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All posts by Keith

Below are all of Keith 's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Connecting it all up
Sunday 11 September 2011 9:17AM

Alan - if your a bit of a diy'er that doesnt mind heights then its not so difficult - have you thought of trying a loft aerial?

But if you get shakey when you see a ladder _ PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave it to someone who does it for a living - we carry thousands of pounds worth of equipment to do the job right

I know aerials arnt expensive to physically buy --its the "making them work" bit that you pay us riggers for


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Connecting it all up
Sunday 11 September 2011 2:54PM

If you can use your foxsat to play back then you could connect it to the scart input of the DVD recorder - you would then have to select that scart input using the remote so if it says L1 or AV1 then make sure this is displayed on the front of your recorder
Press play on the foxsat
Record on the LG and you can record to dvd

Keith kB Aerials Sheffield 07946481125

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YEP most people assume the higher the aerial the more power you get just goes to show height isn't ALWAYS important

In a lot of situations (pre switchover ) it certainly was though

it's also amazing walking across a flat roof with an aerial and an analyser - walking 20' can make an amazing difference between good and bad signal - I remember one on a bungalow with a relatively small chimney - one side of the chimney poor reception - the other was superb ! that was a move of about 2 foot!

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Mark Glover
Im an aerial installer and I live 2.4 miles from you if you want me to take a look for you seen as you live so close i can come out and give you a quick idea of the problem

if theres any parts needed then I would charge for those and a bit of my time but if its just a quick look and I can be helpful then buy us a couple of pints !

Keith KB aerials Beighton


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What price for an aerial installation?
Monday 12 September 2011 8:20AM

claire - I charge around £120 for an aerial on a 6' mast
that includes a decent chimney or wall bracket which are galvanised (make sure your aerial installer uses galvanised as it will not rust)
the mast is at least 1 1/4" again - make sure its alloy not steel - (steel rusts)

new cable and of course an aerial suitable for the job

the likly hood of needing an amplifier if for 1 point is slim so if an aerial rigger says you need an amplifier look into it - check with neighbours

incidentally if you live around sheffield area (rotherham doncaster barnsley chesterfield etc give me a call )

Keith KB Aerials Sheffield 07946481125

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What price for an aerial installation?
Monday 12 September 2011 2:19PM

that almost sounds like you price an aerial by seeing what cars on the drive when you arrive i cover Sheffield which is a huge area and I don't arrive at a millionaires house and expect them to pay more because they live in an expensive house than someone who lives in a terrace - the cost of materials doesn't change and the amount of labour would be about the same

Keith KB aerials

and yes I know aerial riggers who charge like that - yes they earn more but aren't likely to be recommended

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Connecting it all up
Monday 12 September 2011 10:45PM

Tim Cowell
I have found your instruction manual

LG Product Support for 47LV550T

copy the above link and paste it in your browser

if you look at page 117 it explains how to there !

Keith KB Aerials Sheffield (S201EG)

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What price for an aerial installation?
Tuesday 13 September 2011 7:10AM

so what your saying is not the price of property the customer lives in but the property you live in dictates the price the customer pays ?

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What price for an aerial installation?
Tuesday 13 September 2011 3:56PM

fair enough

I was just a bit stunned by the comment that a customers house would dictate the price of an aerial

I understand now - I take it you cant live on £54,600 a year down south

mortgage payments of £9600 yes I can see that £45000 wouldn't cover gas and electricity would it

where as you charge say £160 per rig giving you £140 gross 3 jobs a day would only give you 420 a day £2100 a week and that would be £109,200 a year (on your calculations you don't take holidays btw)

Yes after your 9600 mortgage payments come off i can see that you only have a meagre £99, 600 to live off a year

Is it really nearly 55 grand a year more expensive to live down south

How do dustbin men cope down there do they live in sheds ?

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