
For the last six years, I have answered many thousands of personal emails that you have sent to UK Free TV.
Sadly, I am unable to offer this personal service at the moment.
Until I can restore this service, please can you leave any questions you have on an appropriate page, where they will be answered as soon as possible, or below, if you can't figure out where to ask.
I look forward to your questions!
Help with TV/radio stations?
In this section
Saturday, 20 October 2012
Stephen P2:23 PM
I vaguely recall that you cannot - but hope someone sure will confirm/correct.
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Tracy2:25 PM
We used to be able to watch sky upstairs but since the digital changeover we can only pick up a very fuzzy picture. Any ideas?
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Tracy's: mapT's Freeview map terrainT's terrain plot wavesT's frequency data T's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Tracy: This could be caused by the UHF channel (frequency) that you are using to output the analogue picture to your upstairs TV now being used for digital in your area.
The Sky box puts out a signal on your aerial lead on a UHF channel (frequency). You need to use one that is not used by a Freeview transmitter that is being picked up by your aerial else the digital (Freeview) signal will interfere with the analogue picture from the Sky box, the effect on the analogue picture being that it will be more grainy.
You need to establish whether this is the likely cause. If you power on the Sky box and turn on the upstairs TV and select the Sky channel. Then remove the aerial lead going into the Sky box (the one that comes from the aerial). If the level of interference on the Sky picture on the upstairs TV reduces as a result, then this tends to suggest that it is interference from a digital signal.
Find out what RF channel number your Sky box is using by following the instructions here:
How do I change the RF output channel on a Sky Digibox? | - 10 years of independent, free digital TV advice
If this appears to be the problem, then let us know which RF channel it is using and we can suggest which one(s) you might be able to use at your location.
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Tracy5:08 PM
Tracy: Thanks for your help. I followed your instructions and the picture upstairs was perfect. The rf channel number was 60 and i tried changing it to 68 but this didn't help.Can i just leave the arial lead out of the sky box?
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Tracy's: mapT's Freeview map terrainT's terrain plot wavesT's frequency data T's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Laura5:19 PM
Sowerby Bridge
Sorry to sound ignorant if you have already answered this but I don't have an Ariel for my house and the only thing I can get is Sky which has currently become a rip off. I would like to view channels for free using my sky box and satalite but how do I go about this? How can I find out what I will be able to watch?
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Laura's: mapL's Freeview map terrainL's terrain plot wavesL's frequency data L's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Tracy: The purpose of the incoming aerial being connected into the Sky box is to allow Freeview broadcasts to be viewed. If you do not watch Freeview on the upstairs TV, and you have no other TVs connected to the output of the Sky box, then the incoming aerial is surplus to requirements.
If the TV adjacent to the Sky box is connected to the Sky box and you only wish to have Freeview available on it (and not on the upstairs TV), then you could feed the incoming aerial directly into that TV.
Since 27th June 2012 the Sudbury transmitter which serves your area has been broadcasting on C60. If you change it, you will need to retune the TV. If it has manual tuning where a UHF channel can be entered, then you can enter the same channel number, else you will have to scan.
C51 might be available. You can use somewhere from C61 to C68 because it isn't used at the moment, but the 4G mobile networks are likely to use those channels so you would probably have to change it when they come on air.
Once you have changed the output of the Sky box to C51 and retuned the TV, if the picture is a bit grainy, unplug the incoming aerial lead to see if it is interference from something that is being broadcast.
If this proves to be the case, then 54 may be a possibility.
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John B9:15 PM
Having reception problems but only on the sd channels where the signal quality fluctuates between 20-60% and now and again goes to no signal,also the picture breaks up a bit, yet on HD channels it is perfect 100%.Seems worse at night and have tried redoing all connections, changed leads and is still no betterPoiting to hanninton transmitterThe aerial is about 8 years old and also has a masthead amp going in to o triax loftbox.
Any ideas of possible faults please before I call an installer
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John B: Being in the dark as to your location, it is impossible to have any idea as to what sort of signal area you reside in.
However, it could be the case that you have too much amplification, although this usually affects HD signals before the SD ones.
Whilst signal strength meters on receivers are in no way scientific, 100% strength could be an indication that the signal level is too high. The result is much the same as too low a signal level. As the signal level increases over that which the receiver can tolerate, the strength and quality will start to fluctuate and jump up and down.
At switchover the power of digital signals increased. In some cases, installations fitted for reception of the pre-switchover low power signals is OTT after switchover.
The strength of Hannington before switchover was restricted generally to the east so as to protect against interference with the Guildford transmitter. Consequently the difference between the strength of the pre-switchover signals and the current signals in that area is very big and an installation fitted to receive the pre-switchover signals could be boosting the current signals too much.
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jb3811:42 PM
Tracy: Are you sure that when you changed the Sky boxes output to Ch68 that you had scrolled down and selected "save changes", this action followed by retuning your TV whilst on analogue to pick up the new RF output channel used by the Sky box? as what you have said suggests that you haven't as Ch68 is clear of interference from any Freeview transmitter in the UK.
By the way you do not require an aerial to be connected into a Sky box unless you want to feed normal Freeview to other rooms along with the Sky boxes signal, if you do not require this then couple the aerial directly into the jumper lead that would normally be connected into the Sky boxes RF1 or 2, this enabling Freeview in other rooms minus the Sky signal.
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Sunday, 21 October 2012
becky1:33 AM
help please
i have sky+ hd box. no hd subscription. fed up of paying £26pcm for discovery channels that now show unrelated stuff. i'm now out of contract. and am loath to pay £279 for humax 1000s freesat box.
can i use sky+hd box to the same (rewind tv guide excluded) ie. p, rw, record etc?
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jb387:09 AM
becky: No! because Sky retains access to the recording / playback side of the box on a permanent basis and which will be disabled around the same time as your access to Sky dedicated package programmes.
In other words your Sky+ box defaults back to being a standard box.
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Monday, 22 October 2012
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john4:29 PM
Took a skybox+ to another house, put the cable in, kept coming up no signal, do I have to somehow tune it in, or change settings on box? Many thanks,
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jb385:10 PM
john: When you connect a Sky box to the mains supply it will automatically start searching for channels without having to do anything, if "no signal" is indicated then it simply means that the box could not find the default transponder signal.
Use the following procedure to check if any level of signal is being indicated, as it could still be there but just not at a high enough level to produce a picture, so check on this by using the following procedure.
Press "services" and you will then see the main menu with "options" being highlighted, highlight the "settings" menu using the right arrow button and press select, then using the left / right arrow buttons scroll to "signal" and press select, this will then display the signal level indicator bars.
Both strength and quality should be indicating the equivalent of approx 55% minimum to produce a picture, if under then the dish is slightly out of alignment.
Further advice dependant on reply.
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jb389:03 PM
RON CAMPBELL: If the intermittent reception problem is confined to affecting the same box all the time, then you should unscrew the "F" connector on the LNB used by it, then further unscrew it from the coax to check for any signs of water having crept into the plug, giving its internals a wipe with a cotton bud or similar in case any moisture is lurking around, similar treatment (using a tissue) given to the end of the coax, then making sure that all of the braiding is pulled back over the outer cover screw the connector back onto the coax again and try a test.
You should also check the "F" connector at the box end just in case a single strand of the braiding has caught around the middle core of the coax, matter of fact its maybe best you try this "first" before taking action at the LNB end.
Should though the problem still be there after having carried out these procedures, then try swapping the "F" connector port on the LNB used by the box in question over with a port used by one of the other boxes, as if the port is defective then the fault will show up on another box.
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Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Gordon5:36 PM
Had a fault with freeview on our tv Called out engineer New wideband aerail now fitted . Now TV Doesnt work at all he said water has got into old aerial cable . and it has got into the tv tuner and buggered it up Up until yesterday we could still get certain bands from the UHF 41-47 NOW A BIG FAT ZERO Is this a common problem?
Have a 5 year guarantee on TV
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Terry brady7:14 PM
I have a HD box in my living room with a magic eye in my bedroom to change channels been working ok for at least 3 years bought a new HD box from sky they also installed the new one now my magic eye does not work I have checked the rf 2 outlet and channel 60 both boxes the same but the new one will not work put the old one back and it is all ok I have remade all connctions as well any ideas as this is driving me mad and my son wants my old box to replace his sky plus
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Alan Maybury11:33 PM
How can I connect three sky + boxes to one sat dish
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Stephen P11:37 PM
Gordon water in cable perfectly possible.
affeting tuner barely credible.
only affecting AFTER replacement bovine excrement.
Did he leave you with all working or not?
Have you paid him?
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jb3811:47 PM
Alan Maybury: By changing the dishes LNB to an octo type and running a pair of coax cables (shotgun types neater) from the LNB ports to each of the Sky+ boxes, this leaving two ports spare which is handy for testing should one of the eight ports fail at any time.
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jb3811:58 PM
Terry brady: When you say that you checked the RF2 outlet, are you meaning to make sure that the RF2's power was activated?
If a Sky+HD box press "services" then type in "0 - 0 - 1 - select" and scroll right to select and press on: RF outlets.
Should it already be activated, then for a test try the magic eye connected directly into the boxes RF2 socket and cover the front of the Sky box with a towel so that the box isn't directly picking up the remotes IR signal.
By the way, no need to connect the eyes output to anything.
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Wednesday, 24 October 2012
jb3812:20 AM
Gordon: Although a person actually on site always has a visual advantage, but I have doubts about the statement that's been made to you, as yes! water can get into a coax cable if the coax to aerial connection has been left exposed to the elements for an extended period of time, although if water had reached the aerial input connection on the box then close inspection of the socket would reveal white corrosion, but I personally have never experienced a waterlogged tuner and I repair all sorts of RF devices including marine use equipment.
I believe that your signal is received from Blackhill? but an idea of your location would have been of assistance (post code or one from nearby, e.g: a shop) as that would have enabled the reception predictor to be accessed, as you "might" be in a location where a test could be carried out using a set top aerial.
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Steven11:51 AM
Hi, I wonder if now that the signal power is up to maximum (post switchover)we will still need the traditional type, directional aerial perched on every roof top or will these be eventually replaced with a simple whip type omni-directional aerial for new installations etc.,the wet piece of string theory springs to mind!?
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Steven's: mapS's Freeview map terrainS's terrain plot wavesS's frequency data S's Freeview Detailed Coverage
David1:48 PM
I currently have tvs which are digital ready. Up until last night I received all channels via a communal aerial which is also an aerial for sky. Reception perfect . Now after changeover last night I have only 30 channels which do not include bbc, utv, itv. First channel is film4. Tried retuning and disconnecting aerial Etc but no luck. I live in Northern Ireland comber. Any suggestions? Thanks.
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Clive Porter4:22 PM
Can anyone tell me what has become of the BBCB Multiplex (BBC One HD, BBC HD ITV1 HD etc.) on Mynydd Machen transmitter Channel 29.
I have virtually line of sight to the transmitter which is 5.6km away.
I used to receive the channel 29 multiplex until around the time of the "re-tune" on 17 October. I've not been able to receive it since that date, maybe earlier as I don't watch HD very often.
I receive channels 23 and 26 from Mynydd Machen perfectly (100% signal 100% quality) but my (full HD) TV now shows no signal at all on channel 29 - which according to the transmitter listings on this site should be operational.
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Clive Porter5:53 PM
David: I assume that you are using the automatic tuning function. A possibility is that the low programme numbers BBC1 BBC2 ITV1 are being tuned on a low frequency transmitter channel that has poor signal strength inadequate to give you reception. If your correct service transmitter is at a higher frequency the tuning function may well ignore these programmes when it finds them again.
I suggest that you try the following:
Delete all programmes methods differ with each television perhaps a factory reset will do the job.
Identify the transmission channels for your transmitter from the listing on this site. (Find the transmitter on the map and double click on it to see the programme lists and transmitter channel/frequencies.)
Use the manual (not the automatic) tuning function for each of the transmission channels.
Id be interested in your feedback as to whether this helps.
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serena11:49 PM
Hi. I have brought a sky italia box from italy to london but i cant get any signal from my dish even though its aligned with hotbird. I can however get a signal when using the decoder purchased with the dish. What am i doing wrong? Is there a restriction on using the sky box outside of italy? Your help would be greatly appeciated Hi. I have brought a sky italia box from italy to london but i cant get any signal from my dish even though its alignet with hotbirf. I can however get a signal when using the decoder purchased with the dish. What am i doing wrong? Is there a restriction on using the sky box outside of italy? Your help would be greatly appecia
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serena11:52 PM
Hi. I have brought a sky italia box from italy to london but i cant get any signal from my dish even though its aligned with hotbird. I can however get a signal when using the decoder purchased with the dish. What am i doing wrong? Is there a restriction on using the sky box outside of italy? Your help would be greatly appeciated.
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Thursday, 25 October 2012
Linda Boyle9:32 AM
I have a dish from switchover scheme , Can I use a secind TV from the dish ?
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Linda Boyle9:33 AM
Can I use a second TV from my switch over dish ?
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Ron Small10:43 AM
I receive my signal from Pontop Pike transmitter and have always had excellent
reception on ( approx ) 140 combined TV and
radio channels on Freeview. Can you tell me
what happened yesterday (24/10/12 ) when I
have lost about half of these (no signal indicated) What can I do to restore the missing channels? Can you answer in laymans
terms please
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Ron Small11:55 AM
Ron Small: Sorry (I told you I was a layman!!) I think I have found the answer to my question posted earlier on the loss of
Freeview channels. The aerial is connected
through a now defunct VHS recorder which was accidentally switched off. On switching this back on and auto-tuning the missing channels
are restored
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Ron Small: Unless you watch your VHS recorder via the aerial lead (rather than the scart lead) then there is no need to daisy-chain it on the aerial lead as it cannot receive any analogue (I assume).
Thus, if you disconnected it from the aerial lead you wouldn't need to leave it powered on.
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Richard 12:47 PM
Prior to the digital switchover, our aerial in the attic was capable of receiving freeview. Since the digital switch over we have lost freeview in all rooms and on all devices. Tv's and digital USB stick.
Post code is GU16 6GP. We live in a relatively new house and the signal is distributed around the house via a "junction box"
I have noticed a few house around us have had external rooftop aerials installed. I don't want to go down that route if possible.
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Richard's: mapR's Freeview map terrainR's terrain plot wavesR's frequency data R's Freeview Detailed Coverage
I am unable to receive RTE 1, RTE2 or TG4. I have a Freeview TV, it is HD ready. How can I rectify this problem. All the other channels have appeared since the switchover.
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Eamon's: mapE's Freeview map terrainE's terrain plot wavesE's frequency data E's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Richard : You need to do some logical "fault"-finding. I say "fault", but it "may" be entirely rectifiable.
Is your aerial directed to Hannington @ 268 degrees, with it set horizontally? If so, confirm that all channels are tuned to Hannington by viewing the signal strength screen when tuned to each:
BBC One = C45
ITV1 = C42
BBC One HD (if applicable) = C39
ITV3 = C41
Pick TV = C44
Film4 = C47
(There are only six multiplexes/signals which carry all the services so there should be no need to check them all - just these six/five will do. They are listed here DTG :: DTT Services by Multiplex )
Having established that the TV/box that you are using for testing is tuned correctly, then connect the feed from the aerial directly to it - that is so it doesn't go via the distribution amplifier ("junction box").
I wonder if the amplifier is set to boost the signal too much (boost it too much now switchover has occurred).
The digital signals prior to switchover were lower than they are now. In particular, the signals radiated by Hannington in your general direction were much lower than in others due to Guildford transmitter using the same channels. Consequently there was a large difference in pre-switchover signal strength versus post-switchover signal strength in your area.
An aerial setup that was installed to pick up the weaker pre-switchover signals may now be too sensitive and providing signals that are OTT. As you have an amplifier, it could be that the feeds from it (to the rooms) are much higher than that going into it. Try turning it down if you can.
The thing with digital reception is that the objective is not to get the strength as near 100% as you can. Providing you have a good *quality* signal, there is a threshold *level* above which it works. Increasing the signal above a safe margin above the threshold will not improve the picture, unlike with analogue. But increase it too high and it is a bit like turning up the volume on a hifi to the point that the sound distorts which is a loss of quality.
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shirley dolphin9:48 PM
Y am I getting no event information on BBC1 and BBC2 on my freeview box
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Vic10:39 PM
For anyone still experiencing Freeview reception problems from the Rowridge transmitter, particularly on UHF Ch 28 (Channel 19 - Yesterday and others on the same COM6 MUX). This evening I moved my TV aerial from a horizontal (polarisation)position to a vertical position. i.e twisted the aerial 90 degrees from the original position while still keeping it pointing in the same direction. Now perfect reception. Fortunately my aerial is only in my loft so easily accessible. My location is Fareham, Hants. This improvement can be explained by the fact that Rowridge has a far stronger signal in the vertical polarisation than the horizontal polarisation for these particular channels. All channel reception is now fine.
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Friday, 26 October 2012
andy9:32 AM
with the switch over i re tuned the tv in the bedroom we received im guessing most of the channels itv ch 4 ch 5 bbc etc etc a message came up on the screen when the tv was switched on so i did as told and re tuned the tv only to receive bbc channels only tv and radio any ideas or help greatly appreciated
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andy9:34 AM
just to add the we had been receiving all the programes for about 6 weeks after the digital switchover
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ceebee9:47 AM
I have a Humaax Foxsat-HDR for Freesat reception and recording. I have noticed recently that the recordings are stopping just before the end of the programmes which is a PITA.
This Humax HDR does not have EPG, unlike my Sony DVD recorder which I use for Freeview.
Apart from manually setting the time for each programme recording using the Humax Guide with the yellow button, is ther any way to get the whole programme recorded ?
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Clive Porter3:22 PM
Richard: I also have aerials in the loft one oriented towards Mynydd Machen (the local Wenvoe repeater) - channels 23 and 26 with 400 Watts at 5.6 km. distance and the second towards Mendip - channels 48, 52, 54, 56, 58 and 61 with 100 kWatts at 49 km. distance.
The aerials combine in a passive Y splitter into a SLX1 Signal booster which feeds a HQ Ant Amp4 four way distribution amplifier. Both these have variable gain. The SLX1 is set to maximum and the Amp4 to about 25% gain. With these settings the 2 transmitter channels from Mynydd Machen and all 6 from Mendip show 100% signal and 100% quality.
Following Dave Lindsay's comments, and being an electronics engineer myself, I have made an experiment. Turning up the gain of the Amp4 up to ~50% causes the quality of channel 58 to drop to 50~80% and channel 61 to 1~20% All of the other channels remained at 100% quality.
Turning the gain up to 100% caused all of the Mendip channels to show zero signal, although the Machen channels remained OK.
So Dave Lindsay is absolutely correct and this shows that you may need to have just the right signal level. If you are still having problems, and your junction box does not have gain adjustment, I suggest that you try a HQ Ant Amp4. It is easy to find on the internet and you can always send it back if its ineffective.
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Clive Porter: Out of interest, how does your recorder fare as far as recording starting up due to receiving from different transmitter networks/regions? Similarly, does it affect how the EPG builds up?
I have heard that this may be an issue but wonder whether it is always the case or may vary by design of the receiver.
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mark10:14 PM
Hi, when will the patna and dalmellington area get the use of all the freeview channels as it seem very limited compared to Ayr 15 miles away.
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mark: Never. See here for an explanation:
Londonderry transmitter | - 10 years of independent, free digital TV advice
In some tiny pockets of your part of the world the signals from Divis in Northern Ireland is available. I emphasise "some" and "tiny" and point out that the COM channels from Divis (those that don't broadcast from your local transmitter) are on lower power and use the same channels as Caldbeck, so you will also need to be in a location where it won't interfere.
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jb3811:57 PM
ceebee: Most Humax's whether Freesat or Freeview use similar menu systems and with one common facility being that you can choose to have either an auto-timed start / end whereby the programme providers control these start / stop times, or alternatively the user can preset + or - five minutes start / delay to the published times.
This of course should not really be necessary as its usually only when recording some of the less mainstream channels or +1's of some others that the problem arises, but to select the aforementioned start / end time settings press: Menu - and five stacked icons will appear on the left hand side of the screen, the top being "settings" and with a choice list being shown on the right hand side, scroll down to and click on "recording" and you will see a few options being listed including start / end times, and on scrolling to and clicking on "start time" the default setting of "Auto" displayed, click on this and a choice of early start times from 1 to 5 minutes will be displayed, select and click on what's required then scroll down one position to "end time" and use the same procedure as before but this time for "end delay".
By the way the procedure for delaying "end time" is exactly the same, but remember that using manual settings permanently eliminates programme control codes from having any effect, and if a programme is either cancelled or runs seriously late the recorder will not attempt to correct this because you will have disabled the link, and these settings will remain what you set them at until altered at any time.
On the subject of the EPG, this is what's shown when you press the "list" button, and with your reference to the yellow button, this when pressed whilst viewing the "guide" shows the preset list for programmes to be recorded.
The remote control in question for most of these models being a Humax RM-F01 type control.
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Sunday, 28 October 2012
Glenn 1:39 PM
I have two freeview Humax HDR-FOX T2 boxes with one being brand new, and since the last retune on the 17/10/12 which l have carried out l keep getting every time l change channels the notice about having to retune to update your guide any idea how to get rid of this message please?
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Big Mart11:24 PM
Can anyone help please? I have a Sony television. Recently I have been getting intermittent reception on the HD channels. Some days they have been okay, on others the picture is completely broken up and there is 'no signal'.
I live near NW9 5HE. Although I have had perfect picture previously, but cannot be sure if the problems started with the changeover of channels recently.
There have been a lot of new buildings (flats) built over the past few years in the area and it is still continuing.
I have a communal aerial, and as far as I know there have been no changes.
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Big's: mapB's Freeview map terrainB's terrain plot wavesB's frequency data B's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Monday, 29 October 2012
Stephen P10:03 AM
Anyone else in the block got same?
Could you try swapping TV with someone?
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Big Mart11:47 AM
Stephen: I live in a house but there are flats opposite me. I believe that is where the communal aerial feed comes from.
The neighbours that I have asked all receive their tv through Sky.
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Big's: mapB's Freeview map terrainB's terrain plot wavesB's frequency data B's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Stephen P4:36 PM
Who is responsible for the aerial feed?
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Big Mart11:09 PM
The estate is managed by a Home Ownership organisation. Do you think there could be a problem with the feed, and if so, I presume I should contact the company.
I do not have an alternative aerial to try, and a 40" is too big to move around!
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Wednesday, 31 October 2012
David Hogan12:42 PM
I have a Humax PVR-9150T connected to a TOSHIBA flat screen TV. I have a recuring intermitent problem of the sound & picture "freezing". When checking on the System I get the following;
strength (74%)
quality 100%.
Can any one offer advice as to how cure the problem.
Thanks David
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David's: mapD's Freeview map terrainD's terrain plot wavesD's frequency data D's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Nick2:32 PM
I'm planning to have a sat dish installed to watch FTA channels from the 28.2E group and I'd also like to be able to watch a 24hr FTA 3D channel called HighTV 3D. This is on Astra 3B at 23.5E but I understand it's possible to fit a 2nd LNB to a dish in order to do this. Can anyone confirm that the footprint for Astra 3B covers at least the south-east UK (I'm in London) and what size dish I'd need please? I've bought a Ross HDR-8130USB sat receiver which should cover me for both groups shouldn't it? Thanks for any info.
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Keith Cass5:46 PM
I have a sky + HD Box and want to connect a second tele via a tv link magic eye but can not get it to operate the web site suggests (o) (o) (1) select to turn on RF supply but the screens i have are not the same as the sample as showncan you help
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Thursday, 1 November 2012
Monicah6:48 AM
I bought a bush digital box(BU11FVZS2) in the UK, would like to know if it can operate in AFRICA (KENYA).
Thank you
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jb389:31 AM
Keith Cass: If you have a Sky+HD box with the latest menu system then the procedure is slightly different, insomuch that you press "services" then use the right arrow to navigate away from options to "Settings", then on pressing same "Picture" should be highlighted.
On the remote control press: "0 - 1 - Select" and the "Set up" tab should be highlighted, once again using the right arrow to scroll along the list to, and pressing on "RF out", this being where you can change the pre-set RF output channel.
Other than this latest procedure the normal is either to press "Services - 4" then 0 - 1 - select" or "Services - 0" then 0 - 1 - select", though on most boxes it can be done in one continuous operation, i,e: "Services - 0 - 0 - 1 - select"
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Gill10:45 PM
I have a house in Mayo Ireland, can I buy a dish from england and use in Mayo or do I have to buy one from there.
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susan 11:38 PM
I have a sky plus box in my lounge and a standard sky box in the bedroom. The main one works fine - but at present in the evening the one in the bedroom keeps saying no satellite signal. It then seems to clear in the middle of the night and in the morning is back to normal - any ideas why this may be happening.
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jb3811:55 PM
susan: This problem is caused by either a faulty connection on the feed from the dish (check "F" connectors) to your standard Sky box, or possibly that the LNB port on dish used to feed the signal to the second box is defective.
When the bedroom box goes off press "Services - 4 - 6" and check if the signal levels are still being indicated, as both strength / quality "must" be at least the equivalent of 55% to provide a stable picture, as underneath this the picture is liable to vanish.
Further info dependant on findings.
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Friday, 2 November 2012
Stephen P11:08 AM
Gill what do you want to retrieve?
I would be very surprised if a UK dish did not work fine in Mayo as the signal beaming is not precise - but ask locally.
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bill1:08 PM
can i use an old 2way amp to run 2 teles
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bill's: mapB's Freeview map terrainB's terrain plot wavesB's frequency data B's Freeview Detailed Coverage
bill: Yes, it would be expected to work with digital.
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graham Mulligan1:53 PM
Do you need a stb with one or two scart sockets to connect a dvd player
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jb385:03 PM
graham Mulligan: This is only preferable if the TV being used only has one scart socket, as other wise a two-way scart switcher box would be required, its common lead going into the TV and with the STB going into one of the two-way switchers scart sockets and the DVD into the other.
If of course your TV also had an HDMI input socket and the DVD likewise but an HDMI output, then this would leave the TV's scart input solely for use with the STB.
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Richard Jones10:55 PM
I don't know if somebody out there can help me but here goes: I have a TV in my main living room which is connected to a SKY+ HD box, blu-ray player and DVD recorder, all by HDMI cables and also the TV has an external aerial connection via the Sky box. Running from the Sky box is another HDMI cable via a splitter to another TV in our second living room. This is mainly so that we can watch Sky TV in this room as well, albeit the same show as the main room. This TV is also connected to the external aerial via a splitter. We have recently bought a second blu-ray player for this other room but have noticed that when we go to use any of the player's controls we get a blue screen on the main TV and we can't watch both TVs at the same time. If we switch the main TV over to Sky for example the film being played on the Blu-ray in the second room is paused. Any ideas as to how we stop this from happening as ideally we'd like to watch Sky in the main living room and a film in the second without this happening? Any advice or guidance would be appreciated.
Many thanks,
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Saturday, 3 November 2012
Steve7:22 PM
I think (hope) this is the place to let you know that there is an error on the Rowridge information page:
Near the top there is the clear statement..."To receive Freeview from the Rowridge transmitter you will require an aerial of group A positioned horizontally."
This is incorrect, and confused me until some nice guys helped me out. It seems that Rowridge now TXs both horizontally and Vertically, and vertical is a better signal. Other data at the top of the page does let you know this, but only once you understand it. The incorrect statement did confuse me, and so I think it needs to be corrected.
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Sunday, 4 November 2012
becky scott9:23 PM
Hi Im new to this but have a question.
Being a new and 1st time sky customer Im a self confessed techno-phobe but am giving it all a go, lol!!
We have the full sky package but it constantly says we have no signal for the film 4 channel, I thought tis was a free channel?
The only channels we should not have access to are the 3d ones, they hurt our eyse, lol and the sport channels.
We are in a fab signal area and our dish is a communal one in a new(ish) build appartment complex.
My limited knowledge on this sort of thing really does leave me at a loss, also we have been sky members for 6 wks and only get a technicians support for the forst 4 wks.
We are starting to see the downside now and maybe should have shopped around.
If anyone has any suggestions for the connection/ channel receiving issues or know of a better deal with better tech support please respond.
Thanks for reading and will await and anticipate any response,
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becky's: mapB's Freeview map terrainB's terrain plot wavesB's frequency data B's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Monday, 5 November 2012
jb387:15 AM
becky scott: Film 4 on a Sky box is on 315, if this is not shown on the programme guide list disconnect the Sky box from the mains supply then wait about 15 secs or so before reconnecting it again, then once it responds to being taken out of standby by the remote control allow it to go through the usual "searching for listings" procedure.
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Wednesday, 7 November 2012
Sean Diamond1:55 PM
do you know if talktalks youview box recieves rte etc . I live in belfast N.I.,...Thank You Sean. (54.5833,-5.9333)
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Mike Dimmick2:24 PM
Sean Diamond: All YouView boxes meet the D-Book 7 requirements for HD and qualify for the Freeview+HD logo. It will therefore be able to pick up RT whether you get that from a UK or a Republic of Ireland transmitter.
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helen11:22 PM
I have a DVD/Video recorder Panasonic DMR-EZ48VEB & can't seem to connect it properly to TV ( LG ) - I can play videos & tapes but can't recod on videos which is what I want to do - I'm not technical at all ( just a single parent ! ) so can someone please help - I've looked for hours at the manual & seem to be missing a " RF in" on my TV as page 8 says - is this the problem ? & don't know if I need a HDMI cable per page 10?
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Thursday, 8 November 2012
Toni B8:53 AM
Following the trail on use of early (or later) Sky equipment to view (Sky) Freesat channels sometime ago I arranged this with Sky with no problem keeping my Sky HD+ Box on the Sky contract and my early Sky Box off contract and incidentally do not need to pay for multi-room either. However, as the original Sky Box is located in a different room to where the signal is required can anyone recommend a suitable non-wired solution to enable transmission of Freesat signals from the original Sky to another TV?
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Quantum Mechanic2:28 PM
I've lost the mux 2 channels, ITV1, Ch4, Ch5 etc... today. Using the Oxford transmitter I can't find any problems with reception/maintenance on their website. Freeview box is Sharp TU-R160HA, signal is varying from 'None' to 'Very Good' in set-up mode, any advice? Ta.
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Stephen P5:08 PM
helen - I'm not familiar with the product but to record and use the TV at the same time on different channels you will need to "chain" the TV Aerial connection from one to another.
The usual set-up is
Aerial>Recorder RFin; Recorder RF out > TV aerial socket (aka "RFin").
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Monday, 12 November 2012
Chris4:35 PM
Live in France and bought Thomson digital box 8 years ago linked to Satellite dish. We have lost our TV stream channels, Radios - BBC 1,2,3 and 4 and sometime back Channel 5 also. Is the box so out of date now that it will not pick up freeview channels as before? What options are there for a free freeview service to our home in France? Technology seems to have moved on at such a pace that we have been left behind!! For example the new FreeSat boxes? What do they do?! We believe that buying a digital box in UK and using it in France will not help us to access UK freeview channels - is this so?? Basically, can we retrieve the channels by re-tuning somehow (though we have tried on numerous occasions recently and come up with loads of unwanted channels!!) or will we need to get ourselves another digital box - from where? What options are available when buying in France
Look forward to an answer!!
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Michael4:50 PM
Chris: To clear some things up first:
- When did you lose the channels?
- Do you actually receive your signals through a satellite dish, or through an aerial?
- Have you got the model number of the Thomson box?
I'm sure someone more knowledgeable than me regards satellite will be able to help with that info.
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KMJ,Derby5:19 PM
Chris: The problem is not the age of the box, but the fact that the BBC services have been transfered from a Europe wide beam to one which is focused more on the UK. Depending where you are in relation to the footprint of the satellite will determine whether a larger dish will restore reception of the missing channels, or whether it is no longer possible to receive them at all.
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Gary6:22 PM
Hemel Hempstead
Up to the last 3 weeks I have lost ALL freeview channels on both boxes (One upstairs the other down)...another one upstairs which is built into the tv is fine, its the two boxes that have lost all channels. I've un-plugged every plug/socket that connects both boxes & re-plugged in, switched off booster box & turned back on too, the one upstairs give 34% signal..still no channels, one downstairs nothing @ all. I lost in what to do !! before I pay for some one to renda...thank for your time GARY
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Gary's: mapG's Freeview map terrainG's terrain plot wavesG's frequency data G's Freeview Detailed Coverage
jb389:34 PM
Gary: A 34% signal is not near good enough to resolve a picture on lots of equipment, and when you say that you turned the booster off then back on were you observing the "signal strength" (not picture) on the TV whilst you were doing this? as the internal power supplies on booster boxes can fail even although any light on the box could still be illuminated.
Please supply the model number of the box in question.
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Tuesday, 13 November 2012
Ian Penter2:48 PM
I have recently cancelled my Sky subscription and want to receive the free channels as I was advised that I could by Sky.I have a tv upstairs that is connected by a sky box to the sky dish and I have a tv downstairs that is run off the same box as an extension and which is controlled by a magic eye and receives the same channels as the one upstairs. Since cancellation of the service the primary tv upstairs is receiving all the free channels but the tv downstairs is not receiving any. Also the magic eye connector has a light on it which should be lit and it isn't. Do you know of any reason why the downstairs tv is not receiving channels.
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Gary6:49 PM
Hemel Hempstead
jb38:- Thanks for getting back, the box in question !! is an Eagle 240v/50hz splitter amp 8-way, cat No: T103c (In Loft) As I've said I shut down, took every plug/socket out within the house !! as tho to start again from new !!with still no results..seems odd thats its just happened to two freeview boxes when every thing was fine 3wks ago....I have a very big hammer that I'm tempted to use.
Cheers again look forward to your ans..G
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Gary's: mapG's Freeview map terrainG's terrain plot wavesG's frequency data G's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Mazbar8:05 PM
Gary: the amp you are talking about are a peice of junk only fitted by sparks, diy's , or cowboys this could be your problem. Try changing the amp or call out a aerial rigger who can check the signal with a proper meter not just the tv signal strength checker.
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jb388:35 PM
Ian Penter: The cancellation of Sky has no bearing whatsoever on your problem and which suggests that either a fault has developed in the cable that links the upstairs Sky box to your TV downstairs, or alternatively that the Sky boxes RF modulator power supply (internal) has failed.
To verify if this is the case or not, take the magic eye upstairs and connect it directly into the Sky boxes RF2 socket, if the eye does not light up when this is done then its the box at fault, but though go into the Sky boxes installers menu and check that the RF2 power is still enabled.
By the way when you connect the eye directly into the Sky boxes RF2 there is no need to connect anything to the eyes output.
Also the installers menu is accessible (on standard box) by pressing "Services - 4" then "0 - 1 - Select" and scroll to RF outlets.
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jb389:15 PM
Gary: Unfortunately I was unable to check the spec of your particular Eagle device as I cannot find it listed anywhere, and indeed any references I did see to Eagle splitters were not on UK sites and were not for digital TV via an aerial either, but for cable TV.
Although I am inclined to agree with Mazbar regarding this device I still think that you should verify if its actually working or not, this by either doing as was suggested in my previous posting or alternatively a modification to the procedure by going into the tuning menu on one of your devices and selecting manual tune, then if you are receiving from your local Hemel H station enter (BBC) Ch44 but do NOT scan, because on most devices the level of the mux channel entered into the box should immediately be indicated "if" any signal is there, note whatever it is and leave the TV on that screen.
The second part is to go into the loft and take the main aerial plug out of the splitter and do likewise with the feed from the splitter that goes to the TV / box with the signal indication on it then link the two plugs together, in other words by passing the Eagle unit by connecting the aerial directly to the TV (or box) used for the test.
Once back down from the loft check the signal strength indication to see if just the same as before or has possibly dropped, if though it is the same as before having linked the two cables together then the Eagle device is defective and should be replaced, possibly by one of the SLX brand booster / splitters as seen on the link.
SLX 8 way booster.
Philex Electronic (UK) Ltd. Homepage
Note: If receiving from Crystal Palace the BBC mux is Ch23.
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Gary: Is this the device?
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Bob11:05 PM
Why can I not get a signal on the HD channels, even though the receiver shows that it will accept it?
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jb3811:14 PM
Bob: Its impossible for anyone to pass an opinion on this when you have neither (1) mentioned what you are attempting to get HD channels on, or (2) if not using satellite provided your post code or one from nearby, this to enable access to the reception predictor details.
The receiver model number should also be given.
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jb3811:35 PM
Gary: And should it be what Dave Lindsay has provided the link for then this is not powerful enough, as nearer the 10db mark is more appropriate.
Of course thats if your Eagle device is found NOT to to faulty!
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Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Gary7:21 AM
Hemel Hempstead
jb38:- Cheers for all the quote s..will do my best..but seems to be coming a mare !!as for Dave Lindsay..Nope...All seems odd that both were ok 3wks ago....& I still have another one thats working, thats built into the TV...cheers again....I think the hammer will be coming out..
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Gary's: mapG's Freeview map terrainG's terrain plot wavesG's frequency data G's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Gary: It seems a bit of a coincidence that a different device from a different manufacturer would have the same model number. Perhaps it is the same device (the electronics inside) but in a different box.
In any case, try turning off the amplifier having checked to see what the strength is on the Freeview TV that is working. See if having the amp turned off reduces the strength. If it doesn't, then it certainly points to it being defective.
The other thing to try is connecting the incoming lead from the aerial onto the outgoing feed to the room with the TV in. This may require an adaptor if the two connectors are the same gender.
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Stephen P5:15 PM
Bob does the receiver say "HD Ready" or does it say it has an HD TUNER?
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jb3811:32 PM
Gary: The fact of your boxes having been working three weeks ago but not now even although a TV with built in Freeview still does is not exactly that terribly unusual, because excluding the possibility of a fault in the aerial feeds to the boxes concerned, all this indicates is that the TV is fitted with a more sensitive tuner than that used in the boxes hence the TV can operate with a lower signal level, and so to reiterate on what I already said in my initial reply made on the 12th @ 9.34pm, a 34% signal level is way too low for satisfactory reception, and so in order to solve your problem you have to pinpoint where it is in the first place, this done by carrying out the check on the booster / splitter also mentioned in my original reply, plus the more detailed test as described on my subsequent posting on 13th @ 9.15pm, and I just noticed as also mentioned by Dave Lindsay today, because unless you do this the Eagle device cannot be eliminated from being the cause of the problem.
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Thursday, 15 November 2012
Gary11:21 AM
Hemel Hempstead
jb38/Dave Lindsay:-Cheers to all..will do this weekend as !! as I'm a bizzy chap in the week (like most) thanks again to all........I'll let you now wots wot...(ug)
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Gary's: mapG's Freeview map terrainG's terrain plot wavesG's frequency data G's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Saturday, 17 November 2012
i can receive Sky News and CNN channels, but all other channels e.g. BB1, CNBC etc, the message is "there is a technical fault etc." or no satellite signal is being received, please try later. I have trie all three of your suggested solutions and still have the same problem. Please help.
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Sunday, 18 November 2012
Ron F.4:04 PM
I am lokking to buy a Digihome 19" TV - does anyone know if the scart lead supplied will fit the scart socket on a Sky Plus Box?
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Stephen P5:51 PM
SCART sockets are an international standard so should all be exactly the same.
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