Can I stop paying Sky and use my satellite receiver to get Freeview ?

Yes, but only "sort of".
Freeview is the name of the (BBC-backed) digital TV system that uses hilltop transmitters to rooftop aerials. It is run separately from the "Sky" satellite-to-dish service.
free-to-VIEW is a term for satellite channels that need a viewing card to watch, but not to collect a subscription. free-to-AIR channels are ones that can be received without needing a viewing card or subscription.
The free-to-AIR satelite service backed by the BBC and ITV is called Freesat. The free-to-VIEW service operated by Sky is called fSfS or Freesat from Sky.
As long as you have finished your first year, you can leave Sky when you want.
To do this just give Sky a call and tell them you don't want to subscribe any more.
If you stop subscribing you will be able to watch the hundred or so free-to-air channels listed on free channels list. This service is called Freesat from Sky (fSfS).
Some of the channels on the Freeview service are subscription only on satellite, specifically: 4Music, Challenge, Dave, Dave ja vu, Quest, VIVA and Yesterday . See these links to compare the TV channels on Freesat-from-Sky and Freeview, and to compare radio stations on Freeview and fSfS. Many homes have free satellite and Freeview to get the full range of channels.
You will still need to keep your Sky viewing card. If you stop subscribing on a Sky contract, you can keep using that card to watch 5USA, 5* and PICK TV, the so-called "free-to-view" channels. (All ITV channels are free-to-air).
It is not possible to plug an aerial into a Sky Digibox to receive Freeview channels because the boxes have not been designed this way.
You will continue to get the full Sky EPG listings; you just will not be able to watch subscription channels.
If you want to go for High Definition, HD, you can swap out your Sky box for a Freesat one very easily.
A card is not needed to watch BBC services, but it is needed to get the correct BBC ONE and BBC TWO regions on 101 and 102.
Another option is to disconnect your Sky Digibox altogether and Upgrade from Sky to Freesat - If you have an HD-Ready TV and a standard Sky box, this is a good option.
7:08 PM
I know this might sound stupid but I am not that TV tech savvy. I subscribe to sky have a sky+hd box but do not subscribe to HD package. I have just bought a new TV with 4HDMI outlets + 1 scart outlet. At the moment I am running my sky on my old TV from a scart socket,can I change to using an hdmi from skybox to the new TV and is it just a simple plug and play thing or more technical & will I still be able to record programmes. Thanks
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8:29 PM
Polli Lomax: You can do away with the scart connection and start using an HDMI lead between the new TV and the Sky+ HD box, although I would use the No1 HDMI connection on your new TV as that will have an auto switch sensor so that when you take the Sky box out of standby it will switch the TV to its HDMI input, if that is you have anything else connected into the TV.
This will not affect the way your Sky+ HD box works in any way whatsoever and you will use it exactly as you do at present.
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9:07 PM
Thanks jb38.I have a normal run of the mill dvd player that I intend to run off the 1 scart socket connection. I do know I will have to tune the remote in again and hopefully can get the code of sky website.Thanks once again
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7:22 AM
Polli Lomax: Yes you shouldn't really experience any problems when only using a single scart connection on the TV's AV1 input, because as soon as the DVD player is switched to play (or first switched on depending on brand) the TV should switch over to its scart input, likewise switch back again to HDMI when the DVD is switched off.
Assuming you are meaning a Sky remote control code for your new TV, if you have any problems come back with the exact model of TV in question and I can possibly find it on other lists, although it has to be said that some brands aren't catered for.
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11:05 PM
Hi. I have a question. I have a Sky HD box and I am going to cancel my subscription as soon as I know I can watch Freeview. I live in London and have a Sky + HD Box. I also have a satellite dish that connects to the back of my Sk+HD box.
If I call Sky and cancel my subscription for television, will I then be able to watch Freeview channels and in HD? Can I record as well?
Sky have increased their prices by £1.50 and paying £21.00 a month for basic channels (No Sports or anything fancy) is simply expensive because £258 for basic TV is too much.
I would appreciate a detailed response. I cannot afford to buy any hardware and would appreciate a free set up process.
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8:00 PM
Hi a newbie here.... Fed up with sky,and contract ending September this year ... Have a variety of Tvs around the house which allows me to switch from sky to ordinary TV .. I have a Sky HD box that feeds the main TV with a HDMI cable and the rest of the Tvs get there signal from a mult port booster which I assume is connected to the box also .
At present as stated I can switch from sky to basic TV .... Will I have this function on the other telivisions when it switched off? ie the lounge can watch BBC1 when the bedroom watches sky ? If not how can this be done (I dont want to be watching Eastenders every damn night if you know what I mean ) Joking apart .... what would be the best way for me to move forward here? All the Yvs are modern and say HD ready and Flatscreens but to my knowledge none have built in freeview ...all have this magic eye fitted to the ariel cable to switch over from any room .
I have read the questions before posting, but am more confused as ti which we to go from here Free view or freesat? or ?
Is there a way I can have both or more than one Box to do this ?
Sorry that I may be asking questions that MAY have been adrresed already but it would help my understanding if you could reply in an easy to follow way so that I can get my head around what I need to do in advance of the final day ...Thanks in advance
PS I read that others have either bought other dishes or re-aligned there own one to receive better channels this an option or ?
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Paul's: mapP's Freeview map terrainP's terrain plot wavesP's frequency data P's Freeview Detailed Coverage
9:03 PM
Paul: The description of the set up that you presently have suggests that you are using the Sky boxes RF2 analogue output to feed TV's in different rooms via a coax link, and with them also being equipped with magic eye facilities so that the main Sky boxes channels can be changed from remote positions.
Whether you go for Freesat or Freeview (via normal aerial) or even a twin tuner PVR on either system if you want to be able to record programmes on one channel whilst watching another channel at the same time, then to be able to view Freesat or any programmes that may have been recorded on a PVR in the main room (irrespective of system) then you would require to purchase a modulator of the type shown on the link, as neither Freesat nor Freeview devices (odd exceptions exist) boxes are fitted with RF modulators necessary for sending signals to other rooms.
Regarding the merits of the two systems, although I always somewhat favour satellite reception for its unrivalled reliability as far as reception is concerned a Freeview system does give maximum flexibility, and although you have doubts about the ability of the modern flat screen TV's you have in the other rooms being able to receive Freeview it would be a bit odd if they didn't, although if they are being used to view Sky they must be presently set to analogue, so look on their remote controls for a button marked TV/DVB or D/A is this switches between the two modes, digital and analogue.
By the way you are predicted as being able to have excellent reception from Sutton Coldfield located approximately 7 miles or so away.
Programmable Universal Modulator : Video Switches : Maplin Electronics
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9:13 PM
Paul: Having read your posting again then the basic answer is that nothing will change as far as being able to view normal non satellite programmes are concerned, its only if you decide to replace the Sky box with Freesat that you would require a modulator, although to be honest about it you will still be able to receive Sky's "free to view" channels when you cancel Sky, as its only if you were using a Sky+ box that the recording side of the box would be disabled on the cancellation of the contract.
You can try a test to see what you will be able to view after cancellation of the contract simply by removing the Sky card, as its only Sky dedicated programmes that are cancelled and nothing else.
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10:28 AM
how do attach my cables between a Humax Foxsat, HD Television and my HDMI dvd recorder/player so I can recored using the Foxsat channels I have a HD television, a Humax Foxsat HDR and a Sony HDMI dvd
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10:41 AM
I have Sky+ HD box and have just cancelled Sky+HD TV. I plan to go to Freesat. Can I use my existing Sky+HD box to view Sky Freesat channels and keep the record/rewind functions of the box or do I need to buy a Freesat+HD box (eg Humax) to get iPlayer and ITV Player ? Thanks.
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