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Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Monday 22 October 2012 1:28PM

geoff: As Waltham is the station indicated as serving your area then Dave (LCN 12) is on mux Ch56 (ArqA).

If you still cannot find it then delete everything stored in the tuners memory by selecting "auto tune" and pressing search, "but" as soon as it starts cancel it before anything is picked because as soon as you pressed search all channels will have been deleted.

Follow this by selecting "manual tune" and entering Ch56 then press search, once all programme channels on Ch56 are stored then you can enter the remaining muxes one at a time using the same procedure.

These being Ch61 (BBC) - 54 (ITV1) - Ch58 (HD service) - Ch29 (ITV3 etc) - Ch57 (Film 4 etc)

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michelle: As your question involves a reception problem then its essential that you provide info regarding your location, this in the from of a post code or one from nearby, e.g: a shop etc.

Another important point being, whether or not your property uses a communal aerial system or one exclusively for your use?

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Monday 22 October 2012 5:10PM

john: When you connect a Sky box to the mains supply it will automatically start searching for channels without having to do anything, if "no signal" is indicated then it simply means that the box could not find the default transponder signal.

Use the following procedure to check if any level of signal is being indicated, as it could still be there but just not at a high enough level to produce a picture, so check on this by using the following procedure.

Press "services" and you will then see the main menu with "options" being highlighted, highlight the "settings" menu using the right arrow button and press select, then using the left / right arrow buttons scroll to "signal" and press select, this will then display the signal level indicator bars.

Both strength and quality should be indicating the equivalent of approx 55% minimum to produce a picture, if under then the dish is slightly out of alignment.

Further advice dependant on reply.

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Alex Beaujean: Where the reception of digital TV is concerned then very few places exist in the UK where a Log 40 (or even a DM log) would not be suffice.

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Monday 22 October 2012 9:03PM

RON CAMPBELL: If the intermittent reception problem is confined to affecting the same box all the time, then you should unscrew the "F" connector on the LNB used by it, then further unscrew it from the coax to check for any signs of water having crept into the plug, giving its internals a wipe with a cotton bud or similar in case any moisture is lurking around, similar treatment (using a tissue) given to the end of the coax, then making sure that all of the braiding is pulled back over the outer cover screw the connector back onto the coax again and try a test.

You should also check the "F" connector at the box end just in case a single strand of the braiding has caught around the middle core of the coax, matter of fact its maybe best you try this "first" before taking action at the LNB end.

Should though the problem still be there after having carried out these procedures, then try swapping the "F" connector port on the LNB used by the box in question over with a port used by one of the other boxes, as if the port is defective then the fault will show up on another box.

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Elisabeth Pugh: Indications of that nature can suggest that water has entered the "F" connector(s) on the dishes LNB and is partially short circuiting the signal, or secondly that the actual dish is slightly out of alignment, this possibly caused by it having been moved slightly by high winds, or maybe even that something has knocked against it like a ball or similar.

If the dish can be seen from the TV then whilst the box is on the signal test screen have someone press on the left hand side of the dish and note if this makes any difference, if not then the right hand side should be tried, because if its an alignment problem then this procedure will reveal it as such.

If though none of these two tests make any difference then this points to water having crept into the "F" connectors, and so they should be unscrewed from the block and then further unscrewed from the coax for purposes of being checked out for moisture, this including the end of the coax, reassembling same after having wiped out with a tissue.

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Diagnostics - old version
Monday 22 October 2012 11:30PM

julie: As you have already carried out both manual and auto tuning then you should place the TV back to its original settings by carrying out a "factory reset", this sometimes called "default setting" or "first time installation".

Winter Hill is approximately 18 miles away from your location and is predicted to provide a good level of signal, and although at that distance this action should not really be necessary, but should you be using any type of booster try a by passing it before carrying out another auto tune.

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Nanette: Your Sky+ box irrespective of only using it for "free to view" channels (not Freeview which is via a normal aerial) is not affected by the changes you refer to, and if the box has stopped working its purely coincidental.

You should carry out a signal strength / quality check using the undermentioned procedure giving an update on results, and with further info dependant on whatever is seen displayed.

Press "services" and you will then see the main menu with "options" being highlighted, highlight the "settings" menu using the right arrow button and press select, then using the left / right arrow buttons scroll to "signal" and press select, this will then display the signal level indicator bars.

Both levels should indicate around 55% minimum for satisfactory operation, under this level reception will become erratic or vanish altogether.

By the way, you do not require a card to be inserted to receive most channels, the main purpose of the card being to ensure you can view the correct local news, albeit that will not apply if you having moved.

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Nanette: Also meant to say, "if" you have two feeds from the dish only use the boxes LNB1 input, as LNB2 is basically used for recording purposes and which will have been disabled when you cancelled your Sky contract.

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Andrew: What you have mentioned regarding your TH-42PZ85B and having been using it to receive HD transmissions I have to say has me rather baffled, because according to the official Panasonic manual for that model the technical specifications indicate that its only fitted with a DVB tuner and NOT a DVB-T2 type and which is absolutely essential for any device to be able to receive HD transmissions, DVB-T types being incapable of responding to an HD transmission albeit that on some devices the signal strength "might" be seen indicated but always accompanied by zero quality.

I feel that should you have been previously receiving HD transmissions then it must have been via your recorder.

Maybe though you could confirm that the model in question is indeed an TH-42PZ85B?

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