What price for an aerial installation?

In responses to the guideline I posted about how much having a new aerial fitted should cost, Ian Grice posted: "£40-£50? Every aerial fitter I contacted wants at least £150+VAT considering you can get a class 3 aerial for under £10 and a class 2 for under £15 and cable is 40p a metre why are they charging so much for 30 minutes work?"
OK, for some places putting up a TV aerial is hard work, such as multi-story properties. As many people will simply be exchanging a Group A, B, C/D, E or K aerial for a wideband type, often without changing the supporting pole or cable, a high price cannot be justified.
I am concerned that some companies will exploit vulnerable groups (such as the elderly).
So, I what prices have you been quoted for aerial installations? What price have you paid for installation?
Do you know of any companies to avoid? Do you know of any companies that are good value for money?
Or do you work for a great aerial installation company?
8:56 PM
mazbar: all the time im pretty sure its not the transmitter otherwise everybody would be goin mad just don't see why its on c25 and not c28 its a sub transmitter with only 2 multiplexes
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9:01 PM
mark winters : if it was me if you are using a log change it to a yagi type every now and again I have problems with logs. Next change the coax routing a different way in case of interference and last move the aerial outside. If none of them work cut your losses give them there money back take out your equipment and let someone else try.
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9:20 PM
jmazbar thanks for your time im goin to try it outside first if no good recommend freesat
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9:23 PM
mark winters : Well that somewhat clarifies the situation as far as indicating that the problem is basically outwith your control.
That said, although I will agree that moving the aerial outside is very unlikely to result in any improvement to the situation, but though what might do is by moving the aerial to the left or right of its present position as sometimes this action results in a bit error rate improvement (quality), and especially so now you have described the locations involved in relation to that of the transmitter, as its rather obvious that the signal being received is via an element of diffraction (signal bending) and possibly reflection and the type of situation that generally results in reception being vulnerable to changing conditions, this not necessarily affecting all mux channels in exactly the same way because the signals received by the aerial can vary slightly in angle.
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9:26 PM
mark winters : Just noticed that Mazbar has replied, me having typed out the reply earlier on and left it sitting ready to send whilst I was answering the phone.
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9:54 PM
jb 38 thanks for your comments as well .it seems like were all singing from the same hymn sheet here .will still hve a go outside cos I am probably within a nats of getting it perfect .other scenario is giving a refund which is ok though they rather have an aerial working .it will take 10 mins to decide whether outside is a goer if not at least I gave it my best shot thanks again guys
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10:00 PM
mark winters : There are three posts on the Huntshaw Cross page regarding poor reception on PSB2 in the Westward Ho! area.
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12:33 AM
KMJ,Derby: Although what you have mentioned does indeed apply to the Huntshaw Cross transmitter, however Sophies 8.31am posting from the Westward Ho caravan park refers to "appreciating that engineering work being carried work on her local transmitter" and which to me is the Westward Ho relay, but I dont see this being mentioned on either of the engineering notice boards except for Huntshaw Cross, and of course Mark Winters specifically mentions Westward Ho's Ch25.
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7:44 AM
mark winters : With reference to that said by KMJ, Derby concerning the Huntshaw Cross page, on having had another look at the situation I can see a possible reason why reception from Westward Ho's PSB2 could be affected by the fact of it being a relay of Huntshaw Cross, insomuch if its reception from the latter's PSB2 is suffering in the same way as others have reported then this will be reflected on its own PSB2 transmissions, therefore before taking any further action at the customer referred to's installation I would first of all try and check to find out if the problem is also affecting others in the area receiving Freeview from the Westward Ho relay.
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7:58 PM
If people don't want an installer to earn £50-£70 for a full aerial install then do it yourself. Take the risk of falling off your roof leaving yourself disabled or dead. Hardly important is it when you can save money lol. Good luck if all the channels don't work and you have no idea where to start fixing it! I've paid more money on a taxi fare home Brian, and the driver never even had to get up off his arse lol
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