I get Freeview from Cystal Palace transmitter as I live in Deptford SE8 and my flat( High rise) has direct line of site. Apparently the 4G test signals being used from 15th April by at800 didnt occur. When I rang at800 they could only confirm that no test signals were made but couldnt tell me what date they would start. However since mid April my previously good Freeview signal (indoor aerial by window)gave excellent reception on Film4. Now it breaks up constantly as does ITV1 but ITV1HD is perfect.I gave my details to at800 as I hadnt' received the postcard from them informing me I live in area that may get problems from 4G from Crystal Palace but I have heard nothing from them.
Any suggestions/thoughts welcome.
Sunday 28 April 2013 11:18AM
I get Freeview from Cystal Palace transmitter as I live in Deptford SE8 and my flat( High rise) has direct line of site. Apparently the 4G test signals being used from 15th April by at800 didnt occur. When I rang at800 they could only confirm that no test signals were made but couldnt tell me what date they would start. However since mid April my previously good Freeview signal (indoor aerial by window)gave excellent reception on Film4. Now it breaks up constantly as does ITV1 but ITV1HD is perfect.I gave my details to at800 as I hadnt' received the postcard from them informing me I live in area that may get problems from 4G from Crystal Palace but I have heard nothing from them.
Any suggestions/thoughts welcome.