Read this: Radio Academy 30 Under 30 2021

This podcast will talk about the real world Radio Academy 30 under 30 2020 11 speak to the charity judges and Sam Bailey from the Radio Academy first and then we'll hear from some of the 30 sells Scarlett O'Malley knelt, Hilton rozena, Bernard and Katie Johnston all on the west of the bionic studio the smarter way to make radio welcome to another radiotoday podcast is the third one in three weeks.
It's becoming about the Habit this Sam Bailey has been on two of them out of 3 and his back again.
Hi Sam I think there's a conspiracy going on here, but there we are so Sam Bailey's with emotion director of the Radio Academy Withers c Parkinson from Barrow the chair of Judges for this year's 1330.
Hi Steve hello everybody so 3130 back again this year.
10 years now since the first luas came out and another really high calibre of people on this list by the looks of it Sam reminders first, what the 30 under 30 is all about.
Why do we do it is our opportunity as an industry to come together and recognise the talent of the future.
I suppose the people that will be you know like Steve running power in the future.
Maybe or turning the BBC or maybe running Radio today.
It's people with exceptional Talent and a proven trajectory in radio and audio there people that we think other the bright lights through their work whether that's on BBC commercial or Community Radio demonstrated that they've got passion scale an amazing understanding of the me, so it's an opportunity every year to Frankley at sit back and kind of look at this incredible listen think yeah, the future of our industry is in safe hands and I think we all felt that watching the the names.
Be released on Wednesday and all the lovely comments that people were getting and really great just see such a huge amount of variety in the list as well, and I think 200 + people put them forward.
I will nominated Steve so I really high calibre for your just pick from indeed.
I've been the chair I think for about 9-years.
I think so we worked out the other day.
So it's been really interesting over the years to see not just the quantity of people that want to take part but also the quality and almost how is of changed over the years in terms of diverse of occasion of skills and number of people this year that you're many more freelance or people working two or three jobs in Hilton who's great example.
I think he's coming up later in the podcast teasing head.
He's a great example where you know certainly 2-3 years ago he was.
Absolute now.
He talks about working at TBi and Radio 1 and Radio 2 and so you can stents people are really focusing on potentially working two or three jobs as part of a kind of freelance portfolio which I thought was was really interesting so for me sort of 9 years in we've had to really Focus are any judges on trying to score as fairly as possible because it's a very very difficult process to have to say you're deciding on who should be in in the final 30 and sat in his new role and academies done a fantastic job of focusing down even more on what were trying to score and building some score guidance around your impact where the people need a significant difference to their audience or their colleagues or their community again.
It doesn't have to be a big station or a big production company.
It's about impact on whatever you're able to influence.
Scale have they done something really big or impressive and you're in their particular role of the last 12-months and then quality in a how has their work been of an industry-leading standard, are they using the bar for everyone else and I think that Focuses has really helped develop the pride that people have been in the final 30 Steve mention their Sam the you know that the mix of people who are already at national stations at such a young age or the smallest station, but showing some great work.
You know it's about getting that balance.
Isn't it? Because you can achieve great things by the 2:30, but you've got to have some potential there as well to be on this list yeah absolutely and it wouldn't be a great Lister for we were saying as you know who's that.
There are people like now to have presented on Radio 1 but if 4:30 people that have broadcast on a national network it becomes quite quite difficult.
Play radio community Radio station in South Wales so you know very established pillar of the community radio community but very very focused on his on his local patch in South Wales as well, so as Steve said it's about impact within your your Spear if you like that with others in their that working with podcast small relatively podcast audience making incredible material and making a fantastic impact with their contributors of young people or diverse Communities so yeah, it's it's about having have a really impressive few years in the industry and showing that you you're on that rejected.
You're on that path and went and really a lot we wrote in the judges guidance was does this make you go and get this feeling when you're reading stuff, would you just go blimey that even if you've never been to South Wales even if you've never come out in that community you can tell that.
To pick him again that you can tell that the work that he's done.
There's had a great impact on the community so yeah, it's really nice to be able to kind of see The Spread and he said you'll be involved.
Obviously quite a few years now people get on this list.
How do you think it impacts their future career what they choose to do when the contacts that have an industry, so it could be a game-changer for some of them.
I think so, I think the the passion and focus and commitment they have in participating and in submitting.
You know their entry anyway.
I think then when you end up in the final 30 people have sent me the last few years that day use it on their biographies and cv.
It's a bit of a calling card with I think many people in the industry now sort of take note that alright ok.
You've been a long night of the other 30 and I think people it's just an extra attention bullet point often in a CV so whether it's simple as that or you know whether they use it to network amongst.
People in there in a class or in the history know it take it too good talking point as well.
I think those networks across the industry.
It's another way of talking to the people across history whether that's through broadcasting radio stations production and so on so I think people do use it to help them through their next part of their career which is fantastic to hear that for people considering applying next year.
Is it something you've got to be quite self confident about to do to put yourself forward for something like this.
So yeah well, so we can we accept entries from people putting themselves forward but also you can nominate other people so Theron credit people in your team on your organisation that you would like to put forward for it you you can write it on their behalf that is perhaps a little bit to do at rather than you know we were very generally very humble people are we and it's it can be challenging to kind of right.
There's a big yourself up in that way, but it it really is necessary and
Like you spend all our lives talking about we did this and we'll work as a team, but it's a bit like the job interview kind of mentality that you have to start saying hi Dad we are we actually asked the judges too kind of make sure that was in the entries of individual action that this particular person took because it's it's difficult to kind of identifying individual within a team sometimes.
So you do have to be quite confident to be quite clear about what you've accomplished and able to articulate and provide evidence so if there's steps that you can share with other Bay times from judges or management of people that are recognised you through the recent years in your career.
That's all was really helpful for the judges to see what companies does this give you Steve in terms of industry eurowizja senior figure at one of the big commercial radio groups when you see these applicants and the quality of the work they doing the things are getting involved with that give you some confidence about the future of Rail
Really does the passion and inspiration you get from all of the entries really in again.
We always say we wish it could be 1530 because there's so many great people in the industry and actually I think one of the things that's really brought it alive this year and it'll well done to some for bringing the same with the Academy and also for our multi-year sponsor and partner real world that must a special mention because Anthony gay has been one of the backbone sponsors and supporters of the 1330 as well if you go to Twitter and you no listen to the reveal announcement that will made for each person does a 2 minutes segment of each person and brings alive their passion and their story and what's really interesting is many of them talk about how to uni autumn college to learn psychology and languages and film but actually it was radio and audio that pull them into their career so bringing that story alive is Israel
Racional and other people like broken magic she tells about her journey from Wales and again.
I think she studied psychology I think but her Christmas radio on audio and she worked hard and ended up at magic Charlotte Lynch as well LBC talks about going into her global Newcastle studio on a visit read the news for fun and Sam Tom noticed and now she's lvc in London as a journalist and broadcaster, so just hearing those stories come alive.
Just give you great hope for the industry in the future for the industry as well.
I think you've got obviously people in production.
You've got people in journalism and you've got some presenters in there, but there's a couple of people that are in sales and talking about the sponsorship and promotions.
They were closed and all the deals that they've made you've got people in engineering the set-up incredible outside broadcast during the pandemic.
You've got people in digital and social media so it's following on from there.
Academy festival theme of the talent that is what makes the radio industry in the audio industry, what it is.
It really Showcases quite, how many rolls there are out there and how everybody is a vital part of the radio and audio content get to the audiences and if you're still under 13 you're not been on this list yet.
Make sure you get yourself put forward for next year when it all opened up again at Sam and Steve great to talk to you gonna hear from some of this year's 30 on the way here on the radio Today programme Today programme with broadcast bionics creators of The Bionic studio listening reacting to and learning from every spoken word Kolo sweet and SMS to a mix unlock and understand your content the bionic studio transforms everything about radio kit I'm delighted on radio Today programme this week, so welcome some of the new inductees in the Radio Academy 30 under 30 list.
Due to them first of all Scarlett O'Malley who's the presenter producer and station manager at why now radio hi Scarlett I'm not too bad.
So Congratulations you on the 30th list tell us about you in a can of you quick summary of what you do with who you are so presenter producer and station manager.
I've been wanting to be on forever feels like forever anyways.
It's been on my list of to do for at least four years now and I started out it on University Radio role of people do and now any present and produce a foundation for the Vinyl Factory and of course when I say I'm just I'm just a radio obsessive basically welcome to the club.
That's what we're here for let's bring in else Hilton who is the presenter and producer ti-media Radio 1 and Radio 2 and people will know you from presenting the Radio 1 Rock Show Last Christmas
Hi Stuart yeah, thank you for having me so tell us about your journey into radio what you been up to? Yeah.
It's like you said over the last year.
I've been very lucky to do some amazing things include covering for Daniel P Carter and Jack Saunders on the Radio 1 Rock Show and the initial respectively which has been phenomenal.
I currently work on kodi Winkleman seem as a part of BBC Radio 2 and I fill gaps in between I started the radio at the age of 14.
I went down to our careers at 4 with my sister and I bumped into a ladder was about 16 years old and you told me to come down to the Roundhouse to try out the radio drop-ins and since then I've never look back.
I started there and then I went to university started in turning and then I started freelancing and yeah the rest is history a bit more about the things you doing that Radio 1 and 2 and stuff in a minute at talking of Radio 2 rozena.
Barnardo's here as well atrazine is an assistant producer on the Zoe Ball breakfast.
Show congratulations I've been on the 1330 rocinha.
Thank you.
Thank you very much and you put Radio 2 on little while now in terms of the radio career and internship at Radio 2 and getting a n d.
I can't complain honestly so I started my internship.
Just out of uni actually a few months after if you need I was working on the Steve Wright in the afternoon show and then he taught me everything I need to know gave me the best training and foundations and took me everything about radiatoriai done it before that you know radiator is the biggest music station in the UK I was learning from Steve Wright who's done it for years and so they took me literally everything so yeah, what's my way up from there? And I started freelancing.
What's my internship ended got to work on Bruce Chris Evans when he was there and then I was offered a full permanent position and when I applied for it after freelancing for over like six seven months and then I went back to work with Steve
And as an assistant as you thought I was doing a bit more that I was doing an intern and then I was watching enough that they allowed me to sit in the big chair is the producer of Steve after a bout of doing 18 for him and yeah after working with Steve for 2 years June or July of this year and moved to the breakfast show on Andy there's 30 billion people on this list but when we talking to for today at Katie jkt Johnstone from Capital Scotland again.
You started as an intern didn't you need one as a student and my story quite so much resinas in the sense that I got an internship and never left and yeah.
I think it with it with the lovely way in basically.
I applied for an internship on forgotten breakfest when I was just thinking about what to do with myself after dinner.
Good degree in English literature at Glasgow you read something quite difference and I applied for a postgrad in broadcast.
And got an intercapital can all at once and yeah, as I say, just can never left from that point on constantly with myself available be true that I was in the studio as much as possible in Minecraft and got you know we can cover overnight shifts.
Eventually travel slow and now capital Scotland drivetime back to Charlotte then in terms of your radio journey, and what you been doing.
Yeah, you can have you got a bit of her portfolio Going On by looks of your CV do all sorts of different things how how do you want your career to do? What do you think in terms of do you want to focus on one thing? I do you do you like this approach? Where you doing tons of different things a little bit of everything because as they say variety is the spice of Life not to Santa Gaz about next year.
I've been commissioned to produce a BBC 4 Radio 4 documentary which I'm really looking forward to one already kind of started in the research and
So I'll be focusing a lot of that because it'll be doing in June 2022, but I'm also going to look to start focusing on my presenting because they previously presented podcast podcast so I'm looking in the new year to get into presenting and producing even more content for myself and before that you know it's to get on the 1330 list.
So why was it you wanted to be on it? What do you think it gives you I really don't know I think I'm just quite competitive and vicious person and your days and I'm like you know I was a bit of a mad at school and a bit of a teacher's pet for me accolades of always been a big deal, but I think for me.
It's just always been a sign that you know what I'm doing actually mean something that actually counts because it's really what I'm ambitious in what I care about so if someone else has been like yeah.
You've done it.
Kind of gives you you know a bit of a force in the right direction like this is my my path and then in your
To be producing this massive show on Radio 2 on a Saturday morning, but you do when being a presenter on Radio 1.
There's some people would you know this is their dream and you've done it within a few years.
Yeah, absolutely not I tell myself everyday how blessed.
I am that.
This is my job in this is what I get to do for a living nightlife.
You told me two or three years ago that this is what I've been doing you're crazy, so I've been very very lucky, but I've been helped Along the Way It by like a lot of great people even you know people in the school right now that resina when I first started that radio to someone that really you know took me under her wing and help me improve as a broadcaster tenfold, so yeah, I'm grateful for the people that help me get here to your ambitions.
You want a long career in radio the other people into radio these days ago a little girl and then I might go do something else, but you're quite driven that you want to be in radio for your whole career absolutely I feel like it's really become like my bread and butter.
Definitely my first love in what I do.
So like always be the central like pinning in my career and just I hope that you know I can have a long and screeds like all my heroes and hopefully you know help the Next Generation for as well.
I'll be the ideal and I know this has been her.
Can I dream to get on when she's been pushing to get on the 1330 it came as a bit of a surprise to you did indeed.
I was not expecting it at all because there is so many people doing such a credible things across the board and all the different stations and so I did not expect to be picked.
I just applied because I done quite a lot of things this year that I hadn't done before and I produce documentary and I never done anything like that before I also got to produce Steve Wright Sunday Love Songs which is that would my favourite shows on the network and so I was like ok.
Let me apply for it with no no idea that I actually get on it.
So yeah, I was no speak what I was told in terms of.
You work at Radio 2 obviously, it's typing people have a little bit older than you does that make a difference to bring something different to the a young person working in that environment.
Yes, you're right.
It is a bit of a slightly older audience but I think it works well that there's some people.
There's a lot of people in my office who are civilisation me up.
Just a little bit older and I think it really works well and it complements our staffing to have people of different ages because yes, we can offer different things are passions a slightly different particularly music you know we just are able to offer insights into things that some of our employees might not have not saying that they don't they are not aware of everything.
I'm sure they are but yeah, I do you think that I can bring all I do bring a different voice then sometimes different interests like shows and films right what I'm able to bring in sight to it for example.
I don't know if he will like me saying this love Island for example.
I order The Power of Love Island and I was able to ring them that into the little things like that so yeah.
Steve into love Island now.
I know there's better things that him.
I'm sure yeah, this one's going to go down well, but yeah another so just other shows as well.
I think I'm books and things that I might be interested in and it adds to the show just making it a great show because everyone is bringing their different inside Katie at capital Scotland the pandemic has been a can a big thing for you in terms of what your shower is done and how you exchange is a broadcaster and you've been doing some political interviews loosely on Capital as well.
Even Nicola Sturgeon the first minister on Capital was the first for the station and one of those kind of bizarre and brilliant moments that you know I never expected to happen within my first year on drivetime, but I don't know whether I'm online.
I got the job in the world shut down, so it's been it was a really stream time for everybody but this kind of year will 18 months are 2 years has been sorcerio getting your dream job and then you know you don't see another person for months and you coming into studio and you're talking to yourself for 3 hours and you're thinking of Cutting Through I really hope that people are enjoying what I'm trying to do here and you know as you say we had political interviews about Jason Leitch on who is our clinical advisor and Nicola Sturgeon and we're doing a lot of things Focus with young Scot to kind of get the voice of the youth in Scotland out there and really can a challenge and what capital does a brand and such an honour to be that voice for young people in Scotland and make sure that their concerns are heard and address for the people in power but other so I never thought.
We're Nicola Sturgeon on and then we had Lawrence Tierney from drag race the same show in Bizarre let's fight you all back up now this could get dangerous, but just chip in when you want, but I suppose I wanted to ask you know about the future of our industry and where you see at the moment and anybody pipe up, but you know what kind of steak do you think the radio industries in at the moment as as young people working in it and is there anything you would like to change about our industry.
I think it's crucial.
I think it's been something.
That's got people have leaned on more than ever.
I recently and you know we see that interaction.
We get from colours and witches like 15 and 235 by special like people in their early 20s getting in touch and really leaning on Capital radio is a whole as I kinda apao to share what's going to really dark time with I think it's it's true.
How vital the industry is.
Coming into the industry of n if you can have found that it is what you expected of it isn't what you expected.
I just always like really you know was like chlorine to let you know I've worked for free and I work I think everyone does in the radio industry and then I interned workstations and I made my own podcast my brown audio.
Just to get a looking so I think I'm just surprised that a lot of people say that it wasn't this is my dream so I can radio and it's all I want to do so nice to speak to her other like-minded people in this in this chat.
Cos it was surprised me how some people are just so like yeah, it's just radio this amazing world that I've been driving to get into 4 years.
Are there any things to help you get a bit of a foot in the door these days whether it's networking events or has you say internships of her the Academy some things that the different radio groups of the BBC running nails?
Type through the the kind of Christmas schedule on Radio 1 idea last year, how was that for you? And it was so amazing like a dream come true to do that.
I'd say the main thing that I took away from it was that if you put your mind to it in life whatever it is you can do it and achieve it because one thing I'm really passionate about in radio is diversity and I never saw people like me talking about the music that I like so to be you know one of the first people really do that.
She wasn't with a lot of like join it also makes me feel as if the tides are changing and you know they might be young kids growing up like me.
You're that are just different and it is a little bit differently that will have the opportunity to see people that inspired them do the things that they also want to do and achieve and in terms of where you are want to go and how you see your career spanning out you know this is this is.
Because there are so many people across the industry listen to This podcast so is there a dream thing you want to do or something you want to work on an idea that you've got now is your chance to tell her to go first go Scarlett is I'm heading I will end up there.
So I'm going to be hot on your tiles and I really want to make music documentaries which is what I'm doing the new year for the radio for things those days my two girls which will happen cos I've just put it out there until it's the radio world Listening the head of the 6 Music at least now for Scarborough and look her up there we go to bed for you and I'm in Euro is the biggest radio station in Europe already.
Could it get any better for you the so many things you could do still the main goal is to become a producer because I'm currently on a PC
I have had the opportunity a little taster of being a producer, but yes, I'd love to be a producer full-time dad.
Also love to create shows with things that I'm passionate about and really interested in offering ticket Radio 2 offering shows that appeal to a wider audience a diverse audience and so bring in artists and do a specialist shows similar to my documentary on my way.
Just doing shows that highlight stories that might be not as well told or not as well explored.
I just want to continue to can I do it we're doing and get know that the world's opening up and it was actually get it there.
Enjoy the station.
Just get there and do more for Scotland and get your original voice is cannot out there and you know continue to challenge what people expect from The Brand and young people that listen to Capital and its young people that are directing the conversation and have done the entire time.
I've been here so just full.
Voice and doing words to reflect that and hopefully to step towards even bigger platform so exciting and then I can see you as you're director of radio at the BBC one that I may be well.
You know at the end of the day.
I just want to go as far as I absolutely can in every you know aspects and remit of radio that I'm doing right now in my main goal for the time being is I would really love to present man really One Show like I've stayed up till stupid oclock when I should have been sleeping for school listen to The Rock Show with Daniel so many times have so many hours spent listen to that station, but then as well.
You know I really enjoyed the shows that I'm working on at like you know TBi media and BBC Radio 2 do as much as I can and do it to the absolute best mobility and just hopefully be successful in it all.
You're all such a breath of fresh air from somebody old fuddy-duddy is an industry that out.
Usually, so it's great.
So can I get an insight into where I'm just heading over the next ten fifteen twenty years congratulations to you all fantastic achievement to get on the 30 under 30 list the stepping stone for those streams that you still yet to achieve well done everybody.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Thank you very much.
You can see the full list she is real world Radio Academy 30 under 30 at radio today.co.uk and thanks again to our guests this week Sam Bailey and Ste Parkinson and our little mini panel of 3031 Scarlett O'Malley Milton resina, Bernard and Katie Johnson look out for them in the future will be back with another radiotoday podcast soon baby broadcast bionics.
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