and been brought to an end in the giving a fine and that's the end of it.
They can move on but they put on the Facebook page.
Let me find it they they said it's costing around £80,000 legal fees plus the £30,000 so it's not going to do a lot of good for them.
I don't know if you got the money hanging on but let's hope the station can continue and they continue doing all the good work.
They do just a shame wonderful things for everything yeah.
This is why I compliance training is an important thing all the time.
Does about that to case on the weather today dot.co.uk of course can I just say on the back of that when I say a little thing is always been major thing because what the presenting question did was very wrong and it should put what I'm saying is that you know it can be one thing that generate such a massive fine like that.
Yeah, the measurement might have any control over that whenever I the procedures you put in place around it at 20-years on the areas where you can read about from Martin and Sue from Radio Essex ceased to be on Essex FM and heart and places like that and I still story and ready today about them and this call Maya coming up in a couple of weeks on Radio 2 Lennon at 80.
It's made by listen the Independent production company sounds like a really good show they've got together Sean Lennon Julian Lennon so John's two sons as well as support McCartney and sir Elton John got a line-up for show and that sounds fantastic and such a scoop as well.
John Lennon's what would have been John Lennon's at 80th birthday next month because it can be 40 years this December since he was shot in New York as well, so a big year for Lennon anniversaries and details on a website all about radio for consumers something you're right your family would rather than yourself all the rage actually remind you when that's coming on or off.
You subscribe to the tweeter which is very good if I do say so myself coming up on This podcast then I heard you say something earlier about David Lloyd having a Radio mum-to-be Zone he has that still to come at the end of this podcast and before that we're gonna talk to Dicky Dodd who's also in the radio news this week.
He's found himself a new home in Wolverhampton after 20 years almost with the wolf and signal 107 and he's on the way after we talk about radiotek on next.
The radiator day programme with broadcast bionics creators of The Bionic studio listening watching reacting to and learning from every spoken word Kolo sweet and SMS the next unlock and understand your content the bionic studio transform everything about radio except the way you make it this is the radio today.
I'm going to chat now about tech 2020 has been the year of tech and there's a fantastic event happening later this year.
That's going online as most events are and Charles is one of the organizers of Rage techcon.
Hi Anne hello for texts on his back again this year.
It's happening on the 30th of November but surprise surprise people go to attend from home.
Yes, we were holding out to see if we could do this real life, but it was it's not going to be possible, so we're gonna do it isn't we're going to call it an online extravaganza because we don't want you to feel that you're sitting at the computer for 8 hours a day we're going to be as invented.
Possibly can be whilst everyone is dealing with internet connections home and we'll come on to talk about some stuff is gonna get covered at take all but one thing that caught my eyes the main thing you missed by not actually go to a conference is the networking in the chat into the speakers and the other delegates and so using the text this year to make those kind of the other bits around the conference happen properly as well.
Yes, so we've got an online and we really looking to make sure that we got something that made it that eventful and he still had the conferencing in the networking going on so because obviously the talks are very valuable and when you're trying to persuade your ticket is absolutely about the Education that you get but we all know it's also about meeting your friends and Eldon you and finding those new contacts, so we've built in the hole and meeting and greeting it as part of it, so is well as the kind of usual on my messenger chat stuff that you get will also have some virtual breakout rooms so I have a bit of a Russian Roulette during the breaks over kind of rotate you cancel route.
The groups of 10 people then we'll have some volunteers and their to facilitate things if you're really sure you don't have to do it you can hide in your virtual corner, but you know you still be able to meet people and also wanted to make sure that and you can still meet the sponsors and see all the shiny new pieces of equipment that they got to show off like you would do at a trade fair, so each other sponsors.
Will have a virtual room as well.
You can go in in the brakes going in and meet those sponsors and find out what they've got to show you and they can run you a demonstration or you can chat to them about your latest project so we're trying to make sure that we've got that interactivity as much as possible and then during the sessions will be able to have questions and answers.
Let me normally do so we very much want to make it feel like it's interactive and that you're still part of the community and you can meet your friends of the technology community and not that you're going to have sore eyes from just looking at a screen for a holiday cos that would be awful about your being shot.
I'm not one for networking.
Like you in real life, but I went on my own business zoom call thing the other week and I thought it would just give me a room with like you know 100 people and I might you just listen and take part, but they met through these little rooms we50 people and I was like but it was actually pretty good and I came away really enjoying it so I think if you are shy actually doing an online thing with just a smaller group as part of the big event is actually really good way to meet some new people and you can always just pretend that you know your webcam is broken.
I'm not going to force you to be social like we we are dealing with engineers.
We understand so yeah, it is the Sunday and say will kind of do in the way that's fun and I think it that shared experience of it being a bit different breakdown some of the barriers as well.
That's more exciting things for now, but he said you know it's the year of Teck this year because whether that has been people having to do things using Newtech because of covadonga weather.
You're the arrival of things like small-scale multiplexers that are now being licence or using networking in different ways or new radio stations launching and doing it all from home.
It take has really been at the forefront of creating that's gone on the radio this year.
Yes, I think the engineers up and down the country has certainly if you didn't realise how important they were before this year.
This is probably make sure that you give them an extra nice bottle of whiskey at Chris because they certainly been going above and beyond to make sure that the the country stays on there and I think that radio has really listen to that challenge very well, because a lot of a used to do I broadcast now and of course many presenters already broadcast a little bit from home, so it'll be really interesting to see how much this change affects the way that we make radio long-term text when I'm going to reflect what's been going on this year as well again.
Yes definitely be looking at the lessons learnt and then we'll be hearing the story of how time to radio got an air which would have been an interesting enough Technic
But then throw into the middle the pandemic happened halfway through and they're meant to Lawrence and Sunday everyone wasn't allowed to be on site in the way.
They would save trying to get a brand new network on it when you've got the minor matter of cobit going on it's going to be an interesting story, but we're also going to make sure that we do settings that aren't about because we really want to take should we reflect what was going on but they're not every about the pandemic because I think we're all fed up with it by now.
I will try and get that balance between the kind of inspirational new technology that's coming and knowing where where technology is heading in the future.
So you can be prepared for it and then also reflecting and celebrating the work everyone has done this year.
We've got some more things that you going to be announcing soon-to-be need to buy their tickets before they run out because even though it is a virtual thing there is a limit on number.
Yes to make sure that all of the breakout areas work.
We still have a cap on the tickets, so it'll be 200 people like normal and we've already started been really lovely actually the day that we launched the tickets.
We had loads of people buy tickets.
Play which was just as someone who have any run it for the community and we doing in a different format as always a little bit worrying so it's just really reassuring to see that people but still buying tickets.
We know it's been kind of difficult year for people financially and with all of the that covid stuff going on so we have made the tickets cheaper across the board this year to reflect the fact that way that virtual environments, so hopefully that will help as well and I did I say something you're sending out goodies.
So you know like you get a goodybag when you go to a conference even though you're going to be sat at home for new computer you get some stuff from the sponsors things.
Yes, so everyone who's based in the UK who registered by the deadline will be sent a goody box and that will have all sorts of things in I can't tell all of them just yet, but I can promise you there will be cake so hopefully all of us to be coming to be things but one of one of our sponsors broadcast radio has been official sponsor of cake many years.
Very keen to make sure that tradition continues say you will be getting cake don't panic and obviously you know you using the text to do this so it's almost like you know.
It's just a massive radio OB that you're doing and put it on as a conference so I suppose you being text people running.
It's all going to go smooth.
Isn't it? I mean what could possibly yeah, we were having this gas into the company that does the platform and put it this way ensure engineering that we are kind of pushing it to the limit of what it it's so I think that will be quite fun and thankfully are audiences all people who enjoy technology in and enjoy experimenting with it.
So hopefully they'll be on side but yes and already starting to make sure we got proper connectivity for other speakers.
What do we do if airline goes down at the last minute and all that kind of stuff to say yes, it's it's a complicated headache behind the scenes but hope
It will mean that we have a really fun event on the day and what are the things you've done at Con in the past as bursary scheme to get kind of knew people involved in your event and that something that businesses or individuals can sponsor absolutely £29 plus VAT so if you would like to sponsor a birth to replace it means that people who are from backgrounds underrepresented in broadcast engineering or who are facing a financial challenge, so isn't something that everyone's got down the back of the sofa.
It means that they can attend so if you would like to sponsor a bursary would have to hear from you and it's team at radiotek con.com nice catch of you and it's 30th of November I was going to have anybody your house round your place radiotek com.com if you wanna get your ticket booked.
The radio Today programme with broadcast bionics changing radio all over again at bionic radio the radio today.
We're going to speak to a legend of the O in Wolverhampton who he you say of course.
It's dicky Dodd hello welcome to podcast here.
Thank you.
How are you? I'm alright and we'll talk about what you're up to now in a moment, but best part of 20-years on on the Frequency in in Wolverhampton and 8-years on some other ones around to Kidderminster in Shrewsbury and Telford bit of a change for you this year a massive change in a massive joke to my everyday kind of routine, which I've been doing for many many years like you're saying I join the Wolfpack in 2001.
It was one of those jumps into radio back in Wolverhampton open at Beacon before that and I'm driving for 8 months and the chance we're back in Wolverhampton was just too much of a big ball from its of course.
I agree to it and then we will the wall for many many years until we rebranded as signal when I said.
Mmvi so it's a bit kind of changed as well within those years of what we did on the air because obviously you know we like and it's like Google Maps resume Dan Wolverhampton and then we got tell from Kidderminster to Shrewsbury zoom out of it and be a little bit less local but we were quite local because of the split links that we could do it through zetina and lots of ownership changes obviously over the year.
We'll talk about the latest one in a bit, but yeah you live all through that change a lot of people that small local radio stations new people come in new programmes coming the group people coming and they want to change but you know you were there throughout the whole time.
Yeah, I think you know I think it's 32 without sending beginning of what I've done over the years of I've just knuckling down and getting on with it and going with the changes cos you've got to do that.
I think you know when when somebody else comes in you've got to go by there all booked in and they game plan and you either embrace it and do what they want or you don't need and I've seen people who have been in radio who have gone against the grain and decided to do.
You know what they don't want and you can't survive that you've got to be able to you know play by the rule book the bottom line is the pain your wage and let me Drive somebody doesn't change that much to be honest.
You know there's a few changes in systems that go in place of something else that changes but on the whole it does kind of remain the same because of the Ethos of local radio is that you've got to be local you got a surveyor you've got you know grassroots level you've got to be in front of people on their Street in their life and and that's what we did and I'm kind of Pride in the fact that I've survived quite a few changes down there over the years, but I've worked with some great people you know through those different companies.
I've learnt hell of a lot from lots of people most recently Terry Underhill who's a great friend of mine.
He is a fantastic mentor and he supported me have a lot you know last year lost mum and that was a massive change in my life personally and he was one of the most supportive people.
I've had in my radio.
And you know professionally he supporting me have a lot and even now remain friends and he's give me lots of advice and lots of the people on the way as well without the singer that one person but it's been a rollercoaster ride the factor.
You have been there such a long time as well.
Meant that you walk around Wolverhampton to go to events people know who you are and that's important to Camden Market a local radio station in a busy West Midlands market absolutely and I think you know we did a hell of a lot you know considering the resources.
We had that you know on that plane feel that level playing field with you know the other big brands heart smooth capital most recently you know with barricombe again and you know with acquiring free before they quoted us and all that we had to really battle and be out there and do stuff, but when we close events we secured the family is like I posted the Wolverhampton marathon for 14 years Christmas light switch ons for 15 years of the City Council bonfire.
Wolverhampton Racecourse at so the good thing was at once we got something very rarely we lost it because of I think with what we did and the way that we worked really well alongside those organised like the council and whatever and I was really proud of what we didn't because that's what local ready is about we got to be at your local radio station.
I think you've got to be in people's back gardens part of their life reflecting what they do and that's when you get your loyal listeners, I think because they're really locking and you get that emotional connection with them, but it's been a difficult time the last couple of years obviously since the purchase and then being in that hold separate period in limbo.
How did you find that kind of the uncertainty of what was going to happen again? You know that started February last year 2019 and we were just literally pulled over by the announcement that we were going to be bought item whenever and initially we thought it will happen quite quickly and then obviously the whole separate happened the CMA got involved and we all had different thoughts and different scenarios and ice.
Suicider mind run away with different outcomes that could have happened at because the CMA was involved and you obviously the one that happened was at the same.
I give the green lights and they was allowed to go and that change happen, but it was a weird feeling because near on 16 months we were treading water.
We were wanting to do the things that we've always done and wouldn't know when the process was going to win so like month 1-month 2-month 3-month for you because I'm looking ahead to think are we still going to be here in 6-months and then we were and then it kind of messed with everybody says that if I'm really starting lots of people that suffer the mentally.
I think you know me included you know I got some support and some counselling because it was as well with my mum passing away in March of last year was massively people for me so professional person in my life or whenever there's a lot to deal with them, but then you still going to go on the every single day and deliver that entertaining show and not show listeners that what is going on.
Is affecting you and it was difficult and I think everybody found it rather difficult but then there was a sense of relief when we knew what was happening and then obviously have the chats with r that we were going to be losing their jobs because of the restructuring all that so as much as it was a central if it's a bit of a shock if you're not mean you kinda know that something's going to happen, but when it does actually have nothing it's July Kino a juggernaut.
What could potentially happen but once the CMA made that decision it was I think pretty obvious to everybody in the industry and you just got a kind of accept that and get the bigger picture of things haven't you absolutely and I've said this all the way along and I said with the guys at Barwick in our fully accept it.
I understand the reasons why that they're going down that route with the business and you know it's because they can do what they want me then.
That's what I meant to say a lot of people you know and people would kick a bit of a think about what was going on but the bottom line is they are the key to the door and they can do what they want with it? You know it's one of those.
Who wrote you've got to accept and you've got a move on because again if you don't or you going to do is eat yourself up inside and plays with the mental health and the thing is it's not going to change anything because that situations happened.
You have to get on with it be professional and I and I gave them my word.
I would be professional up and that last show I won't do anything detrimental on there.
I would do anything detrimental publicly about going on because you know I've built up my reputation over nearly 26 years in radio now and I was not going to undo that just because of something that's happened in my professional life you know so I think you might like that and because I want to carry on the radio of course you know all that accept it.
I guess you were still pretty sad the last time you walked out of the house after the final show it was strange.
It was really really strange because I've been in that building going every day more Les for 19 years and even things like the security guards when I get to the barrier first thing in the morning like at 4:45 in the morning.
You know that have a quick chat with me about either the Wolves score or something then heard on the other day before and not to have those those relationships.
You know I'm a good listener as well.
You know the people who have called me literally every day was have been there of those years and you become part of one listener said to me Janet who lives in Telford blessed.
So did he become part of our family you know you are there the radio on there's only mean you in the house.
She said her husband passed away many years before you become a friend of these people so it was really strange very emotional.
I did a few times because people playing the messages through Facebook on that day and are we turning into final showing was emotional and I have to say the word certain points during that show where I could feel a tear in my eye because it was final it was you know that realisation that that day that was going to be at you know it was happening all over the country as well as the thing is yeah, but I mean obviously you know you can't keep a good man down.
Found yourself a new Breakfast Show you covering recently at we are in Wolverhampton and they've given you the show for a little while now yeah, and I love that and I love the opportunity and I vowed when I first finished at 7 that was another home until September from a said that that's it and the month was saying it's not going to put 4:30.
I'm looking forward to having a lie-in and and on one have a bit of a rest and clear my head and then try and Roadmap of 101 do marijuana b&fc because of the changing radio landscape at the opportunity is a lot fewer now and then into week number 2 I said that what I'm getting a bit bored.
I can't do this and I can see how it plays a people's mental health because I was finding it difficult not doing anything again that ritual of the last 6 and half years doing breakfast at 107 the 19 years was there but the last 6 and half years religiously getting up everyday and then not having that routine to do that sense of purpose was really difficult to deal with and these guys we see I said looking at.
Chat with them and then I was initially covering just a week of breakfast because you think going away on holiday remember conversation Cambridge you fancy staying if we can find a sponsor and garden and the time being this is my new home and it is a fantastic radio station.
There's some really dedicated people here and I think my people think about Kim me to radio they think small-scale always see Natalie Tim Potter trust me especially here isn't Anna's not lots of Jimmy stations across the UK now who I think they're going to step up and feel that void for local radio because it's telling me they're still and a Hunger I think of people out there in our markets who still want to hear a local voice talking about local issues talking about local things even the traffic and travel the good thing is here.
I've also I'm talking about Wolverhampton and the landmarks under the alternative routes for people to go down so that wealth of knowledge really comes into play and I think that's probably nowadays with a lot the stations of move out.
The local area and the become network tonight.
I think we've got a real opportunity ne68.
Yeah, I don't know the detail of we are but I know you know with the lot of community radio stations.
They struggle to monetize and getting somebody who's been on the air in that market for a little while has got some brand identity if you like that's going to help with the commercial viability of permutations as well isn't quite a few conversations already with client sent you know tile Choice for instance one of them who sponsored me when I send for many many years and has Kevin he's the owner and straight away.
He says wherever you go.
Let me know if it's commercial station and you know I'll come and sponsor you and he has quite a few clients who are having conversations with now who can do exactly the same so you know luckily that as we caught it at the gods of brandy something that they can you know they can kind of cell and an and hopefully your money ties and the response we've had here is been immense from listeners people coming across and send it to you back on the radio and great so true local radio again and all that kind of different.
Is bowl me over to be honest it's been amazing.
I'm so pleased so pleased for you and I hope you enjoyed that week off.
Cos you wanting to do another night and there's a breakfast now.
Is it forever? We'll see how long it lasts you know I have to say I'm enjoying it.
It's never getting back in the saddle and being back in the studio every day and I'm just doing radio you know it's in my blood and I think lots of Us you know you know this.
I think you get to radio it part of you.
It's not a job.
It's a way of life and I think once you don't do it you do really miss it.
So I think you know there's that kind of addiction.
I think we've all got to radio and luckily I've got the outlet to be able to do it again.
I know it's really sad.
That's lots of people who were going out radio and somebody coming to people as well that we've lost over the past couple of months great to talk to you and thank you so much and thanks for your time and you said I was taking Dad here on the radio Today programme David Lloyd's radio moment still to come and a big announcements at first just a word about cleanfeed which is a great way.
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95 years old this week.
It was heard on the first day of Radio 1.
He was in the 1940s on the BBC light programme in 1958 and later heard on Radio 2 and LBC Happy Birthday Pete Murray is Little Thing entitled white house which is what I'm barely will be done with very heavy does anymore that.
Chapel from limestone floor May from time to time I did model and my career originally on you because I used to listen to you on when you are really like somebody was the polling jokes, so when he said it to me you said you were my inspiration.
I based my whole career on you.
I said I've never been so in my life 5 years ago this week X FM became radio x and Moyles was back automatically you said yeah, what was wondering press?
Radeon 9700 mild not yesterday I apologise for any of the clients who have given money for I'm going to play them now and it's not if they don't work our physically I swear every single buy something for me today because they're reading light heat and just like it.
Does it for him, so it must be easy exactly so I'm there are a few things that I'd like to ask you first ok, then.
Why did you say that a new radio station has launched called radio x and then told us all about it.
Yeah, but if that information for that information is for people listening who tuned In Radio x launching with Chris Moyles this week.
D15 one of the familiar radio photographs of the 1980s speak to you and smiling curly-haired Peter Powell and his Radio 1 days came to an end this week 2 years ago number of people close to the radio studio producers may be involved in a long time and sunny help me out with my career so far starting with the person as she's fine me I like to thank you darling Davis Roberts Radio on the first place to Johnny billing is love me to stay here.
Thank you.
Johnny to my first producer 15 years ago when I did 11.
What's on Radio 1 tonight or 18 19 20 Wilson Dave taters left radio One's now will service Tempest Sunday in that order of the looked after my show and two people behind the scenes secretaries dulcie Eileen pinky Karen and very special.
Thank you to Margaret as well.
So maybe one two names I missed out.
I'm sorry if that's the
Which shows on the air as we say over 11 years, thank you very much one more record player and then just one final word and then that sits and this is the last record from Joan Armatrading love and affection that song Peter Powell leaving Radio 1 this week in 1988.
He's made a huge name for himself since as an agent to some of the biggest stars this week in 1967 BC was preparing for the launch of Radio 1 The Old BBC light programme was reaching it's end as did it's most famous programs.
It's theme tune was puffing Billy played by the melody Light Orchestra Danish state which is why whenever you see up fond film about the 1950s that always be playing this tune.
Children's favourites on the BBC light programme for 13 years until this week in 1967 it became the choice with Leslie Crowther has Radio 1 began before it was called Children's favourites.
It was called Children's choice and building on a long heritage shell for a children's programme from the very the BBC The Archers has been in the news of light wrestling with the challenges of recording episodes in lock down hello fellow, ambridge cricketers and welcome to my video this was Romans idea.
You know my fellow.
He got fed up with pneumonia.
It was in the news to this week 65 years ago with a controversial plot Grace Archer died in a
Turn on SoundCloud race coming out in a rush.
This is the program the file for the arches in 1955 and here we have evidence of the BBC plotting to do down the opening of ITV they had already decided that the young fallaci was going to get married and only a few months later his wife was going to die in some kind of tragic accident is life of Grace and we have the memo which obviously proves that.
Decided to put two things together and kill off Grace Archer as a kind of spoiler on the opening night of ITV end of Grace Archer this week in 1955 Nicholas Parsons died on 23rd of September last year his final edition of just a minute was this week that yeah, but it's a message who created this amazing game and deeply in debt is talented players of the game Paul Merton Jan ravens and Stephen Fry from the audience from the little Parsons and the team goodbye.
Thank you and tuning when we play Just a Minute of just a minute on Radio 4 with Nicholas Parsons died 4 months later so with Ed Doolan joining BBC WM 38 years ago.
I don't know to be honest.
I really don't know I think this is one you're going to have to talk to Dudley consumer services about the death of Peter takes from here and Trent 18 years ago ok.
Fright loads of people on the line and not too many ladies, so it like some ladies clothes girl on the line first tube Spire FM 28 years ago good morning.
My name is Chris Carnegie and the staff and many friends have your new radio station final show on Radio 1 for 36 years ago Alan Freeman taking over Pick of the Pops from David Jacobs 59 years ago.
There's only one you coming in this week's top 20 on my name is Helen Shapiro own correspondent beginning on the BBC Home Service 65 years ago.
I remember from another department correspondent.
You mean a programme was just talking.
I wouldn't like to be the third dispatch on a program like that Virgin Radio unveiling its web radio.
20-years ago that was an online version of the radio station carrying different dads and there were also planning themed stations by the end of the year.
It was a steak in the head of itself those are this week's radio and it's the last ferry amendments weekly review I'm David Lloyd thank you for your interest over the last 9 years the daily tweets continue on this day in history the radio moments conversations that continues but as far as the weekly review this thing is concerned It's All Over by mystery hang on David David what are you doing then sometimes? You just done adlt on the radio Today programme no I didn't say anything remotely like like like he did why is no-one got a great quality.
Copy of that would be a road nobody's got I think you just read that down the phone to the German this later quite frankly but anyway that was that was younger because that was DLCs farewell on Radio 1 when he made clear that they were wrong and he was right.
7 years ago, what was the question were thank you for the last 9 years.
It's been the best part of This podcast quite frankly and now it's no it's going to be over quite sad about that.
I don't think you are the end for a very good reason people can opt-out go to short way that halfway through but the interesting lovely fun over the last night.
It was on the Radio Academy podcast and son yours and you've been a lovely yet home for it for many many years I got some lovely feedback and it's like radio and let you sort of godrive miles and Miles we walk in and you meet your listeners.
You know people I hear you everywhere this very flattering really fascinating together week by week and I've tried to give you a fresh but there's a number of times you can actually say radio Aire Lawrence this week, so you know you have to hand maybe maybe somebody else will take it.
I don't know but we still going to continue with the daily tweets about this day in history and also the ready moments conversations series The hour-long.
With particular people will continue III do stress and we have to save you haven't listened to all of those yet, then you must listen to the entire back catalogue 120 or something but they're all fascinating brilliant really really enjoyed listening to that it's recording as well.
Cos you just get inside people's head seeing you you they took out you for Amazon and take 4 hours to record and people you know it's it's emotional training well Lloyd still here.
I think are you in tears Roy is that a laugh or cry? I can't tell disappeared and then Trevor did 190 David going as only has left what's going on well next week.
I've got a surprise for your boy.
I know he's getting better means.
It'll just be me having a moan every week you have to tune in next week to find out.
Thank you David we really really appreciate your hard work and wish you well in your continued efforts to preserve the history programme broadcast.
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