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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Sunday 7 September 2014 12:16AM

Sue: Go into your TV or boxes set up menu and select "picture settings", then select either auto or 16:9, "not" 4:3.

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Paul Radford : A post code would have been of assistance with queries of this nature, however, if you have reset your TV three times and yet the situation has remained the same, then provided that your TV automatically detects a DVB-T2 signal and that you do "not" have to enter it (DVB-T2) beforehand, then the source of the difficulty you are experiencing "might" actually be caused by a PID data error in the transmitters EPG and "not" anything connected with your equipment, this having already occurred in the area served by the Emley Moor (West Yorkshire) transmitter.

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L Marshall: On the assumption you are meaning that channels on the EPG keep dropping out and "not" that the actual EPG is vanishing, which of course it cannot do unless a retune is carried out whilst the signal is down, then have you verified that the booster isn't defective?

As all aerials in your area would appear to be facing towards the Mendip transmitter rather than Oxford, go into your TV's tuning menu and select "manual tune", entering but "not" scanning Mux C49 into the box, as this will reveal the strength and quality of the signal being received, observing same for around a couple of minutes or so for the purpose noting if any rapid fluctuations in either strength or quality are seen.

If the signal is reasonably stable, should you be able to access the power supply to the booster, try switching it off and see if this makes any difference to the situation, which of course it should, if it doesn't then the booster is defective.

By the way, have you checked with any of your neighbours to find out if they are also suffering from similar problems with reception?

Further advice dependant on feedback.

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Paul Radford: Unfortunately, when dealing with digital reception problems its very seldom that a straightforward answer ever applies. But though, as you are located at only 5 miles away from the Crystal Palace transmitter, then the immediate thing that springs into mind is the possibility that the signal strength being received is excessively high to the extent that its causing instability in the tuner, HD channels always first to be affected in situations such as this even although SD might well be operating as normal.

Purely for test purposes, if you are using any type of powered distribution amplifier then try bypassing it, as these devices always add an element of boosting to the signal, that said, I do realise that prior to the recent retune you were receiving the HD channels OK, me only having mentioned the problem with Emley Moor as your location was unknown.

However, as you have already carried out a reset on the TV rather than just an auto-tune, you have in effect done the maximum that a viewer can do, although the only aspect I was wondering about is whether or not your TV automatically detects a DVB-T2 transmission? or if you have to select this mode, some do.

Should it transpire that you have to, go into the tuning menu / manual tune and select DVB-T2 then enter and scan Mux Ch30 and see if this picks the HD channels up, if by any chance it does, then carry out the same procedure again but this time enter Mux Ch33 (COM7).

As a matter of fact, irrespective of whether or not you can receive the main HD channels try a test on Mux Ch33, as this transmitter only radiates on 43Kw compared to 200Kw on the main HD mux, giving an update on the results.

(Knowing the model of TV involved would also be of assistance?

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john: It would have been helpful to have known the model of Sky box being referring to, e.g: standard / Sky+ / or Sky+HD, however, if you have an indication of the strength and quality of the signal at a level of around 80% or so then the box must be receiving something, although does the lock indicator indicate "locked" or not?

Should you be referring to a standard box, then remove the card and try the
following procedure.

1: Press Sky followed by: "Services - 4" (opens with picture settings highlighted)

2: Then press: "0 - 1 - select", (opens with Installers menu)

3: On the list of six items that appears select and press on 1 (LNB set up), then press on the RED "reset all settings" button (bottom left under the menu) followed by selecting and pressing on "save new settings".

4: Repeat this procedure on 2 (default transponder)

5: Finally, select and press on 6 (new installation) and allow the box to go through the searching for listings procedure.

If after having carried out this procedure the situation remains the same, then are you sure that the dish you are using was actually aligned to Astra on 28.2 degrees? and "not" for the reception of European stations on 19.2 degrees,easiest way to find out being to try the box out on someone else's dish.

Another possible reason for the problem being that the box has a defective power supply, although boxes that suffer from this problem do not usually indicate any signal level, and of course the indications seen on your box are contradictory to each other.

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Brian: If swapping the two cables over did not result in a signal being indicated on LNB2's strength / quality bars, then this points to the tuner associated with that input having failed.

If not already done so, try disconnecting the box from the mains supply for around 10 minutes or so before reconnecting it again, should this make no difference to the situation then this does not look too promising, as this type of problem is more connected to a hardware failure rather than software.

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Thursday 11 September 2014 12:08AM

john knight: If by "hard drive recorder" you are referring to the Humax 9200T? then the situation is somewhat simpler.

Couple the YouView boxes HDMI output socket into TV's HDMI 1 input.

Humax 9200's scart socket marked "TV" being coupled into the TV's AV1 scart input socket.

DVD player's scart socket being coupled into TV's AV2 scart input.

Each device being selected by using the TV's "input select" button on the remote control.

As MikeB has said, you could daisy chain the aerial through the YouView box - Humax 9200T and then into the TV, however if any signs of picture glitching occur that wasn't happening before, then use a three way powered splitter, as this will guarantee that each device receives the same level of signal whereas not when daisy chaining, this procedure generally resulting in the last device in the chain receiving a lower level of signal.

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Thursday 11 September 2014 7:49AM

john knight: Reception is generally always guaranteed to reliably better by "not" using daisy chain methods, but though its entirely dependant on the strength of the signal being received as well as technical aspects of the devices that the signal is passing through i.e: attenuation levels (if any).

However, in answer to your question, connect the aerial into your YouView box then through the Humax PVR then finally into the TV, if though you detect any picture glitching on the TV, remove the aerial from the YouView box and couple it directly into the TV, if this improves the situation then purchase a three way powered splitter.

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Thursday 11 September 2014 8:10AM

sue : Nothing,as yet,has been reported, although its doubtful that all channels would be affected if any fault did occur. But though, if the situation remains the same then you should check with a neighbour to find if their reception is also affected, or alternatively confined to your installation by a fault having developed on your aerial system / booster etc, if used.

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Paul Radford : Now that the brand / model number of the TV is known, this makes the strength of the signal being received even of more importance, as Samsung tuners (as well as LG's) cannot tolerate excessive signal levels being fed into their HD tuners and which generally results in zero reception, albeit that the SD channels are usually found to be working as normal. By all means try that suggested by MikeB of using another aerial jumper lead, but though, according to what you have reported its not just the somewhat lower powered (43 KW) COM7 that you have problems receiving, but "all" of the main Mux Ch30 HD channels which are radiating on 200Kw, this being why I suggested a manual tune test on Ch33 so as "not" to be tuning in a high powered transmitter. By the way, Samsung TVs are not (to put it nicely) particularly user friendly as far as their manual tuning facilities are concerned, plus they are less than satisfactory in level indication department by "not" indicating the strength of a signal, but only its quality, which although being the most important aspect of a signal is in effect useless for test purposes, as both strength and quality have to be known. Although manual tuning on a Samsung TV is undeniably a bit of a bind compared to many other main brands, should you be unaware of the procedure to use then follow the undermentioned / Press on the menu button then select and press on "Broadcasting" Run down the listings to "channel settings" then press on. Select and press on "manual tuning" followed by pressing on "digital tuning". A list of Mux channels already stored will be shown, scroll across to the right of the screen then select and press on "New", the Mux channel you are presently on will be shown, inch this up or down to select a new channel number, in this case its Mux Ch33, then press "Search" and storing anything found.

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