Can I use my ex-contract sky digital satellite receiver to get Freeview channels

You can get the following Freeview channels on with an ex-contract digital satellite receiver (once it is connected). Items marked with a star require either a Freesat from Sky (fSfS) card, or a expired Sky subscription card to view.
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Saturday, 22 November 2014
jb387:29 PM
bev: If the adult channels you are referring to are connected in any way with the Sky subscription package, then no they cannot be viewed.
You can easily find out what you will, and will not be able to view by temporarily removing your viewing card then running through the channels in question, an even more accurate way being to place the box into standby for a minute or so before removing your card followed by disconnecting it from the mains. Leave it that way for about 30 seconds or so before powering it up again and allowing it to set up, once completed run through the channels again and check what you are not allowed to view.
Once that the check has been completed, just reinsert your card again and all should revert back to as before, although you will likely have to reinstate to PIN number block.
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Monday, 24 November 2014
bev10:46 AM
Jb38 , thank you for your help. I tried removing card etc as you suggested and my sky box will still access quite a few of those adult channels! Would the parental control lock remain in place once I cancel my sky subscription and remove the card? Is it the card that locks the channels or is it programmed to remain in place in the sky box? At the moment the adult channels are removed from sky tv listings etc so can not be viewed without the pin . . . If I left the parental control settings in place would they still work once I cancel my subscription with sky?
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jb3812:38 PM
bev: The parental control block should stay in place as that takes effect within the box, although if at any time you have changed the PIN number from the usual of the last four digits on the viewing card, make sure that you keep a note of the number, as only subscribers are able to recover a number that has previously been altered as Sky keeps a record of any changes made.
By the way, I have just tried out the parental control system on my Sky box, and although not a subscriber, I have been able to block the adult channels from appearing in the programme guide, and so it would appear that you will be OK.
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bev12:47 PM
jb38: thank you so much for your kind assistance, .how did you manage to block adult channels if not sky subscriber ?
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jb386:30 PM
bev: Unaware as to what type of box you are using, however on the standard box that I have presently coupled up this is the procedure.
Press: "Services" then select (3) "Parental control" and a box headed "Pin Protected" will appear.
Carefully enter your PIN number, this being the last four digits on your viewing card.
If you have entered the number correctly another box will instantly appear, select (2) "Adult channels" which results in another choice box with "remove channels" being highlighted, this should be set to "on".
On the subject of the PIN number, provided that this hasnt been changed at any time from being the last four digits on the viewing card then there shouldnt be any problem, but if it has! then the only way that it can be changed is by contacting Sky with the viewing card number, as only Sky are able to provide you with a new PIN number.
By the way, you get three attempts to enter the PIN number correctly before you are blocked for a short while, which I believe to be around 5 minutes or so.
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bev7:31 PM
jb38: thank you, I have a sky+ box . At the moment the adult channels are removed using the parental control lock. So hopefully they will remain locked away once I cancel the sky subscription. . I tried to use the parental control lock without the viewing card but message on the screen just said please insert your viewing card, it wouldn't let me go any further. . . Just hope these channels will remain locked away once I cancel the subscription. . Thank you again for your help.
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jb389:49 PM
bev: Yes, thats correct, as you cannot make any changes to the parental block setting without it being inserted, but though the point is, that the system works exactly the same whether a persons a subscriber or not, likewise nothing will alter in this respect when you cease being a subscriber.
Now its known that you are using a Sky+ box, please be aware that you will lose access to the recording and playback side of your box when you cancel your subscription, as Sky disables this side of the box at around the same time as your ability to view the package channels previously referred to.
Of course, Sky does offer an option whereby a viewer can retain this side of the box with only the package channels being cancelled, the snag being that they charge £10.25 per month for the dubious privilege, many ex Sky subscribers opting to purchase a Freesat twin tuner recorder (PVR), Freesat devices not requiring any form of subscription whatsoever and are 100% compatible with ex Sky dishes, no modifications of any sort being required to the installation.
Regards / JB
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Tuesday, 25 November 2014
bev9:05 AM
jb38: thanks for your advice regarding the record and playback facility being lost once I cancel my subscription. My mind concern is that the adult channels will remain locked away and not be able to be accessed . .
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jb388:41 PM
bev: The PIN number controlled channel blocking system is not connected in any way with the status of your subscription, therefore anything presently blocked "will" remain that way until at any time you might decide to alter it. Another point to note being that the block will not be lost even if you disconnect your box from the mains, as it cannot be removed except by you going into the parental control menu and resetting it after you have re-entered your PIN number.
Also note, that although you are cancelling your subscription keep your viewing card inserted into the box, as its required in order for you to receive the correct news services for your area.
On the subject of the recording / playback side of your box. This was only mentioned because many people have numerous recordings stored away in the hard drive for future viewing, most of being totally unaware that they will not be able to access this side of their box once they cancel their subscription, a warning of this snag beforehand enabling them to transfer anything important onto a separate recording device.
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Wednesday, 26 November 2014
Alan Lloyd7:07 AM
Briantist: We have an old Sky box that is pre- Sky+ in our bedroom that has been working fine for watching the free Sky programmes until the last week. We now find that a lot of the programmes are missing. eg 101, 103, 104 and 105. Any ideas welcome.
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