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Sony Crime Channel logo

Sony Crime Channel

If you missed it the first time or simply want to catch the best bits again then now's your chance. The Waltons From the Great Depression to World War II, an American family living in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia struggles to remain tog

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How to Watch: Sony Crime Channel

Below is a list of all the television and radio channels that you can watch in the UK using one of the free services: DAB (for radio), Freeview, Sky No Card - Sky without a viewing card (Freesat from Sky (or fSfS)) and Freesat.. Where a channel can be watched for free, the channel number is listed below. In addition, if you can watch (or listen) immediately online, press the button in the "web" column.

As some channels are exclusive to one service alone, you may need to get receive more than one service to get all the channels you want. The coverage for Freeview differs too - those channels not provided by the public service "Freeview Light" transmitters the current coverage shown thus (54%), taken from Connected Nations Report 2017: Data analysis'

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Sony Crime Channel        

Regional content: National channel with no regional content or variations. For full details of broadcaster contacts, see the link icon Sony Crime Channel page.

Official site: See the link icon Sony Crime Channel website.

From Wikipedia: It the changed again to True Entertainment on 10 June 2009. Its logo is the same as the True Movies 1 and True Movies 2. - link icon read more about Sony Crime Channel on wikipedia (summary by Clipped).

Monday, 22 February 2016
Fiona Benzie
11:20 PM

Why are the listings for channel 61 - true entertainment been wrong for two nights for the 11 pm film?

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Fiona Benzie's 1 post GB flag
Friday, 26 February 2016
6:13 AM

Waltons today was seen yesterday

link to this comment's 1 post GB flag
Tuesday, 15 March 2016
6:44 PM

the song being played when advertising the Danielle Steel. what is it called and who sings it please.

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sam's 1 post GB flag
Thursday, 24 March 2016
7:27 PM

sam: Natalie Holmes - Tell me a story

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Kat's 1 post GB flag
Wednesday, 30 March 2016
2:33 PM

I can get True Entertainment channel on 1 TV but not on another ,why is that ?

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ANNA's 1 post GB flag
Monday, 11 April 2016
8:04 PM

why do you broadcast The Avengers in extra fat-o-vision. I have never seen Diana Rigg look so fat. I think you have the 16:9 to 4:3 ratio adjustment set wrongly.

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michael's 1 post GB flag
Tuesday, 12 April 2016

5:32 PM

michael: Check that your TV isn't auto resetting to 16:9 - when I watch it, its normally in 4:3.

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MikeB's 2,579 posts GB flag
MikeB's: mapM's Freeview map terrainM's terrain plot wavesM's frequency data M's Freeview Detailed Coverage
Wednesday, 13 April 2016
11:00 AM

This is a request to a programme I enjoy. It was great to see Raymond Burr as perry Mason again. Could you perhaps think in terms of a season of this series

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fred&eileen's 1 post GB flag
Monday, 18 April 2016
Mike Lawrence
7:40 PM

Dear Sirs

Could you please tell me why the episodes of M.A.S.H. Free view 61. Are being repeated . repeated. repeated. Tonight, the first of 2 episodes is a repeat of Sunday night and so it goes on.

My wife and I are/were avid viewers of MASH but the lack of fresh material , is making us turn to other channels. What do the advertisers say to this problem? There really no excuse for this close repetition as there were numerous episodes produced.

Kind regards

Mike Lawrence.

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Mike Lawrence's 1 post GB flag
Sunday, 24 April 2016
K & J
11:21 PM

I cannot believe that the film 'Small Time Crooks' with Woody Allen, suddenly finished about 5 minutes before the end! We thought it was adverts but no such luck. What a let down!

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K & J's 1 post GB flag
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