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Read this: Michael Wolff: Why Is the U.K.'s ITV on a Hollywood Buying Spree?

Summary: There is, too, a subplot here, the sure comedy of the mismatch between the high-flying Weinstein brothers - who will continue to run their arm of ITV and whose TV company has yet to establish a real track record - and the quite unshow-business London banker types who run ITV. Rather than a closed distributor, ITV strategically was turning itself into a supplier to the new glut of worldwide channels, including by 2014 providing more than 60 shows to U.S. channels, and buying, before the Weinstein play, four other U.S. production companies Gurney Productions, which makes Duck Dynasty High Noon Entertainment with Cake Boss Thinkfactory Media with Hatfields McCoys and DiGa Vision with Teen Wolf. - link

Michael Wolff: Why Is the U.K.'s ITV on …

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