Read this: Hubris, chemistry and Susanna Reid: welcome to ITV's 'new' breakfast show - Life and style - The Guardian
Summary: Monday sees the launch of Good Morning Britain the last possible combination of jaunty, early-birdy words the channel has not yet strung together in its 900-year quest to render the slot something other than an eternally unlearned lesson in broadcasting hubris. Unless you devote yourself to recherche news concerns such as the Ukraine crisis, you will already know that drifting TV ghost ship Daybreak is finally to be broken up for scrap. In the event of nuclear holocaust she would still be there, linking gamely from an item about radiation poisoning to a ham-radio call-in on fallout fashion. -
www.theguardian.comHubris, chemistry and Susanna Reid: welc…Transcriptions done by Google Cloud Platform.
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