Read this: Charlotte Moore resigns - what does it mean for the BBC?
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Hello welcome to the media club, I'm your host match in the cup today Charlotte Moore resigns from the BBC kickstart flurry of changes at some pick a Chris Curtis editor of broadcast magazine takes history, what it all means and who's in the running for the BBC's top creative job also on the programme.
How is 5 news bucking the trend in growing its audience that reporter Warren nettleford tell to smoke and why do audio paywalls work in Europe but letter in the UK we find out from Potter most chocolate.
That's all happening in this edition of the come on in nice to see both again, Warren report a hyphenated.
I'll take that.
I know who's on your list this week to join the media club Oliver Darcy he is the CNN reporter who went away lesson in the last I think through.
The starters a newsletter, I think you know about the letter right and since then it seems he's turning over revenues approaching $1000000 and it just goes to show the of building a personal Brand and utilising that to create your own and no content platform big write a pillow Ball Street Journal this week about it amazing success to get to having a million a million bucks after not use my time.
Yeah, I understand so I can't really think it's like $20 a month in the UK but maybe in the US where way to the hi, it's not that much so getting $2000000 Lotte uses only charge in the UK but I think show just how there's a real craving for this kind information and because he's a trusted journalist and has built up that profile and reputation is CNN people are willing to pay the money never sleeps.
Rhyming that for me thanks mate a Tesco news around like he knows all the key people he's got the stories.
He's got the Scoop so you want and subscribe.
Don't let that happen during the club and tell her secrets broadcast this week.
I'll tell you who had a good week this week.
It's Wayne garvie international production for Sony say all to production premature outside of the US and he has managed to sort his own session quandre, so Andy Harries was the supreme at Left Bank one of the Premier League drama producers of his generation to generation really and Andy will forgive me.
I hope the same as advancing years and it's been a question for a little bit of time now, but what you know what does Left Bank pictures look like post Andy Harris and the answer to that question.
on the morning of this, is it Charlotte Moore who's the in chargeable contact outside of news online at the BBC is is sweeping into to run Left Bank and Andy will take on a sort of a chairman role there and Wayne garvie has orchestrated that I managed to to pull it off so he's got a brilliant succession plan and he's managed to do it without that story annoying as cassette breaking news that the chief content officer at the BBC that has resigned to join Left Bank pictures you going to come and see you and EVP and creative director parent Sony Pictures
That's like young call my contacts.
I think it's really interesting it speaks to a lot of things of course.
I was contact personal contacts to order this Charlotte work for the BBC she joined in 2009 commissioning documentaries right and we now 2025 her rolls.
Got steadily bigger and bigger over the years the director perima is quite gobsmacking really You Know Radio now reports into her iPlayer which is the front door of the BBC you know sort of Fools And all-cause Every genre falls on to her room so doing that job is an immense challenge.
She said it fantastically well.
Obviously I can count on the fingers of one hand the number times in 15 years that someone said a bad word to me about incredibly well like very well like she in nately the BBC is in her bones.
It's been her DNA and I would say arguably that the
They created their works around Charlotte and it's grown up that structure has coalesced is at the moment around around Charlotte they now have the situation planning their own success it right and what that looks like and that would be a difficult thing to do when you are Talent it's so important to have someone at the top who you trust and yeah sure just having a real sense of leadership a real greater Vision and I've never work with Charlotte and I have the number is now but from what I understand.
She's someone who's very well-respected and I think the BBC are in a situation now where they're looking at I think it's 2028 when it comes to the renewal of the royal charter intentionally where they need to be planning as to what they want to be having an organisation following that moment and because the iPlayer now has done so was been able to turn around really light.
3 to 5-years, you know who is the person who has the ability to has the Vision who can have some new creative ideas to enable BBC to compete with the streams internationally the BBC need someone really with that letter that level I would say because I think someone who haven't been a long time, but passionately believe the BBC does I think it's a real shame that the BBC isn't seen as being at the same level as an Amazon as a Netflix or you know even he only stayed because you back the library the backlog is so phenomenal than that I didn't BBC need someone who can grasp it and put some new ideas to correctly take forwards to replace who is on who would be on that list well.
This is based on having done 0 reporting and just my own sorting centres of these things it is harder to.
At the BBC in years gone by had channel controllers and when you're a child controller particularly fruitful controller at say even bigger c433 on BBC2 was away which genre specialists got Panorama experience right so you could you could come up and if you have actual person learn about how to commission and create a strategy or if you were conscripted you know what does entertainment look like they're a few of those people within the BBC and there are few of you know the flat structure based across the industry the pool of people that could take on that job is pretty small whether they could come the other thing to say about that John is you and a fraction of what your peers and count on you and I don't mean halftime in a fraction of what that so you've got a job.
That is intense loads of scrutiny.
Play can you all the time and small salary in the grand scheme of like top top media jobs, but they will be looking at it.
I mean you know a name that springs to mind some of my Netflix let him down outstanding job at Netflix Netflix UK as mate really made its mark in the last 18 months delivering to the biggest global shows in the world all these things that are coming out of the UK and funnily enough the breadth of Netflix is very impressive an interest in the breadth of their programming now is like a mainstream broadcast now.
No sense of whether that job would would be appealing to that's the kind of calibre of Talent they would think about that Patrick Holland and Barrett used to run BBC2 very well regarded you left the corporation doing a commercial role, it people have that it what about AJ Hunter Apple so I mean JS creative credentials for second to none.
I would I could potentially CJ more as they would be your future DJ rather necessarily chief content officer mean she Brighton BBC One many years ago now.
She's at Apple they are fundamentally different apple commissions a very small number of very high and things each year.
I mean certainly has the set to do it, but I I wonder whether to lure her back to the corporation.
It might need to be very difficult and what's going to be on Charlotte's plate at left back then maybe we'll be on a place not vehicle the front page of the Daily Mail come to an end as well all the drama companies at the moment are grappling the resetting spending I actually think a lot of those collection companies a further along on that challenge then is the news recently been reported.
I feel a bit like some of the coverage around the drama crisis.
Is from the top 18 months just gone and actually an awful lot of really good compelling high quality drama can be made for certainly less than 3 million quid an hour and if you look at the things that went really well for Netflix recently baby reindeer for me once you know they are not fooling vfx and if you look at what's working for the BBC Ludwig which is now been sold in 85 territories around the world 2 million pound an hour really resonated with British audiences, and there's a big a big global success or should I say I think I think that finding a new way of delivering outstanding scripted content in a more financially prudent time is the show all major strictly companies.
I would watch Ludwig if it had more dragons from dragons' in it.
I think I add another layer.
That's what should be working too close to home the BBC release date.
What is the former Radio 1Xtra presenter DJ Tim Westwood apologising for how it's handled the complaints? Did you see much of this report the idea that was quite damning in terms of how many times complaints were made in word investigated and it seems that although? I'm not sure what's going on now.
They're coming investigation into BBC did make it as I must take me to they could do better and they trying to put some new processes in place.
If people don't know much about the story recommend a watch on iPlayer actually a documentary by Dan Henry former BBC report the entertainment that involved in between victims to say they were you know that this would have been in the cupboard quite a long time because of the criminal investigations.
I think it's 40 pages.
I read the first 70 like yesterday and it's a fascinating read and not something which normally would read about it's really secret.
Management perspective they've got all the emails and conversations between producers and bosses the person doing the report is akc is expensive report cost 3.3 million the budget 1Xtra at Westwood resort into the talent management side it just kind of shows this year this difficulty we come back to all the time about your name and how you deal with them and a lot of the production team and exec producing such a pretty good at dealing with their team had problems with him and he seems to be quite a tough person obviously to work with his 200th that he was a working relationship and then him with the other allegations but the worker report stuff is fascinating but we will come back to this if you don't worry of production with Talent and get away with it.
There's a real issue regarding duty of care always regarding contributors staff and then that relationship between.
Editorial management getting that writes is something which lots of broadcasters not just broadcast production companies have got wrong in the past five 10:50 and I'm sure people in the long run the week.
Been in the she would say things have been bad for a long time so I think for the BBC it's good.
They've done this report.
It's bad at taking someone to do it.
I mean people that I think Westwood hasn't been the BBC for more than 10 years ago, so it's a very very long pillow time that it taking to get this report done, but I'm hoping that at this is good news for the people have been affected by opened and BBC can give me for positively.
Hi Chris it's another in a long line of these sorts of probably reflects really badly on the industry write.
These are probably whatever loss right that Talent was put on a pedestal allowed to behave in a way.
They should behave there are a course.
There's a Spectrum in all of the alright some of the stuff around Westwood
So if the criminal prosecution is sort of Pauline kind of stuff and then on the other hand You've Got Talent you know shouting at junior members not the same thing neither of them is acceptable.
I do think that there is a greater consensus now and then just fine before about what is and what isn't acceptable I think people know that the challenge with all these things is to turn the good intentions in the evenings from a top of these organisations and to make that a reality reality you know on the studio floor on location or whatever it might be and how this is a challenge facing production companies and broadcasted.
How do you genuinely empower people junior members of staff at to feel like they can come for and say this is not right.
I don't like this is making me feel uncomfortable creating a culture is not the right culture.
You got it right.
No, it's Miles Away still from getting it right by job title episode of remember who was doing one when you look like that he had a conversation with Andy Parfitt was the control of Radio 1 and hi Tim Westwood and he it was important thing that Westwood did 1Xtra so it's not for sweets.
Do you really push push them to do it therefore he was sort of you know who played along a little bit but because you made his job, but he's taken by the about having a bad culture Radio 1 and actually a lot of Andy's sum of cells that how we transform the culture Radio 1 had a really good culture if you talk to people that I think they would agree with that butt holes and you can take it slightly annoyed at this but sort of technologies that yes, that's what the case was and it.
To have blind spots.
I think I'll bear in mind that Tim Westwood was a very popular DJ very very well respected in that genre of music is no not just in the UK boat international.
He was in a real asset to the BBC so having to balance the fact that he was popular use a great asset programming against these allegations to which you know what improves time must have been a difficult Valentino yeah, 25 love working there are preventing and reporting there for a while and one of the key things that they do so well at 5 is a focus on their audience in very fortunate that I work Across The Newsroom by Tiana channel 4seven channel 5 and the key difference is that channel 5 the audience is very much beautiful the north of England
Play my thinking my early 60s average the audience is there and the prayer on a shorter well it was an hour now, but what that means is on average the news reports on Channel 5 only around 2 minutes.
I won't pick your two minutes if you watch Channel 4 News piece it's round for and that means you've got to be really creative and the way you tell stories you've got to be really tight with your scripting you're gonna be really focused on getting all your case studies into the peace and what yours next Channel 5 is there very keen on getting the case studies higher up in pieces compared to broadcast it's because I'm really understand that audience is appreciate that so I think Debbie has done a good job.
I haven't been there for a while now if I did go back to work on the US election in November which is great, but I think what day is been doing with the team and down of course as such a great presenter and someone who is so personable and insert themselves into story in from the studio, so yeah.
Hi was only because he's got that recognition people know down.
He's very amazing like performer and safe you put that together and debbies focus on ensuring that case the saffron centre all the pieces I can understand what the disaster this year.
I'm Chris you had a piece of broadcast with then fell out with Ben and I think you know relatability and sort of a Horn Park what we talking about that notion of you're making news for people that might be lighter consumers of news and certainly you know Debbie Ramsay's talk about making use for people that might reform all over the brexit or whenever which can feel very distant.
I think to sort of the upper echelons of the media world so I think some of the success at 5 news is about that sort of relatability and that's also true of the wider Channel 5 operation in terms of you talk to.
People about how Ben Friday runs that channel and his really quite tight team of commissioners leave any sort of getting to the point where it's gonna be required yeah, and the swelling around late summer early autumn last year that Ben May call time on things.
I don't think I suggest you missed it that you want to get rid of a successful there, but he might he might call time.
He's a bit of time away from the business that he's talking about being refreshed ready to go under the new ownership.
They are very interesting like cast as they are navigate navigating to navigate a tightrope walk along and viewer.
Manipulation of the of the schedule a pick me up a percentage point of share here and there and the inevitable On Demand future and Ben and Channel 5 have been sort of experts on the former and now there is a growing acceptance on their part that they also need to navigate that that on the mobile a bit more and that's that will be a Focus in the coming sort of I don't know 80 months to years for for Channel 5 ok time for a break the Chris Curtis Returns on 6s in Europe at the messages hello Media club, Patrick here from podcast Discovery podcast marketing company that this week.
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Managing cash flow by giving you a customer supercharge your business today the help of 0 welcome back is what we've been talking about in the media club this week more headaches for the Washington Post as their opinion editor departs even more interference from moana on the Amazon fire stick read the paper will defend personal liberties and free markets across it stop ads he said will cover other topics to of course but viewpoint of Spillers will be left to be published by others that would be affected giant technically UK is gone into administration with the majority of its 440 employees being made redundant.
Except has been challenging for many over the past 5-years covid and writer strikes inside as believe it might be the only company to go under this year and observers confirmed that the new regime or take for Easter Sunday passing the editorial button to tortoise chief James Harding it's not all plain sailing though with news this week that Carole cadwalladr, will not be continuing at the paper exactly here to self to the new editor-in-chief at firing a few salvo's from her new substack that she launched in November or an effort this still here are the most global director of Studios chip shop.
Thank you Janice on the sofa welcome to the club.
I'm happy to be here.
Why are you so far away from the guests away from each other in case there's any trouble that's what I write a great week and dancing a million paying subscribers quite the Milestone
It is I've also just celebrated my fifth year at Patty Mayo and the do that.
I look back on some of the first slack messages.
I got when we were celebrating milestones at like 2:09 sale in a dead time.
I think luminary had about 200 250000 subscribers which seems impossible, but yeah, he really don't know so initially is there a podcast podcast firm but with a strong cable strategy founded in Denmark 5-6 years ago primarily subscription service to date featuring about 1000 exclusive shows that we've made or licence as well as a whole lot of audiobooks and why why are people stream to your service vs.
Apple podcasts or other places.
Service itself so the product with introduce a lot of features especially with last year to allow community engagement connecting listeners to listeners listeners to creators and those features features have allowed us to do things like launch a show in Norway last month which god 100000 in gauge moments of comments emoji reactions 100000.
That's Norway fairly small model getting return a single episode the first episode of The Show we think our products has led to a 45% increase in listening on this year compared to last year to about 20 hours a month which is about 40 minutes a day that is a longer than I thought that we really appreciate with my listeners.
We Valley really highly.
I'm such a great service but content is is a big differentiator so
Incontinent vestment comes along with that and if you looking at the markets that were in some of the market said to have a relatively strong had market like Germany but most don't and polymers 1av on the companies that make an investment into content creators in those markets and markets are at 11 at the moment where without that investment is no creation about me and a creator economy on the shown people should of striking out and doing dinner and things early with talking about a status and in the newsletter and substacks if you are a creative you put Castor that's been doing pretty well.
You've got a large audience but it get in those markets late Denmark or Norway where are challenges over over ads that decision to make it so where how can how can my content be funded? What's the best way to achieve that success?
That market is relatively well.
There's some more maturing to to go ad revenue alone is not available for a creator to make a living off of their work.
So does take a platform like pattymo to enable creators to make with Amy and by doing so it been able to put together really fantastic family of shows which is the big differentiator you can of course as an individual creator create an individual subscription and monetize to presents and that will work for some relatively well it also means a decorator.
He needs to live in breathe what we are living and breathing with ours and we attract the subscribers.
How do we make sure you bring them in a way that day stick around and see value in signal last for a while so by being part of a subscription service that takes that work away from.
Depending as to which European Mark urine yes, that is the the the consistent strategy of course that means we are engaging listeners in different ways with different types of content in our markets to work in the UK in the same way because obviously the model using your doesn't really seem to have much traction in the UK in the same way that we've got you've got the UK markets larger lot of content creators coming to the market live off ads but also do taurine good or do other things you there are differences in markets like the US compared to other language markets.
I think that the UK needs a subscription model more than it thinks it does and the UK is a robust.
Ok compared to some other European markets, but it's not robust compared to the States and it's generally not a robust add market.
That is a lot and there's some players that are making great strides in bringing more robustness to the market with a big is a lot of room for growth.
I would say the UK looks a bit more like some other European markets and it does the States especially working at the amount of add money or investment from advertisers per active user pro podcast listener in the markets the US advertising spending a lot more money proactive useful than they are in the UK and you couple that with in a game comparing the UK to Europe the UK is the UK charts or that how to break into her the talent cost in the production cost is higher so that combination makes for really difficult at market and I need for a subscription and does it does it rely on.
You listen to a passionate about chosen vs.
Going to put them know it's describe that's all you can eat.
So you get all the all the premium content on there.
Are you looking for people in those markets that have really deep connections with audiences and I think a lot of our new subscribers typically do come in for a single.
Show me the soup what was seeing as we mature service is that the service itself is bigger and bigger driver of interest in subscribing improving value of a family of shows in cell wall solicitor may come in for a single show a superfan of that single show where they find a stud / lots and lots of other shows that are similar to it would reduce its own as well.
I guess correct.
Can you entering the audio market as well Media well, we are quite excited audio excited about.
My co-founder Jonathan Coates formula the BBC worked on great shut the travel show click and the two of us just thought like this is a great opportunity.
Got loads of ideas one.
Who's that at all experience to Cannock Chase the market when it comes to podcast already have got a first podcast it's independent thinking which is the Chatham House podcast which we can talk about about the chance.
We can talk about it.
That's presented by bomb Alex I'm really excited about that the content like this as well as they want to get out of the podcast in world.
They have been running the podcast from cells for a while, but they wanted someone to come with the experience and expertise and I guess for them because they want the most for think tanks in the world.
They've got more than $200 people with amazing experience when it comes to International Affairs and when it comes to you now, you see a news piece or anyone have some expert analysis.
Go to Chatham House and they want to use the podcast to kind of Showcase in the world who they are what they do so just by using us and our experience and expertise were hoping to read this podcast and even do more than just that people with brands looking at you.
Maybe had a go at doing podcasting.
They probably realised in your expertise to to do it.
What is it a challenge to to cut through yes, I love you.
So where is the challenge and make it again it depends on the market still in the UK there is so many great produces making silly greatly missed you at your sounds excellent.
Thank you any any problem breaking through.
Where is it in some of the market? There is a clearer path towards the charts with the shop investment into a pee on things when you think.
Content that you're like commissioning or acquiring once you've got of creators.
Who is the biggest already fully formed and other than ideas that people putting them on the platform.
What's the content strategy? What are you trying to to make the app? So we have a lot of shows that we may we have development and production teams and beautiful Studios across Europe and Mexico we also acquire existing shows for housing on Halima and engaging your audience on party mode as well as a whole lot of shows that are not exclusively on party mode button on the ISS drss is on party mode and I listen to listen to this shows and actually share portion of the subscription revenue that they generate with them every month.
Sales pipeline as well as you can see shows that are doing well.
I know banaras in the Apple think maybe they should join the party I suppose we do have a great amount of data that I'd love to have more data.
Who is that YouTuber for joining party? And I crave that level tangled a that, but but yeah, we'll every week and this week billian, billian consumers munther consuming podcast content on their platform about the podcast platforms in the United States 30% of podcast consumed by YouTube so even the idea of a podcast being as an audio propositioning out the window right look for filming this yet podcast today so I think that fat and there are so many people not choosing to engage in podcast using YouTube another another purple all the way.
I think it's a real good opportunity that video on the agenda for the video has been on the agenda exclusive have video this is pretty video buzz expands into a well-rounded media company beyond its initial causes subscription service videoscope been importing way that we engage with listeners that video podcast what's it called when we think about that ok to break and we'll see you back to the quiz I got the new Samsung Galaxy S25 and so many brownie points used with Galaxy a I learnt my schedule to keep my head of my day weather activity stats and diary updates like janey's birthday.
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Welcome back age is not time for the media quiz guys.
You don't get away from it this week and this week is entitled name global everything company that plenty of stories swelling around about some of the big global corporations that run imedia, but can you guess which Meg mobile is at the centre of these stories? It's the best of three so buzzing with your name if you know the answer so worry you will say Lauren and Jake you will say play name that global everything company right question and on which company has taken full creative orange yes good.
Go for it Amazon return of the James Bond franchise.
Fully charge yeah, I should full disclosure.
I'm a huge bond fan superfan, and I think my Bond friend leaving reading launderette.
I did do that this feeling that because I'm now going to have greater control although not total they will potentially have spin offs.
They'll do maybe Moneypenny franchise a young James Bond and try and expand use all the IP in the same way that the Marvel and create all these bond you know TV shows and films there was something special.
I'm a saying just having like one film about 3 or 4 years.
You know and the idea that that could be lost.
There's a tinge of sadness for me and you're not up for a bond Cinematic Universe then I can't say I but you know there are bound to be younger Bond fans out there who have a different point of view deli.
Ok right number to which company has accessed neighbours in its 40th anniversary year.
Jake are all the answers to the Amazon before brought back now.
It's been axed again.
I mean if Amazon can't make it a success.
It's probably done it.
I'm really interested as to why it wasn't weather CV31 again, so did I think if you if you matching the commissioning strategy from a company like Amazon recurring serious or so like neighbours could really valuable in engaging an audience in between some of the bigger better and so I was really excited when they announce the reboot not because I'm approaching neighbours fan have an appreciation for the years it was on there because it seemed like a really sharp strategy, so I'm guessing it would be that they potentially overpaid for the series and even if it got really good engagement.
Meet that level that they need it because it's just that one.
I just can't say I have my my friend Julia is a shout a by the way, is it used to be fun but that's more than enough episodes from for the rest of the Year sign co-production deals in the UK Jake Jake let's go with never know do you think it's good unlock someone is there a stuck in Greenlight purgatory.
Yeah, I read that headline with a certain amount of personal relevance having Ben bright YouTube Originals to Europe when I was at YouTube and being a part of that thing group that was a small number of players over investing in a small.
And for as exciting is that was at the time.
I think they're the the industry's learnt is that is not a sustainable way to grow and industry and I'm really interested in excited by Amazon's willingness to challenge that wave commissioning and I do think it has the potential to open up collaborate with a much lower and wider group of producers and to be distributing in really interesting ways and the dark is possible version of that is they spend less and continue to make the same amount of show up with the Producers but let's see hopefully it's a bit better.
I guess as well because it's been a bit of a blockage in last year with Channel 4 in the home of independent commissioning in the UK not really commissioning anything because they're please this could be a really good man for independent broadcasting.
Sorry independent in the UK is you get to define what via podcasting is called.
Direct 10 years have you come out next time until that we came up with that would be great.
Thanks to Jake Warren and Chris Curtis earlier.
Where can keep up with your new business one India so India by the country at the end of my back home.
I love a good job excellent.
Thank you for listening and watching as well and the producer was Matt Hill it was a rethink audio production with video podcast Discovery remember you can sign up to our free newsletter at the media that's the movie will remind you at about the show us to find out.
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