I seem to have lost all bbc only channels from 2 television sets connected to bbc westtransmitter.
they both function on bbc hd ok but not on normal bbc1&2.all other channels ok. i have 2 other tv sets
connected to the mendip transmitter and these function perfectly well. I have retuned the problem sets but to no avail.still only get bbc on hd .As the other 2 that are receiving bbc from the other transmitter could this indicate a transmission problem?
Wednesday 17 December 2014 6:56PM
I seem to have lost all bbc only channels from 2 television sets connected to bbc west transmitter.
they both function on bbc hd ok but not on normal bbc1&2.all other channels ok. i have 2 other tv sets
connected to the mendip transmitter and these function perfectly well. I have retuned the problem sets but to no avail.still only get bbc on hd .As the other 2 that are receiving bbc from the other transmitter could this indicate a transmission problem?