Humax Freesat+ debut on 11th September

The long-awaited Freesat personal video recorder from Humax will appear on September 11th at the International Broadcasting Convention in Amsterdam, says What Satellite & Digital TV.
The annual IBC Exhibition provides an opportunity for companies to show off their new products.
Help with Free satellite?
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Tuesday, 7 January 2014
Kevin7:32 PM
Hi is it normal not to have a good picture on my free sat ,due to the windy weather,as over the past few day's when it is windy it just goes into blocks on the screen! On most channels. You cannot see any tv,and it says this channel is blocked or no signal! Can you please advice,Thankyou for any comments. Kevin Day
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jb388:03 PM
Kevin: If your dish is positioned with a clear view of the S/S.Eastern skyline and with no evidence of it suffering from partial obstructions from such as tree or bush foliage blowing across its path, then your problem is either being caused by the dish mounting brackets not having been tightened enough and allowing same to move in the breeze, or alternatively the coax possibly being fractured where its leaves the "F" connector on the LNB caused by the cable not having been properly restrained with the aid of a cable tie.
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Monday, 24 November 2014
David Toman3:33 PM
I recently bought a Samsung UE22H5600 TV set from John Lewis, having been advised by them that it would be satisfactory with my existing Freesat set-top box. However, while programme reception is fine, I found it impossible to set up the Samsung Remote Control to recognise the set-top box, which is a Manhattan Plaza DS 100. In fact it seemed only to recognise SKY set-top receivers. I contacted Samsung who said the TV was "incompatible" with my DS100 and were unable to say if any Freesat receivers were compatible, although they understood some customers had found Humax receivers to be compatible.
Any help or comments would be appreciated.
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MikeB4:59 PM
David Toman: Sorry you've had possibly incorrect advice, but we are not perfect (this from someone who works in JL EHT), but in theory, the Samsung remote should work. However, it can be a bit hit and miss, which is why I tend to advise brand to brand if you want them to sync perfectly..
As this question about a Humax and Samsung combo points out : 32 H5500 Series 5 Smart Full HD LED TV (UE32H5500AKXXU) | Support | SAMSUNG UK - the person put in the details of another brand, and got the Humax working. Since I dont know who makes Manhattan (I did try to find out a while ago), it might be worth putting one of the Vestral brand codes in (Goodmans, Bush, Toshiba, etc) and see if it goes for it.
However, I dont know if your trying to programme the Samsung remote to work with the Manhattan, or using via HDMI, and therefore trying to use CEC Ask HTG: Why Can I Control My Blu-ray Player with My TV Remote, But Not My Cable Box? - not everything is compatable, but obviously if your not using HDMI, then thats worth a try.
If not, then its using two remotes, rather than one, which is not the end of the world. Use the Manhattan for the Freesat, and possibly volume, and the Samsung for the Smart stuff. The 5600 is a really nice set, and our standard 'goto' for someone wanting all the features on a 22in for a good price.
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jb385:29 PM
David Toman: In addition to that said by MikeB. In my experience its more the norm for a TV ,especially modern, not to be able to control externally connected devices such as Freesat boxes and the likes, and with any of the few that might possibly do being confined to controlling an external device (in a fashion) manufactured by the same company as the television.
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Wednesday, 26 November 2014
David Toman10:43 AM
MikeB: Many thanks for your comments and advice. I have tried many brand codes without success so have settled for using two remotes. As you say, this is not a big deal and I am delighted with the performance of the Samsung 22H5600.
My thanks also to jb38. It does seem that one has the best chance with devices by the same manufacturer.
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MikeB11:26 AM
David Toman: How is the TV attached to the Freesat box? At least with HDMI you might be able to use CEC.
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Thursday, 27 November 2014
David Toman2:24 PM
MikeB: No joy there - the DS100 has only Scart.. It's very little inconvenience swapping occasionally between the two remotes even though it was not what I (perhaps naively) expected.
Many thanks again.
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