Read this: Ad industry backs LondonTV Consortium bid for new channel - Politics - London news, sport events - London24
Summary: The battle is hotting up for the biggest publicly-awarded franchise since Channel 5 in the 1990s which will go on Freeview across London next year as well as globally on satellite, as part of the first round of local TV stations announced by the government. It is the only one of the five bidders that the big ad agencies say has the right commercial model to make a free public service station work commercially for a global city the size of Londonbecause it can surround its local programming with world class quality entertainment to get large enough audiences. The Consortiums chief executive, Richard Horwood, said The alternative is the wall-to-wall low budget, endless repeats and unwatchable programmes that have characterised local TV in the past and condemned it to commercial oblivion. -
www.london24.comAd industry backs LondonTV Consortium bi…Transcriptions done by Google Cloud Platform.
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