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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

eddie: On looking at the specifications for that model I can only see HD reception being possible on its Freesat input and not Freeview, as Freeview HD reception requires a device to be fitted with a DVB-T2 tuner and only DVB-T is seen in the spec, however on its Freesat side DVB-S2 is indicated which is correct for HD.

I think I remember another person a few months ago with exactly the same model as you asking a similar question, and which unfortunately received the same answer. (to his extreme displeasure).

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eddie: Just in addition, terrible as it might sound for this to be necessary with such a high spec TV, but the only way you will be able to receive Freeview HD on that model is by using a separate Freeview HD box coupled into the set via an HDMI lead, that is unless you can manage to have a satellite dish installed.

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Emley Moor (Kirklees, England) transmitter
Monday 2 January 2012 10:57AM

John Procter: And a "Happy new Year" to you too.

But if I could just add to what Dave Lindsay has already said insomuch that at only 8 miles away from Emley Moor you are liable to be getting blasted with signal strength from the transmitters, and when you managed to get a better picture by adjusting your aerial its not so much a case of you aiming it better, but much more likely the reverse of misaligning it which will slightly kill the reception thereby reducing the overload situation in your TV's tuner, this resulting in a better picture.

If you don't have an attenuator as yet, then try turning your aerial completely in reverse, i.e: pointing away from the station, as that will "slightly" kill the signal but do it evenly, so rather than pointing it E/SE (119 degrees) for Emley point it W/NW (300 degrees)

By the way Ch51 (SDN/ITV3 etc) is indicated as running at lower power (123Kw) until the 31st of the month, likewise Ch53 (ArqA/ Pick TV, Dave etc) on 87Kw, so make allowances for this difference in readings you might see.

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Emley Moor (Kirklees, England) transmitter
Monday 2 January 2012 11:09AM

John Procter: Meant to also add that you have to beware carrying out an auto-tune in your area as Halifax as well as Belmont are shown as being highly possible to receive, and with both these stations using lower channel numbers than Emley your sets tuner could well lock onto them thereby pushing Emleys channels up in the 800 ranges.

Emley using: Ch47 - Ch44 - Ch41(HD) - Ch51 - Ch52 - Ch48

If you have any doubts as to where you are receiving from go into the signal check screen "whilst on the channel", and you should see the channel number listed associated with the strength indication.

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Connecting it all up
Monday 2 January 2012 11:58AM

Neil Bell: Re: 21 pin adaptor, they only mention this when referring to the external device in case someone has a box or whatever not fitted with a normal scart socket facility but phono sockets etc, such as found in many devices of non UK origin.

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Freeview reception - all about aerials
Monday 2 January 2012 4:08PM

Andy: Both Emley Moor and Keighley are indicated as the best possibilities with both being full service Freeview stations, Emley @ 13mls (151 degrees / H polarisation) having the edge over Keighley @ 9mls (338 degrees / V polarisation)

Idle @ 5 mls (37 degrees / V polarisation) is also shown possible but with three of its multiplexes having the status of variable until next September, and with Wharfedale @ 12mls (25 degrees / V polarisation) although indicating as good being only a Freeview light PSB station. (limited channels)

Bilsdale @ 48 mls (34 degrees / H) is really a no go situation until Sep 26th, as up until then only the BBC and SDN (ITV3 etc) is shown as possible, so unless there are any dastardly obstructions between you and Emley Moor I would aim to be receiving from there, possibly using Keighley or Idle as back up choices.

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ross walker: Obviously there are a selection of inputs on the rear! however as far as setting it up is concerned I take it you have repeatedly pressed to TV/RAD button on the remote control until "TV" is shown and not DTV? if you have done this and subsequently selected "auto-tune" then the selection box containing bg-I-dk etc should not have came on, as that's associated with "manual" tuning, however if you have one of the many variations on these models and it did request this, then its "I" that you select and not bg.

As far as the eye is concerned just leave that off just now and connect the co-ax straight into the LG's aerial socket, then temporarily use RF1 out on the Sky box (or whatever you are using) so as to eliminate the danger of the TV shorting the Sky boxes RF2 voltage, as there isn't any voltage on RF1.

Once you have done that carry out an auto-tune, although it would have been better if you could have temporarily powered up the Sky box next to the LG and used a jumper between each, as the dish doesn't require to be connected because the Sky boxes menu would be seen on the LG if the tune was successful.

The reason I suggest that is just in case your extension lead is defective in some way and which could cause confusion if it was, as you wouldn't know if it was the tuner or the cable at fault.

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Freeview reception - all about aerials
Monday 2 January 2012 5:37PM

Dave Lindsay: Re:- "Because it reckons that Bilsdale is the best of the lot", I assume that "if" has accidentally been omitted after "Because"? as the DRG trade view predictor certainly doesn't indicate Bilsdale as a possible on the post code supplied by Andy.

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Freeview reception - all about aerials
Monday 2 January 2012 7:34PM

Dave Lindsay: Yes! no problem, as I just assumed that what was actually meant didn't come out that way in the text, easy to do in a small reply box facility where you cant preview something before its posted, this being why I always type my answers to whoever out in an e-mail screen then copy and paste them into the reply box, this of course being why I might occasionally accidentally clash with another reply posting as I am not constantly viewing the reply box.

However on the subject of Bilsdale, yes you are quite correct, insomuch that in September it does show a slight edge over Emley in its overall reception qualities, although DRG's forecasts frequently amaze me with what I consider to be the level of educated guesswork involved with the predictions, these based on a limited number of actual on site field tests, that is if at all! as they make forecasts on stations that aren't actually transmitting as yet.

I dare say you have maybe had a look at the line of site between Emley Moor and Andy's location, which I haven't!, but I would like to think that some obstruction must be in evidence at some point along the line, as if DRG can predict that a station (Bilsdale) located at 48 miles away with a PSB erp of 100Kw and a COM erp of 50Kw, can better a station (Emley Moor) at only 13 miles with an erp of 175Kw across all muxes, then there just has to be.

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ross walker: If you have the type with a lead on one side then its this lead to connects into the TV, and the co-ax from the sat boxes RF output goes straight into the eye.

Although I still say that you would be best temporarily sitting the Sky box near to the LG so as to eliminate any possible cabling problems, but for a test if you connect the long co-ax lead from the RF 2 into the eye "without it connected to the TV" does the light on the eye operate? as it should if all is OK.

Also, if you are splitting the co-ax anywhere it "has" to be done via a DC pass splitter or the light will not work, this only mentioned in case it doesn't, although some wont work even if connected properly as long leads can stop them working, a common problem!

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