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All posts by Michael Perry

Below are all of Michael Perry's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Nick Horrex:

You have been told before that Briantist has not updated this website for some time and that he is the ob=nly person who can perform the updates. We regular contributors have no idea as to why he has not done so.

We have also stated that if you want details of multiplex allocations you should put a post code into the Digital UK Coverage Checker.

The fact that the channel allocations have not been updated on this website does not negate the value of it to those having reception problems as we contributors will usually refer them to the Coverage Checker for such information when relevant. Otherwise, we will use our considerable experience to offer guidance to those seeking assistance.

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A Group B aerial will suffice for reception of Heathfield transmissions until at least 2020 under the current plans for frequency allocations. There has been no indication about allocations after that date. We do expect some changes related to the introduction of the 5G services, though the current plans attempt to take that into consideration as far as has been possible as the 5G launch has not been finalised as yet.

It is possibele that the 700MHz clearance for 5G may mean that some transmitters use frequencies in both the Group A and Group B bands, meaning that if an aerial needs to be replaced it would we wisest to fit a wideband type as that will cover all the frequencies available. There may be some new aerial designs in future, but there is no information at this stage about whether they will appear or what range they might cover. Hence the usual advice to go for a wideband when needed.

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Simon Rudbach:

From your description it appears you have a fault in your aerial system. The Waltham transmitter has been working normally and no other viewers have reported any problems like yours.

So check all the connections between the TVs and the aerial, remembering to check that any powered device such as a splitter is working correctly (showing a power light does not mean it is working properly!).

Please provide a full post code so that we contributors can check what the expected reception conditions are like at your location.

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That is exactly what I said.

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David, Merv and Andy:

Please provide a full post code, a partial is of not use. Only then can we contributoirs see what the expected reception conditions are like at your location.

Retuning was a complete waste of time as you've now lost many of the chennels you originally had.

Please check all the aerial connections, including any plugs and sockets by unplugging and refitting.

Than check what channels you have. Manually tune any missing ones to the correct channels for the transmitter in use. Find the channels by putting your post code into the Digital UK Coverage Checker and scrolling down the appropriate listing.

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The channels shown on this website have sadly not been updated. For the current channel allocations, go to the Digital UK Coverage Checker at…ker. Then scroll down to the listing for your best transmitter.

A communal aerial will likely need attention if there have been changes to the channels used. They do not perform any remodulation and the correlation between frequencies and channels does not change as they are internationally agreed.

You will need to contact whoever is responsible for the management of the premises so they can have an engineer adjust the aerial and its filters to suit the new channel allocations, if they have changed.

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Freeview reception - all about aerials
Monday 6 August 2018 3:41PM

david Meek:

Please put your post code into the Digital UK Coverage Checker at Digital UK - Coverage checker and scroll down to the listing of available transmitters at your location. If there is an entry for Winterbourne Stickland it will tell you what aerial group is needed. Generally it is now advisable to fit a wideband type so it can provide reception of all current and future channels without any need to have it changed in future. Aerials that are designed for a specific group of channels may not be suitable in future.

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Monday 6 August 2018 3:42PM

Shirleigh Kirk-Marston:

Please ask Pick themselves as this is not their website.

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Who is still watching TV?
Monday 6 August 2018 3:48PM

As usual, the media get it wrong. Most people still watch live TV, especially for news, weather forecasts, sports, etc. Some use streaming services for entertainment but they are still a minority. A few may download 'box sets' but the majority want and rely upon live broadcasts.

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We will still need Freeview in 2042
Monday 6 August 2018 3:54PM

A lot depends on how far the rollout of fibre-based internet goes. It will need to reach every home and premesis in the country so that everyone can get the TV-style of information, news and entertainment.

At present large swathes cannot get a good enough internet connection for streaming of HD programming, let alone UHD! Even some urban areas don't get the speeds needed for HD downloads and many rual areas are just as badly served. Until such time as the whole country, meaning everywhere that people live and work, can access fast enough broadband then we will still need to use RF broadcasting to deliver the information and entertainment they want.

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