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All posts by ian a

Below are all of ian a's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

i would think hd channels on subscription sky, like filmfour hd, would be interested in a terrestial slot, as this would increase their commercial base ?
though am i right in thinking that, when on subscription, they have to wait for contracts to end? like ch5 did with freesat?

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cheers briantist
i did assume filmfour hd was on sky?

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Wednesday 13 February 2013 6:56AM

Ricky Burgoyne, jb38
am i right in thinking the sky viewing card will still have to be registered with the skyhd box to view all the hd channels?
even without subscription?

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Thursday 7 March 2013 7:46AM

Ashleigh# do you mean channel 53 as in a station or a frequency ?
whats your postcode ?

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Emley Moor (Kirklees, England) transmitter
Tuesday 12 March 2013 7:34AM

ian cherrington: can your tv do a manual tune ?if so auto tune the tv without the aerial feed connected then, reconnect the aerial and manual tune the channels/ frequency 44/ 47/ 48/ 51/ 52.
also if your tv does an auto update in standy mode, this may need turning off as it may revert back to belmont overnight

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Upgrading from Sky to Freesat
Thursday 14 March 2013 9:11AM

francis henry- while watching sky if you press "interactive" on the sky remote and select "sky customer services" you wiil find a page to help you program your sky remote to control the tv

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Thursday 14 March 2013 9:22AM

michelle bloom- how is the freesat box connected to the tv ? (scart or hdmi normally)
are the connections in corresctly and can you get the freesat box menu on screen ?
you should be able to get the menu on screen and see the signal quality ?

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Thursday 14 March 2013 9:27AM

mazbar- i agree with you on multi point systems but the pro's and con's to signal quality are definatly pro satellite mate

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DR Patten- people who expieriance trouble because of 4G will not have to pay for filters

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Tuesday 26 March 2013 7:45AM

Jean h/ Steve P- snow, thick fog and heavy rain can affect satellite signals
also the adverse weather doesn't have to be in your immediate area to cause you problems

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