Read this: Heard the one about Channel 4? - TV Radio, Media - The Independent
Summary: Boopus, a term that refers to a part female cartoon character and part Roman legionary, will be the title of Fielding's debut solo comedy project and no one appears to know what it means, certainly not Shane Allen, Channel 4's head of comedy. It has found fresh vehicles for three stars of the breakout E4 hit The Inbetweeners and is about to launch a comedian whom it sees as a female version of Kenny Everett. The broadcaster's plans can only be helped by the current lack of confidence at the BBC, which is being horsewhipped by the Government over its finances and has recently reissued its editorial guidelines to prevent recurrences of Sachsgate, limiting opportunities for risqu comedy. - the one about Channel 4? - TV Radi…Transcriptions done by Google Cloud Platform.
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