Can I use an existing sky dish with a freeview box? and if so can the two servic

No, you cannot use a satellite box to receive terrestrial programmes.
I don't want to use a satellite box I have a freeview box. I want to know if an existing dish for sky can be use with the freeview box.Can I use a cable splitter and run one end to the sky box the the other to a freeview box and get the freeview channels.
You cannot use a Freeview receiver with a satellite dish, only an aerial.
You also cannot split a satellite signal from a dish, if you want to run more than one box you must use a dual- or quad-LNB on the satellite dish and have a cable to each satellite receiver.
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Friday, 24 May 2013
MikeB3:24 PM
Cheryl: You will need a second cable/LNB if you want to watch something other than what your recording at the same time. However, you can just use the box to watch or record as you want for the meantime, in much the same way as you do now.
ATV actually do a quad LNB for £16, and the cable is about 65p a metre - so its not very expensive to upgrade your system, but it will mean you can use the Humax's full capacity to do more than thing at once.
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Sunday, 26 May 2013
Cheryl2:49 PM
Mike, Mike, Mike, you are going to get me into trouble watching all this tele !
Yippee. I am now in possession on Humax Foxsat HDR (Argos £229).(Not yet connected).
I have looked at my LNB - I can't see where I'd feed a second cable in and looking up into the hole there doesn't seem to be any 2nd connection either (unless it's well hidden). I must have a single feed then. :o(
So... I'd have to change LNB if I wanted a second cable (here's hoping the internet shows me how!).
Are all LNBs universal?
Do they just transfer signal to cable? Can I buy any (I'm in France)?
I'd need 31m of cable. I have 4m+20m left over from the first installation, so can I join 3 lengths of cable to make one length (?!) or will I have to buy a new reel of correct length?
Is there one cable which has twin cables within its one casing or would a second cable have to run parallel with the current single one? (less subtle)
Thanks again.
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5:01 PM
5:01 PM
You need to look closely at your LNB. Where the existing cable comes out is there a second opening next to it? Often the LNB outputs have a protective sleeve over them that may slide upwards to show the actual F-plugs screwed into the outputs. If you don't have a second output, you will need to change the LNB, I'd suggest having a quad type fitted, about the same cost.
Cables can be joined but it is not a good idea as the connectors can introduce faults. Best to either run another CT100/RG6 (or better) cable or replace all the cabling with 'piggy-back' or 'figure of eight' or 'shotgun' cables that have two feeds enclosed in a single moulded cover that looks like the number 8. I assume those cables and LNBs are available in France? If you look at Twin Satellite Sky Plus RG6 Shotgun Aerial Cable Black 125mm you will see what the cables could look like. Tip, always buy the best quality cables you can and avoid the cheaper versions. Always use good quality F-connectors too and wrap any external connectors with self-amalgamating tape to keep the water, humidity, corrosion out.
Hope that helps?
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Cheryl9:55 PM
Thanks Mike #2
Yes it all helps ! (I know not a lot!) Thank you. :o)) There's no hidden trap in the LNB.
I've just (at 10.30pm!) decided to try setting up the Humax receiver with my single feed in LNB1 in and loop from LNB1 out to LNB2 in (as the manual says) and it can't find the satellite signal. Oh joy! It should be the same as the one I had for for Sky freesat shouldn't it? I haven't touched the dish!
Oh well, I'm not staying up any later tonight - I'd just thought there may be a miracle in it finding the signal first go! No such luck eh?!
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Monday, 27 May 2013
4:35 PM
4:35 PM
It might be worth trying just connecting the existing lead into the LNB1 input without the link to the LNB2 input and then trying the tuning process. Sometime the link can cause problems. I'm assuming you've checked there are no problems with poorly fitted connectors, etc?
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Cheryl5:17 PM
Should it work with just the LNB1 input?
In the manual it says if just a single cable to loop through to LNB2, which I've done (I think) albeit with a length of 10m for 2 inches !! LOL
Have just tried again and no luck... hmmmm.
And I definitely shouldn't have to move the dish??
Yes checked all connectors.
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jb388:10 PM
Cheryl: A Freesat PVR or Sky+ box does not require two feeds from the dish being connected unless for recording purposes provided that the single feed is connected into the boxes LNB1 input, that being the main input as LNB2 is mainly (but not exclusively) used for recording purposes.
However on reading your postings and in particular your initial one where you had mentioned that your Grundig Sky box had just died, in what way are your meaning? is it a "no signal" message being seen or that the main menu could not be viewed when you pressed "services"?
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Tuesday, 28 May 2013
jb389:58 AM
Cheryl: To add to that already said, my reason for me enquiring about your Grundig box is simply because that if the problem you experienced was signal related then this could well be the reason for your Humax box not picking any channels up, however the other thing I did wonder about is concerning the setting up of the Freesat box insomuch that its assumed that did use a UK postcode? this of course could be one from anywhere in the UK as all its used for is to enable the viewer to receive the correct news / programmes for the area that they reside in.
Finally, when you found that the Grundig box had failed was this from having been OK the previous day? or was it after a period of not having been used?
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Cheryl12:58 PM
Hello JB,
Grundig died - I woke up one morning , no standby red light and no juice - tested plug and fuse - all OK.
Anyhow, last night I removed the loop and now have only one cable into the LNB1.
Also I removed a scart plug from the back of the TV set which remained there as I have (had?) a scart adaptor box for 4 different appliances !! And it worked ! Yippee.
Maybe there was a conflict between the previous scart remaining in place and the new freesat hdmi...? Anyhow I now have it working and when I
add the other appliances (dvd / french tv / ampli / 2nd cable) I will do so one at a time so I can find out where (if) a conflict occurs.
Thanks muchly for all your help guys.
I'll no doubt be back in touch when I'm updating the single LNB to a quad !! :o)).
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Cheryl1:00 PM
(oh, last sentence disappeared..) I can find out where (if) a conflict occurs and eliminate it.
Thanks guys for all your help.
I'll no doubt be back in touch when updating my single LNB to a quad ! :o)).
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