What price for an aerial installation?

In responses to the guideline I posted about how much having a new aerial fitted should cost, Ian Grice posted: "£40-£50? Every aerial fitter I contacted wants at least £150+VAT considering you can get a class 3 aerial for under £10 and a class 2 for under £15 and cable is 40p a metre why are they charging so much for 30 minutes work?"
OK, for some places putting up a TV aerial is hard work, such as multi-story properties. As many people will simply be exchanging a Group A, B, C/D, E or K aerial for a wideband type, often without changing the supporting pole or cable, a high price cannot be justified.
I am concerned that some companies will exploit vulnerable groups (such as the elderly).
So, I what prices have you been quoted for aerial installations? What price have you paid for installation?
Do you know of any companies to avoid? Do you know of any companies that are good value for money?
Or do you work for a great aerial installation company?
12:23 PM
Mazbar - K.B. Aerials Sheffield. - seems in some cases there's no ryme nor reason for some planning decisions. I recently installed a motorised dish to the rear of a row of double storey cottages in a conservation village. - 80cm Orbital dish on 4metre stand. - I complied with planning requirements that the installation should not be seen above the roof line viewed from the front of the property and adjoining properties either side. (there's a rise of some thirty feet from the rear door of the property to the installation.) - Looking along from the front of the property again the whole street both sides was festooned with aerials and dishes of all shapes and sizes some to chimney stacks and others bolted to external walls - nothing uniform and a number of very recent installations.. So much for conservation and crazy decision making that applies.
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3:10 PM
Dont think any one cares about conversation issues - Very rare I get asked - I do always try and do a discreet job where possible especially when its a idyllic location
But Yes - you see 100 cm dish festooned down some streets where its obvious arab sat is required - people dont give a dam by looks of things !
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8:44 PM
just completed tooway sat broadband installation course dish is rather large .
dont think many would like it on the front of their house
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10:30 PM
Mark - Ive been aproached to do the Tooway Sat broadband installations- filled all details in as yet not heard anything - what size dish was used? - what area of the country do you work in????
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10:51 PM
its an 80 centemetre i done the course near you in das at mansfield im in north devon
i done the course through tooway direct there on the net
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1:42 AM
"stick to re-wire's", and yeah I personally do believe that the aerial industry should be regulated but let's face it yeah NICEIC just take the money and dont really check the job propperly, there "inspector" just turned up with a DL9083P to a job I did recently and said yeah that's about right "tick!!!!!"
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10:47 AM
Craig P: Regulation only covers the "technical competence" of the installation. A friend, who is quite house-proud was very upset by a team of electricians who didn't appear to care what they were doing. The work was carried out entirely in accordance with the IEE regulations, but sockets were installed at random heights above worktops and re-plastering was very poor including making good damage to the wall in the room behind the one in which they were working.No amount of regulation will alter the attitude of a man with no pride in his work.
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5:29 PM
Mark - Nope i didn't unfortunately - i checked to make sure ive typed the address correctly and I have ?
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7:07 AM
Mazbar i used 2 riggers and had quotes for some other work from another 2 different riggers and all had attitude and wanted the big bucks!!!
we recently did an installation in coventry putting up the lashing kit and it was better installed than the neighbours who had a rigger do theres 2 weeks prior to us doing ours.
we dont do a poor job pal always a good job you seem a bit oblivious to the fact that other trades CAN do your job as you wouldnt know where to start doing the likes of electrical work oohh unless you have done a part p course to allow you to put a socket in the loft for an amp.
i have always said the hardest thing in wire-ing is electrical work its sure to be true,also we are insured for working from height.
you say a (trained rigger)im assuming this is a rigger with experience of doing the job!!! so in your mind any one wanting to get into aerials and have the (RIGGER) title must get someone trained?? (yeh right)
if you dont agree with your trade bein regulated you must turn out shoddy work yourself so no-one can inspect it!!
KB agrees he must be the limited few good ones in the country,keep up the good work KB:)
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