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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Marlene: By the way, the helpline you contacted must have assumed (incorrectly) that you were intending to connect the Sky box to the bedroom TV via the usual method of running a coax between the boxes RF1/2 and the TV's aerial socket, this method only working on TV's fitted with analogue or dual analogue / digital tuners, your new TV obviously not!

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Marlene : The point with a video sender is that the TV its connected into does "not" receive Sky via the tuner but through its scart input socket, the tuner is not involved.

The channel on the video sender is "not" referring to TV's channel but the channel used by its own receiver, as with any device of that sort you might get the situation where you were picking up a neighbours video sender or vice versa, this being why the manufacturer offers a choice of channels (usually 5 or so) so that in the event of interference being caused by someone else's sender you just choose another channel

In other words, what you have is a transmitter and a receiver and so both have to be matched to each other.

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joe: More information is required, such as the model number of the decoder and what you intend to view it on in another room, likewise its model number also being required.

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Diagnostics - old version
Saturday 22 June 2013 7:03PM

john Broadhurst: To add to that already said by Dave Lindsay, you should also note that neither Tacolneston (@ 30 miles) nor Belmont ( @ 67 miles) is predicted as being able to provide good reception at your location as both stations are shown as being variable, and in the case of Tacolneston I also noticed that the terrain map indicates that the signal path is obstructed from roughly 4 miles out from you and so this factor must also be taken into consideration as it generally results in less than satisfactory reception.

Although most people are quite understandably reluctant to ask around, but it would be prudent to make a few local checks regarding reception preferably at some household whose aerial is seen to be facing Tacolneston (or Belmont) before deciding to call an aerial installer.

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Marlene: Well you were! but just with a misunderstanding about how the system operates.

However judging by what you have now said suggests that you have everything set up correctly provided that you are referring to the bedroom TV being on its AV channel, and so if the video sender / receiver are both switched on as is the Sky box then there is no reason connection wise for nothing being seen on the bedroom TV, therefore it would be of assistance if you could provide the model number of the video sender being referred to so that this can be checked out just in case there is anything odd about its set up procedure, as variations can exist between different models albeit that the connections are always the same.

Just a small point though, these devices are not very powerful and signal transfer problems can be experienced if the wall the signal is being passing through is particularly dense, only mentioned in case this might apply in your situation.

A second point being, not to have the sender or receiver sitting next to a broadband router.

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Hannington (Hampshire, England) transmitter
Saturday 22 June 2013 9:09PM

Peter Groves: Although you will most likely had done something about the situation by now, but what you have reported suggests that your mast head amplifier might have failed or, and the more likely, that the power supply to same has developed a fault even although its LED is illuminated, as some of these LED's only indicate that the device is powered up and not that its supplying any DC output voltage.

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Marlene: If you have connected everything up as per advice given, and being /

(1): The scart lead (supplied) connecting the Sky boxes AV2 scart socket into the "senders" input.

(2): The second scart lead connected the "receiver's" AV output into the bedroom TV's scart input and with this socket being selected as the input on the TV and not DVB.

Then if both external power supplies have been plugged in and switched on (likewise the button on the device) and that you have set the communication channels to the same numbers on each device then nothing can stop the devices working unless the signal is being obstructed, or of course that one of the units is faulty, try moving the receiver to either side of where its postioned as well as experimenting swivelling the dish to either side.

If though you still cannot get it to work then test the unit out by temporarily installing the receiver in the same room as the sender, the procedure to use being to remove the main TV's scart input plug (that comes from the Sky box) and in place of this connect a scart lead from the "receivers" output.

In other words the Sky boxes AV2 is still going into the sender, but the receivers output being is being fed into the main TV rather than the one in the bedroom. If you still do not get a signal try using the Sky boxes AV1 output to feed the sender.

By the way, you "may" have to select AV1 input on your main TV if the receiver does not switch the TV over to its scart input in the same way as happens with the Sky box.

Of course the other way is just to temporarily install the bedroom TV and receiver in the main room, no aerial connection being required by the bedroom TV as its only being used as a monitor.

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Frank: No! satellite reception cannot be made in lofts or any covered in area as microwaves cannot pass though anything other than thin clear glass.

But though a dish will work perfectly OK even if sitting on the ground so long as it has a reasonably clear East / South Easterly view of the Sky when viewed at an elevation of approximately 25 degrees from the horizontal.

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Kort Nyquist: Most aerials in your area appear to be facing towards Winter Hill albeit that according to indications seen its also possible to receive Freeview from the Lancaster transmitter in your area, something which may have happened whereby over populating the programme guide. You should carry out a retune without the aerial being connected for the purpose of blanking out anything already stored, once completed make sure that nothing is listed on the programme (EPG) guide then go into your TV or boxes set up menu / tuning / manual tune then enter and scan each mux channel number one at a time and storing the results before passing onto the next mux, this being the only way to guarantee that your EPG listing only contains content from Winter Hill. Muxes used by Winter Hill / 50 (BBC) - 59 (ITV) - 54 (HD service) - 58 (ITV3) - 49 (Pick TV) - 55 (Film 4)

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Kort Nyquist: In addition to that said, when during the start of the manual tuning procedure and you have entered the first mux channel in the list (BBC 50) hesitate before pressing search or scan, as in most equipment the signal strength of the channel entered is usually shown, jot down whatever it is for reference purposes just in case the scan doesn't result in a picture being seen, because should this happen try the same test on mux Ch59 and compare the difference in levels.

Needless to say that should you require to carry out the latter test do NOT press search, just exit the tuning menu.

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