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All posts by MikeB

Below are all of MikeB's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

rachel: Its looks to be fine, although ask around the area to make sure. If everyone else is OK, I'm afraid its your system.

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Paul Radford: I can confirm for JB38 that Paul's TV certainly has a T2 tuner - in fact its this years model and very popular (its what I've got my eye on should our TV give up).

Since you used to have HD channels, and now dont, something has changed. Its unlikely to be picking up another transmitter, since Crystal Palace is the lowest of the frequencies in the range of transmitters you could pick up, and its really powerful anyway. Could be, as JB38 suggests, your signal is just too strong, and the TV is saying 'no'.

One other thing - try changing//swapping the aerial lead. You dont need to spend much, but if your current lead is dodgy, then that might kill off com 7, which was just hanging on before the retune. Its worth a try, if nothing else. Frankly, you might be fine with an indoor aerial!

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Full technical details of Freeview
Thursday 11 September 2014 9:01PM

AndyH: If the Panasonic's have problems, and they are on one split, start there. Why only in the evening, goodness knows, but it could be interference from a dodgy thermostat, etc.

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Isla: Yes, its odd that the box will work for ages, but then suddenly glitches in some way. I'm still waiting for an actual reply from the Beeb, apart from the automated reply.

Rather than switch the box off at the mains, I just pull the power connection out of the back and put it back in, but it does the same thing!

Until we get an answer, or the box starts working normally, we are just going have to put up with it. I'm certainly not spending any extra money - this is a Goodmans, etc problem, and they should sort it out. In fact I might email them now...

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I am missing a transmission multiplex?
Thursday 11 September 2014 10:32PM

Kevin clarke: I know Ferndown, and you should be getting a good signal from Rowbridge. If the signal has been going for a while, its likely your system has a problem, perhaps a loose connection, frayed cable, etc. Start by checking your aerial lead and work backwards.

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Isla: I've still had no reply from the Beeb, but I did talk to the guys in Technical Support tonight (it was a quiet night at work!), and asked them about the Goodmans boxes. They've had at least 20 back, so its not just us. I wait a reply with interest..

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Isla: I'm working tomorrow, so I'll ask them as to their actual recommendations, but I suspect we are simply giving people their money back and collecting a nice big box of them to go back to the manufacturers, who will probably bin them.

Part of the problem is that you cant just give someone another Goodmans box (they've all got the same software), and even if they go and buy a Bush from Argos, its likely to be exactly the same apart from the name. Until there is a fix (and mine froze five times inside 20min this I hope its soon), everyone is really between a rock and a hard place.

Nightjar, welcome to the club. You've seen what I've been advising Isla (and others), so I wouldn't bother trying to retune, etc, because its obviously a strange software glitch, which strikes BBC channels seemingly at random.

As far as any new TV or box, as long as its got different software (so certainly no Bush/Goodmans, but I'd advise sticking to the one of the four major brands anyway), it should be OK. There is no way I'd buy a Goodmans TV, but frankly, we bought the box because it was a relatively low cost solution to make our CRT TV's digital. They are all apparently made by Vestel, but to be fair, as long as you dont have to retune the thing and it actually works, its not the worst box in the world.

Of course I would love you to talk to one of my colleagues in one of our Central London stores and buy a new TV(!), but at least hold on for a couple of days, because you shouldn't have to buy a new TV to cure a problem not of our making. I'm hoping this can get sorted, and we can actually watch BBC channels properly. I at least have a PVR (but only with one tuner) and we have access to on demand via the Xbox and Now TV, but it would make life a lot easier to have the thing working again.

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Full technical details of Freeview
Saturday 13 September 2014 10:39PM

Graham Smith: Welcome to the Goodmans club...! It could just be that the box has a problem (I have to admit that its a brand I would otherwise avoid), and in that case, have a look on various forums or take it back to where you bought it. There might be someone here who can help more than I can, but locking up PVR's is not unknown. On the other hand, if it has a similar software glitch to their digibox's, then your problem should be freezing on BBC channels or unable to change channels (both of which come and go). If its these problems, see this thread: My ITV/C4 Freeview channels have disappeared - what can I do? Is it my SCART ca | Help! Freeview and aerials | - 12 years of independent, free digital TV advice

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Kevin Jones: If you got HD channels before, why not now? You might have lost a mux somewhere, but a retune to the right transmitter should sort that.

As for Technika.... !

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Rowridge (Isle Of Wight, England) transmitter
Sunday 14 September 2014 5:17PM

colin Lambert: have a look at R & T Investigations, there seems to be no reported problems. Logically, its your system which has the problem.

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