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All posts by Chris.SE

Below are all of Chris.SE's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Chris :

I'm not quite sure why my reply to you has appeared before this last post from you. I know the system here can delete duplicate posts which some people make because sometimes the servers take a long time to put the post on the thread and people think it's not been posted, so if you post an identical post again, only the last one shows.

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bruce james tearle:

I think that was a typo there bruce, you meant C36 and yes, one of the predictors was showing quite strong Tropospheric Ducting this morning which will likely have resulted in quite a bit of co-channel interference. This should have subsided now, are your signals back to normal?

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Kelvin Smith:

As StevensOnln1 says fitting a grouped aerial will not help, especially a B, as you will most likely see a major reduction in Signal for C55 and possibly C32.

As StevensOnln1 has also said, you have adequate signal strength there on all channels - except C37 which is not a Mendip transmission, that's the Local multiplex from Wenvoe and it's also possible you may get sufficient signal from an Oxford multiplex that uses C37 rendering Quality useless.

As has already been mentioned, as you have plenty of signal but low quality - high BER, then interference is the most likely cause. Especially if your aerial and flyleads aren't high quality double screened types, then if you have any HDMI leads near them this can cause interference.

Now there are two other possibilities, interference from other transmitters due to the Tropospheric Ducting that's been around for a few days, but as mentioned to bruce should now be cleared - are your figures any better? You should have 100% quality on all channels - which you should even still have if the signal was lower.

That leads me to the second possibility. Do you have any aerial amplifier/distribution system. If so, it could be you have too much gain. I find it strange that the signal the predictor gives that's likely to be your worst from Mendip (by some margin) is C48, yet your figures show it as the best!
Too much signal/gain will give the sort of numbers you are seeing. Once there is front end overload, the actual strength numbers on the set can decrease, as will the quality. So turn the gain control down and see what figures you then get. The strength figures could go quite low and yet you still get 100% Quality and a very low BER.
If you have no variable gain control, try the aerial direct to your main set and post the numbers.

As for Ridge Hill, although you can get ITV West on a separate multiplex from ITV Central, BBC1 and regional variations are Central, not West, so it'll depend which region you prefer.

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And the beetroot coloured faces!

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Jan Davies: Richard Cooper: S.J.Gale: et al:

The real issue is that the SDL multiplex (Block 11A: 216.928 MHz) is not broadcast from enough DAB transmitters. Bauer have a significant number of stations on the multiplex which they jointly own with Arqiva and Wireless ( ).

According to Arqiva - Following expansion in 2018 aggregate UK coverage was increased to 83%. So as far as the SDL multiplex is concerned, nothing hax been done since 2018.
There have of course been various local commercial multiplexes and small scale DAB multiplexes added over the years, but nothing on a national scale, not even (as I understand it) an expansion of the BBC's main multiplex on 12B and no Local multiplexes added to improve (or add) coverage of BBC :Local stations where they are closing down MW transmitters.

So it may be worth campaigning with Arqiva ( and Wireless ( with regard to expanding coverage of the SDL multiplex, a well as perhaps hassling DCMS and it's members as well as your Local MP about the general improvements in DAB coverage that are needed.

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All free TV channels in the UK
Thursday 17 June 2021 11:35PM


> Been on the bottle
Wondered where you'd gone :o :D :D :D

I saw a suggestion in one place that the extra red button streams (presumably for Wimbledon) were also going to be added to Freeview - but I haven't a clue where they would put them !!!
(Tongue in cheek - perhaps they'll open up COM8 for the period :D ).

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Channel 5 +24
Friday 18 June 2021 11:04PM

Barry Kew:

Sounds like you might need to do a retune, changes were made to channel numbering last November.
See Channel listings for Industry Professionals | Freeview for the current list of which channels are carried on which multiplex.

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I very much doubt it, but without a full postcode we can't confirm what the Freeview predictor might give.
Using the Old Police Station as a guide, although reception of the PSBs are good, the commercial multiplexes from Wenvoe are variable to good but that would be with an external aerial. Wenvoe is due S, so if you have a S facing window you can put the aerial in, you could always give it a try. Which way do your neighbours' aerials point?

The UHF channels for Wenvoe are C41, C44, C47, C42, C45, C39, C55, C37 that's in the multiplex order BBCA/PSB1, D3&4/PSB2, BBCB HD/PSB3, SDN/COM4, ArqA/COM5, ArqB/COM6, COM7, Local.
(C means UHF channel). See Channel listings for Industry Professionals | Freeview for which programme channels are carried on which multiplex.

You are much more likely to get good reception from the Treharris Relay Transmitter, but it's only the PSBs, it's roughly bearing 308 degrees (WNW) about 1km away, but it's very low power so you'd probably need line-of-sight, walls etc will impede the signal, UHF channels are C40, C43, and C46.

There's another (Light) Relay transmitter PSBs only at Mynydd Bach about 6km away roughly bearing 119 degrees (ESE), UHF channels are C32, C34, & C35. Again walls will impede the signal.

IIRC you can't manual tune a Youview box, so it will be down to luck, and you may have to reset the box when trying another transmitter to clear the previous tuning.

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All free TV channels in the UK
Saturday 19 June 2021 12:51AM


That's a very good possibility, which I hope the BBC have thought of, I would have thought that there was room on PSB1 or PSB3 (or even COM6) to put the data links for them, but I suppose it's possible you might have to search for them on iPlayer. I've seen nothing official yet though.

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Saturday 19 June 2021 12:05PM


What is somewhat confusing about this DAB page is that it's titled "Details of 11B Cornwall DAB multiplex" but the default map display is just for the Redruth transmitter (with or without Pro Mode enabled). You need to click on Caradon Hill just below the map to see that coverage. Whilst the mast locator has 11B next to it's name, the page has a 12B (the main BBC multiplex) button on the top left - I'm not sure if the coverage is actually the same, although both multiplexes (and also the D1 - 11D & SDL - 11A multiplexes) are transmitted from both transmitters.
Arqiva's map at….pdf
does seem to fit in with the coverage of 11B shown here.

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