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Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Terry: Basically yes! as cancelling a subscription only has the effect of stopping you from accessing channels that are dedicated to a Sky package, plus killing your access to the recording / playback side of the box.

If you havent as yet cancelled the contract? then if you remove your Sky card and run through the programmes in the guide list that will be exactly (or very near) an example of what you will be able to view once that you do cancel the contract.

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Hannington (Hampshire, England) transmitter
Wednesday 14 August 2013 9:18PM

Carl Amey: Thanks for the update, all points noted, but with regards to interference being radiated from the HDMI cable and which seemingly only affected Ch47, although this type of thing is not entirely unheard of but on the extremely odd occasion that it is its usually more associated with an oxidised or corroded connection on an aerial feed where specific frequency RF signals are involved and not broad spectrum digital interference such as radiated from an HDMI lead and which can affect a number of mux channels.

I feel that unless you have recently made any alterations to the positioning of the cables on the rear of your equipment I suspect that the interference caused by the HDMI lead has most likely pre-existed, but was not noticed because simply it did not have any effect on reception due to the RF signals carried in the coax being at a high enough level to keep this potential interference problem at bay, therefore the only reason I can see for this situation changing is that the level / quality (especially the later) of the signal being received on Ch47 is not constant and is inclined to taper off at certain times within a period of 24hrs (ref your time factor observations) thereby allowing the pre-existing HDMI interference to take hold, this then giving the impression that the interference is targeting Ch47 when in reality its purely a consequence of a slightly lower signal level being received.

I would like to emphasise though that I am not referring to any massive differences in levels, but just enough to allow the HDMI interference to enter the equation.

As far as a further signal test is concerned, I would be interested to know what level Rowridges BBC (Ch24) is being received at considering its radiated from the top of the mast, unlike the mux channel I had previously requested a check on

By the way the terrain indicator I was referring to is seen on the undermentioned links.

Terrain between ( m a.g.l.) and (antenna m a.g.l.) - Optimising UK DTT Freeview and Radio aerial location

Terrain between ( m a.g.l.) and (antenna m a.g.l.) - Optimising UK DTT Freeview and Radio aerial location

(Ch47 al) (Ch47 al) (Ch47 al)

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Lisa: Many thanks for the info, as I suspected that your box was liable to be that brand and such an ideal source of up to date info on whether or not the well documented Drama channel problem had been rectified, a problem that has resulted in so many complaints although not necessarily on this site, however going by what you have reported would suggest that it finally has been sorted out.

Thanks again!

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Lynne: If you are connected to a communal dish then the problem is either being caused by a defective jumper lead from your box to the wall plate, or alternatively an actual fault within the Sky box itself, because other than that the problem is outwith your control.

Try swapping the two dish input feeds over and see if this makes any difference, although if it does then the problem will have transferred into the recording side of the box, but though if no difference was noticed then this is inclined to indicate a problem on the dish feed to your apartment as each apartment will have its own individual dish feed albeit via a switching device.

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Al Jazeera English
Thursday 15 August 2013 8:16PM

david Mills: The fact of you asking this question would suggest that your box has not picked up Dovers COM6 during the last retune, the COM6/ArqB multiplex transmitting on Ch48, and which such as RT (85) / Al Jezeera (83) / Yesterday (19) / ITV4 (24) etc are all streamed on.

You should try carrying out a manual tune on Ch48.
(Ch48 an) (Ch48 an) 

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Film 4
Thursday 15 August 2013 8:37PM

TOM BECKETT: Its not really possible for anyone to be able to offer more detailed advice when you have failed to indicate your location, this in the form of a post code or one from nearby, e.g: a shop / post office.

By the way Film4 being on 791 is correct, and due to the fact that it is still being transmitted on its original COM6/ArqB multiplex as well as its new position on PSB2 the ITV1 mux, it retaining its programme guide number of (15) whereas on COM6 its now under 791 for the time being before its withdrawn.

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Tony O'Brien: Try carrying out a "first time installation" on your Freeview TV as this type of problem can happen if the tuners memory store system is on the verge of being overloaded.

First time installation on some brands being called "factory reset" or "default setting".

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Al Jazeera English
Friday 16 August 2013 7:58AM

david Mills: Just a small point in addition to that said, if when Dover "town" switched over to digital transmissions your (or a communal) aerial had been adjusted to favour that station then this could be the reason for you having previously lost Al Jezeera & RT, as both of can only be received from full service stations such as Dover and "not" PSB only Freeview relays such as Dover Town, as apart from that there is no reason why Dovers COM6 was not picked up.

If by any chance you are unable to receive Ch48 then a post code or one from somewhere nearby will be required in order to assess your situation.

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leslie rainer: Briantist has repeatedly answered this question, the latest being yesterday 15th @ 09.47am as seen by opening the link.

Read this: Long Term Review: Samsung UE32 F6510 SmartHub TV | - 11 years of independent, free digital TV advice

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Anthony ELSTON: Drama is on the COM4/SDN multiplex as used by (10) ITV3, and so if you can view this programme you should first of all remove the aerial connector and carry out an auto-tune for the purpose of blanking out anything already stored, once completed check that they have been by witnessing a blank programme guide and if so reconnect the aerial again followed by carrying out another normal auto-tune.

If this does not rectify the problem then you should carry out a "first time installation", this also referred to as "factory reset" or "default setting" etc dependant on brand.

If by any chance none of those measures work then please indicate the model number of the TV or box you are using. (especially if a Huawei brand)

By the way, 19 & 21 are both on COM6 and which it would appear you are receiving from the Llanddona transmitter.

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