Read this: Reach Cuts Vorders Breaks Lineker s Law

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Hello welcome to media podcast I'm at digging on the show this week reach and ounces layoffs of almost 10% of their staff.
We look at why what's on the BBC Studios enter the audio market ASDA's James Corden and why Carol Vorderman becomes the first casualty of Lineker's law we put the pundits against each other in our very own that's all coming on this edition of the media podcast in the news this week the actor strike in Hollywood ending on Thursday after stag after I came to an agreement with streamers and broadcasters actors will receive against AI and a 7% pay increase production is expected to resume shortly Media stock prices Rose after the end of the actors tried with the Disney company getting 6% after the open this which comes after widespread cutbacks from CEO Bob iger who recently fired around 3% of the workforce all in hopes of achieving an estimated 6.1 billion pounds in cost savings.
Volume Lewis or wilderness will leave the Washington Post the papers new CEO and publisher it was announced on Sunday in media.
Exec hopes to bring in younger audiences use AI as a supplement and personalised offerings for new customers.
It's lovely seeing you.
Thank you Nyla who's out of my clients every time I see him.
He says I've got you got babe and everytime I say to him.
I have around and loads of it and I cannot tell you a single thing tough tough, but the clients has been very busy and might be more busy across the bridge.
And actually this was this is this is kind of good gossip, but not really you go to the ceremony.
Which is performing this incredible woman and you stand in a room with some friends and family in and closest kind of friends that I got into areas this wonderful woman does hole speech around the ceremony invites important and then the Ensign to book and his book Claire's is the most incredible autograph book in the whole world and it's true this book that he has signed has also got Florence Nightingale signature.
It has got no it's got Stephen Hawking's thumbprint.
It is literally the most incredible autograph book.
I've ever seen in as quite right.
You've been awarded this and he cannot take sheep across London Bridge
I don't know you can just woke up and be like weather forecast for the energy unexpected for them.
It was an interesting call.
It's not call you.
I went full expecting it to not be my bag and actually found the challenge and the opportunity just quite exciting that away from the other thing you doing which was a new daily news podcast but amazingly you've somehow in the job explain it's happened.
So I've been going through excess fil is part of my I can't do what I'm doing now and
Silly oclock and be involved in her another quite intense production schedule so Liam Thompson business partner still runs that along with along with the team there and since that you don't do it.
It's not that would like to state that it was interesting challenge really I've been tinkering around with AI for quite a while and a good friend of mine Luke Frank who lives in the Darley and it's kind of 40% which is fine if you just looking for an image, but when you talking about about voice, it's quite difficult there on that we talking about someone in particular.
This voice is even more difficult to get a just a regular Voice that's quite normal now, but I was interested to see how I'm always looking for a fish.
Production workflow and the most efficient part of Hulk Smash Bros me actually reading it every morning and if there's a way of bypassing that then that was quite exciting to him so quiet with him and a company called 11 Labs who have the best AI engine and I went and I have to unload 3-4 hours worth of my voice is like the worst obviously radio quality uploaded all of that took about a week 10 days for them to come over like crunch it and what came back was genuinely scary and we decided to take the leap to the weekday dishes on now ji.my doing that for the weekend.
We still having a real life human.
Doing it out of course the advertisement brandy podcast for all done by humans creatively and stuff, so it's still researched and written and created by humans the only bit does not is me and it is quite a bit posture looks like I'm talking to my mum after being told off, but it's just the breasts it has Bretton it.
It is very you just to make sure you are the real play me for the show today titles are 250 Starfire it's 10% of the workforce and the majority of these going to be journalists employees on Wednesday in the backdrop over declined circulation to Megan reach.
It's quite a big operation.
Isn't it? It's 130.
Michael's national and regional it's mirror Express star OK magazine Daily Record Manchester Evening News Liverpool Echo loads of those websites that you may.
Social media whatever devonlive silence live anything with live essentially this is this is really really big news and really worrying you for sharing this actually so there's 450 cats 320 of those are going to be editorial and this is the third round the cuts this year, so it's really it's really tough of them like you just said David he is blamed his social media essentially on this happening.
He says that increasingly Facebook and Google up to keep me does on their own platforms and send them to this colour crossword switch if there was something into the mirror or they would they get the avenue so he's coming blaming them for that tiktok has absolutely no mechanism and audiences to any other websites so essentially the same we got a funny monkey change what we do and the way that we do it business on Facebook and search.
Someone Facebook with throwing a million could hear it publishes to make me helpful than all the sudden started that was gone you know I talk to me more today for gym.
Is it a bit of an excuse or is he can't correct and half of it is to be having their business quick enough you know I was at the Media Freedom Award last night and it was pretty depressing forever.
You know that's all of you lately that people obviously great received awards and because the vast majority of those for Regional Awards as well.
It putting start visibility how important local journalism and obviously there's a black cloud hanging over the over the evening but you know that I was speaking to Richard digital offerings and great you know I don't think there's any doubt about that, but it's a bad user experience.
Did you like that website?
You know they used to use mirror.co.uk back in the day.
It was a good music to get why it's it's like that.
You know everyone's the frustration and remove with all of that and then removing a layer of the Gossamer thin layer journalism that they were putting up there anyway is worrying and you know who's been slightly about the use of AI in the stuff that I've been doing but still relies solely on humans is not too.
It's not too big elite to assume.
They I won't be on the card for someone like this because there's something is going to have to fill those paging and if they're on people writing and then what's it going to be to get coverage which titles are a great way to do that for the the people in the shows that you represent you could go what is great news for you, because there's less people and their aftermath run and then put it up is that true that harder if there are relationship you can strike the journalist to tell them stories.
I will still be the relationship for the journalist to start their stories.
I think we will still always have a key people that we go to I think that they will potentially be less people send them released so if you do an interview with notebook for example the mirror supplement on a Sunday if you do an interview there that will probably be picked up and running OK I'll probably one and it all it'll probably one on The Originals so don't think that will necessarily be online digital content they had to they've had to create and generate a huge amount of stories to try and get that the collection and I don't disagree with what you said, show me about the user experience on UK there was a point where I was told that.
Jealous of Being Digital journalist been tasked to write 13 stories a day on Katie Price you know because for the click really and there are so many stories that you're the one in your semen on digital and social pastry and then all the things to run but the headline would have changed and sometimes they can be a little bit frustrating because you're like I've done one and two with one person and this is now running five different places and the headlines in the sentence change and images that might either so you can lose a bit of control on that but if you've got the strong relationships.
I don't suppose you know I don't think that matters.
I think it's really depressing for those people and I don't need to tell you have I Could Turn It Isn't it's right and and good journalist.
Historical journal is used to start in digital and what they were up to print and print with the place you need to be we we we can consume and you need to be really great journalist wherever you are and so I think journalist alright.
Answer print and there's great journalist.
Will do that to have been some funny memes some journalist over the last 24-hours saying crossing over to a war correspondent and they literally dancing you know that kind of amusing you do also think Josh is what actually David Dickinson suggesting here is that this is all going to have to be on socials therefore if you're trying to make a dent in socials.
Are you going to have to have great content creators because they are not jealous.
It is unlocked.
This is just the latest version of this story of this is not this is not this first rodeo you know you look at radio.
Look at local radio.
What's going on there? You look at TV there is no there's no breeding ground for Talent anymore any creative sector like whatsoever weather is music weather is a big north whatever it is.
You know there is no platform another one.
Local weather is the local newspaper my dad starting my dad's birthday was in the news agency in Derby that was how you learn your chops.
That's how you touching yourself up a little bit for the horrible world of the media and the radio Radio 1 will have a huge problem in 510 years time because they will have no grassroot Talent to pull from there any have national stations in Wales and Northern Ireland so and you cannot fall back on content creators for that TV tried and failed miserably you know they look two people in a my friends by Joe Weller and and that ilk that first wave of YouTubers TV look to those of them is The Salvation of TV because they're giant following they tried it and they retreated from that from that now in situation.
Where is nowhere near 74 died? There is no way that reduction.
Sealife prayers all about side.
It's fine.
There's no people in the radio side and it's downright of a piece about this this week where your first visit the novolizer we like on the national TV some of the latest growth Outlook to a further 10 million cut in the commissioning budget me my deadline reports Channel 4 stayed up to 20 premiers which produces theorizing they want a surplus of shows for Political expediency sauce Channel 4 too nice list of hold back until next year to make a fresh start when the revenue is back up.
Hopefully it might make some kind of weird kind of long-term business plans sent you know to stockpile a bit of content especially with actress.
All of the rest of it.
Does a danger go then I'll come back and stop making stuff and you know there's a story.
I think it probably took around a bit where the talent won't be there anymore.
You know there is not a never-ending live patients or funds for freelance producers and makers and presenters and set designers and all the rest of it.
What are they supposed to do without the furlough?
Is particularly Horse coming off the back of such a boom in TV as well? You know the building of seven Studios Netflix building facilities Sky doing the same thing you know so many it was the right there is pretty much TV studio sexual and I just I just worried TVs like probably my biggest passion and a lot of my friends working TV as everybody's here.
It is a horrible time for them, but personal stuff inside that gonna put some stuff out.
You know we know that the actor strike the repercussions of the actress strikes in the states.
I'll go ahead is pretty hard probably February time.
What are they going to put it out? You know I know the so much and it goes to stories of people who have been dealing with Channel 4 over the past year now where it's just the musement as to what the hell is going.
What are they doing there everyday because there's certainly not making TV it's you know it's a real worry.
Are you making your programs audio? Have you noticed to slow down TV shows the ones you work with there is not as much that I know that is coming so normally this time of year.
We would go.
I know it's coming or something really big.
I know all that Talent got something in March I don't know something's coming in spring there be something else will be running around.
I'm just not hearing them play.
I don't work usually closely and TV in the same idea that you do Jamie obviously.
I've got a lot of clients at work in TV and I've got lots of Talent that make great shows there is one thing and TV that completely and utterly baffles me and that scheduling.
I just do not understand it right and I'd love to suck me down properly and just really explain it to me because I'm outside the point of you and I will cost myself as an outsider although I promote and we do a brilliant job at promoting TV shows but they spend months working on on programs.
They come up with a concept they've gone out.
The tender people have pitched.
They're going to this whole process.
They got the talent that got all the production teams they film that all is beautiful like 11 months months months months months and then you say when's it on and they say we don't know and when will you know and I will give you 2 weeks notice.
You know when you think about the media landscape.
I just go just doesn't make any commercial sense to me because I I can get a book to number one I can get an artist album to number one I can get event sold out.
I can get podcast number one I can do all of these things with note with a strategy and with a clear plan.
I can't get someone on a front cover with two weeks notice.
You know I can't certainly can't get a supplement that they're there at least 4 weeks time at 3-months so broadcast lots are getting booked up longer and longer in advance.
So you can go with work all this time and all this energy is gone into this.
Now I can't let all the public known the consumers know and it feels to me like we just not recognise moment we're not building excitement that something is coming we're not letting audiences know if you're lying on sometimes.
It's right on when it's in listings.
You know you got some trouble getting people to connect with it there an old game with trolley compete with other than the channels well actually do need longer lead times and you were going to say that survivor hasn't quite made the Splash that have tried and trusted format.
There is not on paper.
There's no reason why that should work is Joel dommett hosting.
It's no.
It's there caught between a rock and a hard place because now Netflix and Amazon order streamers.
Just drop stuff.
They can afford it on and people will discover in 3 months time and it was just a completely different way plus people generally don't watch the teasers that much it's quite difficult to tease a light entertain.
What do because they was the first episode after Strictly and they had no promos in between it was literally strictly finish and we work with restricted survivor to clean it.
Was he went for it and then we had a bit of successive looked at what happened with traitors and that sort of had that slow burn me a site people catching up on iPlayer and then up to Christmas last year it really work for them, but that's maybe looking work outlier.
Isn't it? Yeah? I think it's just a very old fashioned approach is ipr TV shows for streamers strictly is a moment every single year as I'm a celebrity with you because we know it's coming and Richard Osman but people know it's coming you know any product that is.
Needs to be marketed really really well, and I I know that TV companies and platforms and the channels talk about being really daring and there's only one production company and daring ideas and then you can make him that never be made before I'd like to suggest that actually changing the schedule and could be a very daring way to do it because it feels so data-driven about what audience were watching two weeks ago on which day on what platform and what was the weather like and then trying to mimic that and hoping that your your you might beat them and the worst thing is when an even is a user as as a viewer when all is on the clock changes.
I don't understand any of that one.
There was a homegrown exciting new revelatory former the wasn't important you know studio.
The commercial audio market with Wanderers Richard night and previously BBC Radio 4 leaving the operation Meghan Trainor body audio, UK aren't very happy about what's going on what they say basically what is happening at the BBC Studios they announce from Tuesday the factual the entertainment and the drama is going to be produced by BBC studios in House of Radio 4 for example exceptions to this in the drama section because the Archers is not moving don't they were staying in house although some of those as we know already made Britain DS audio UK no disappointed because they in their argument is in tv100.
A programs are open to competition so both BBC internal and external can all pitch in this announcement is going to be 60% of that audio and I think they are feeling a grieved and that this is essentially I mean it stuff.
I mean something to Chloe who is put on the show was saying was that affect built the commercial audit market in the UK BBC result of re-emerge to to be in charge BBC audio audio in comprehend how to pitch the BBC is just nuts it's late.
You might as well.
Just give up and it's no wonder people have something else steal the March while everybody because
It is a we're process and you know this seems to be seems like BBC sounds, where is late, you can't have the ball and the cake and play the game and eat the cake.
That's what it feels like a little bit.
It's it's tough.
It's tough enough out there for smallest smallest is without something like this kind of getting in the way as well.
We'll be back after this month on the modern Man the award-winning magazine show for your ears.
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Apply download metal in the App Store or Play Store right now and don't forget where do you get your podcast motorbike Megan and Jamie are here for more stories so borders get some shop in this volume 12 Lineker's law well, show me to know after refusing to comply with the BBC's new social media policy Jamie what has what has happened to Paul Carroll talk radio because Mark Dolan could up his mask with for a nice easy way out for me that way I suspect this is probably similar you know no one gives up.
Become a good mouthpiece for politics and social justice is brilliant more power to your elbow.
There's always give me a casualty like this instance the rules changed not quite sure I was looking at all the response to her Twitter post never sleeps millions of people going through the day that you've left on BBC Radio Wales how can you surprised you're doing business, you know and I think fair play to them both be busy and Carol you know they are both respect each other's positions on it.
I think they're looking good the BBC after Lineker's law play they had I was going to say postcode of the delicacy 1-0 down which I understand you know celebrities that they had.
They had to make those guidelines a little bit clearer.
They had guidelines to ever they needed to update for social media.
I think it's really quite straightforward Talent have all been told that very very clearly agents know I know it's a cyst and it's part of the deal.
I think that I think my opinion as I think she's brilliant and I love everything that she doesn't does I she wasn't guidelines and they had a conversation with him.
She's like well there we go she could have been really throwing toys out of the pram.
She could have really gone for them and actually I thought her statement was great.
It's a it's a different opinions.
There is nothing lost here from the BBC going actually we asked we have made his rules and we are sticking by those rules.
I think you're absolutely right mate and they needed show it at some point it was in.
And if this is how it had to happen then I think with carols brilliance and her brace and everything about Conor whether she was in the platform.
I think it's probably played up very well.
It means that there is no room for manoeuvre with anyone else.
It's not what I mean the danger is that like someone really valuable to know if someone really really valuable for it again.
They will have no choice.
There will be no bending because Dave Now set up online in the one from the top and the bottom decided to leave she was in breach of guidelines, but that's not necessarily complete sackable offence so there might be some at some point to go there in breach.
They've apologise we can give him the morning.
It's an interesting point James Corden exclusive deal with Sirius XM for his new podcast series at this life of mine will be conversations with celebs on the people Places moments and Memories that who they are today.
It's partly a little bit Desert Island Discs I was talking to someone that is involved with this.
Tell me they were saying it's going to be a bit.
I've no doubt I've no doubt I think this is going to be huge.
I'm pretty sure that every single podcast platform with wanted James Corden he would have been looking to go somewhere that he can do something brilliant.
That is got money and finance behind it that has got prestige where he can bring in all of those huge names.
I think he is whatever you think of him whatever he is incredibly talented and he attracts you to mainstream audiences.
He will create something brilliant for socials.
He's always been.
And what he does is interesting that this because someone said to me that synopsis feels a bit grounded with Louis Theroux maybe maybe I was he must be paid a lot for this right.
So Howard Stern is 19 million years something serious yesterday.
Did the Holy Ground they do that we Brandi we launch they've got head and heart as they've got Kelly Clarkson she was there think they are throwing I never touched the UK really because the radio driving across the country you would like to listen to the same thing.
This is sort of the only way to do it and they should have all been that into a digital mobile platform.
They bought stitcher podcast network.
They got quite being adtech ownership with a heart the same owners own their collaborative approaching.
I think if this was 2 years ago doing I've had a look in that have been written on Spotify without a shadow of a doubt and it would have to deal with probably dwarf Harry Meghan and a bomber and and and whatnot the door money and podcast is gone now.
Not that would have been a dumb investment but probably would have gone she's gone.
I don't have many choices.
He was a really difficult position.
I think when when when the show announcement came, what's he going to do? It's not what you going to do? What can you do because you know is an ambitious guy is got over there and maybe I'll give you one of the world's biggest biggest TV personalities.
Where do you go from that? You don't come back and do the one show you know it's there are very few platforms around that would give him the same level of money the same level of process and attract the same same standard guests that is used to get it.
So that's what's going to happen.
If I think this is potentially going to really so much of that content that exists on forecast you know the moment so many podcast you can I need to fill in the sand on YouTube it's like you wait till Gordon to everyone think Thomas Cook a conclusion that it's exclusive too serious necessarily have to be just on there.
Just in America I think there's probably more to this than me.
Order comes with with Avenue Fulwell adjusting such a kind of imperial air at the moment that it's that is great.
So you know it's a good TV Festival this year and he did make a small reference to augment audio and that they had some exciting plans, but I think this is the beginning of the end of going to do right.
It's enough time for the media quiz this week entitled fill in the blanks.
How many give you a quote for a media news story or do you have to do is fill in the blanks so buzzing with your names of you know the answer so Jamie you will say you're saying again.
Let's fill in the Chris number one at the beginning that they couldn't possibly expect us to blank 456 players Megan Megan
Is squid games the reality show this blows my mind I am a bit of this because I'm a bit of a number.
This is a global reality show for Netflix trying to keep so much of the original squid games alive, but they've got 456 contestants the prize money is 4.56 million which is basically 10000 person that takes part in my mind.
I can't get my head around is I know how hard reality shows find it when they got like 15 to try and capture every because you don't know where they're going to make the final you've got 456.
How are you going to be following every person to watch the squid game?
Everything ok, there will literally site through them like a bowl bowling ball through the wind we got to see the journey from the beginning to be there going to be filming everybody directions maybe that's the whole thing go back to the beginning that they couldn't possibly expect us to blank 456 players, but they're absolutely clear that they did book find carved because without new book serialised in in in in the mail the blank bit what he would never have been p.m.
Partial covalent bond character, I think half a point number 3 when you make traditions your own they are more blank.
When you make traditions your own, they are more blank and certain TV advert that came out today John Lewis flytrap will sleep.
I really answer it is special when you make listen to her own and they are more special.
This is from the John Lewis ad press release the song this year.
It's a cat the Italian rock opera.
You don't hear that in the sentence by the tenor Andrea Bocelli agency.
This year to the motorway from Adam and Eve to Saatchi devastating try to change it a little bit early because I went before.
A sort of John Lewis Cinematic Universe in this is like the core add and then slowly in the product or any sort of around nice.
It did not make me cry again is a intention before you get to the Casting process for the media podcast spin-off quiz show ever and Jamie's online and what's next in the production pipeline and my goodness we got that we doing about the Crown the Crown factual fiction coming up but if you're into true Crime the trial Ashley Murphy
Is wrapping today as recorded came out about an hour and a half ago lovely find them if you find your podcasts.
Thank you both hello hello.
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