Can I stop paying Sky and use my satellite receiver to get Freeview ?

Yes, but only "sort of".
Freeview is the name of the (BBC-backed) digital TV system that uses hilltop transmitters to rooftop aerials. It is run separately from the "Sky" satellite-to-dish service.
free-to-VIEW is a term for satellite channels that need a viewing card to watch, but not to collect a subscription. free-to-AIR channels are ones that can be received without needing a viewing card or subscription.
The free-to-AIR satelite service backed by the BBC and ITV is called Freesat. The free-to-VIEW service operated by Sky is called fSfS or Freesat from Sky.
As long as you have finished your first year, you can leave Sky when you want.
To do this just give Sky a call and tell them you don't want to subscribe any more.
If you stop subscribing you will be able to watch the hundred or so free-to-air channels listed on free channels list. This service is called Freesat from Sky (fSfS).
Some of the channels on the Freeview service are subscription only on satellite, specifically: 4Music, Challenge, Dave, Dave ja vu, Quest, VIVA and Yesterday . See these links to compare the TV channels on Freesat-from-Sky and Freeview, and to compare radio stations on Freeview and fSfS. Many homes have free satellite and Freeview to get the full range of channels.
You will still need to keep your Sky viewing card. If you stop subscribing on a Sky contract, you can keep using that card to watch 5USA, 5* and PICK TV, the so-called "free-to-view" channels. (All ITV channels are free-to-air).
It is not possible to plug an aerial into a Sky Digibox to receive Freeview channels because the boxes have not been designed this way.
You will continue to get the full Sky EPG listings; you just will not be able to watch subscription channels.
If you want to go for High Definition, HD, you can swap out your Sky box for a Freesat one very easily.
A card is not needed to watch BBC services, but it is needed to get the correct BBC ONE and BBC TWO regions on 101 and 102.
Another option is to disconnect your Sky Digibox altogether and Upgrade from Sky to Freesat - If you have an HD-Ready TV and a standard Sky box, this is a good option.
les farthing: Please do "Method 3" on the What can my do when my Sky Digibox says 'No Signal' or 'Technical fault'? | - independent free digital TV advice page. You shouldn't need to reinsert the card after that.
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5:33 PM
have cancelled my sky subscripition and am in the 1month noyice period. I have a sky+ box. 1)Will I still be able to pause and record on the box the freestat channels that I will still receive. 2) I've heard that programmes already recored on the box from sky sports and movies will not be avable to watch after the notice period is this true ?
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Hi Richard,
1) no
2) no previously recorded programs will be available at all.
Mark Aberfan Aerials
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Richard: If you swap the Sky+ box for a Freesat+ or Freesat+HD box, you can use the dish and links to record/pause/play without a subscription.
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11:47 AM
Thanks Mark and Briantist;Not good news though. Seems very mean of Sky that programmes recorded while I had the sports and movies subscripition wont be available to watch again when month notice period is up. Is there away round this? as guess theyre on the disk in my sky box.Otherwise guess I better spend the next couple of weeks watching the stuff I've already Sky+d.
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Richard: Sky are very mean, that's their job. Remember that most of what you pay in subscription costs goes on stopping everyone else seeing the content for free.
Yes, you will need to watch, or at least transfer using the analogue output, any content you want to watch.
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11:35 PM
I am about to cancel my subscription to Sky I have a Sky+ box. Will i loose everything I have recorded say from ITV or just the subscription channel stuff?
Also, will I be able to use my Sky+ to record, pause etc as I do now?
Thanks for your time.
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6:18 AM
Julie - SKY will disable the recording ability of your receiver once you discontinue subscribing. You will only be able to view your ITV recordings during the period of notice of cancellation. If you want to continue to have the same recording ability you will need to purchase a "Freesat" receiver. These are aVailable from Argos, John Lewis Curry's comet etc and are a straight swop over with your SKY box. Having your own receiver means no subcriptions - this serivce is backed by the BBC and ITV.
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Hi Guys,
What a lot of wisdom on this site! Not sure if my question has already been answered (I couldn't spot it with a scan-read).
I have SKY+ and pay for a basic Sky package. The F1 is apparently going to be HD this year and I'd love to see it that way. It's not worth me getting a SKY HD package as I won't be watching anything else in HD.
If I buy a secondhand SKY+ HD box, will this allow me to do everything I currently do and access the free HD channels?
Are there any models to avoid and (finally) is it easy to upgrade the harddrive.
Many thanks to any thoughts on any of the above!
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Andy: Yes, a Sky+HD box with a regular Sky subscription will provide your with BBC One HD, BBC HD and ITV1 HD.
Or, if you like, keep your existing Sky+ box and get a Freeview+HD box as well. You will have two spare LNB output from the quad LNB fitted to your dish.
Then you can record four things at once...
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