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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Nicole Hennephof: What type of box are you using, is it a standard Sky box or a Sky+ version, and irrespective of what after you have found the additional channels are you using the "yellow" button on the remote control to tick next to each of the channels you want to store "before" pressing select? as all the channels will vanish again if you by-pass using the yellow button.

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Nicole Hennephof: Thats not really surprising! because as I mentioned to another person making a similar enquiry regarding Ch5 etc insomuch that it should not really be necessary to carry out the procedure mentioned as the Sky box (any type) should have found them itself, or forced into doing so by selecting to carry out a retune (on later Sky+ boxes) or on older boxes by disconnecting it from the mains supply which will result in it losing all channels stored, then reconnecting again and allowing it to search for listings once it responds to the remote control.

Still, pleased to hear that all is in order now.

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Keith: Well yes, I can quite believe that this box has been given favourable reports and indeed is possibly superior to many of Vestels earlier types, but though the problem with these type of reports is that they invariably have been made as the result of the box being assessed when used under standard reception conditions and not one where excessive signal levels were liable to have been experienced, because its only when a TV or box is operating under these conditions that any deficiencies that might exist in the RF circuitry side of the device will show up, and problems caused though RF instability can have a wide range of symptoms, but though in my opinion one of them being your recording problem, as I have observed this exact same fault occur on previous non HD models (using different chassis) when used under circumstances such as described.

I personally would dearly love a chance to carry out some more detailed tests (with instruments) on the circuitry associated with the recording side on these boxes when it was being used under "real life" excessively high signal level conditions, (it being a very difficult to simulate type of situation even when using more sophisticated test gear) and although unaware if you are technically inclined, but I do have a suspicion (or educated guess!) that when the recording side of the circuit is activated an element of RF instability is being introduced into the PCB's common earth rail and this is causing a slight potential difference to occur from one end of the common rail to the other, and because other sensitive parts of the circuitry (inc tuner) also uses this rail its possibly this that is causing the problem. (thicker earth tracks possibly being required)

Of course it would be interesting to know the result if the box was tested out in a more distant location, as I strongly suspect that the problem might not show up.

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PJB : Well its not really easy to advise on this without having knowledge of your location or at least one from nearby such as a shop, as the signal levels expected at your location cannot be assessed, but try a test with the aerial by-passing the in line amp and going either straight into the PVR or the TV, giving an update on results.

Although by being unable to assess the signal levels expected at wherever you might be located complicates the issue.

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Stuart Ferris: Could you please indicate the model number of your new TV so that its technical details can be checked out.

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Paul: No problem! as I realise that not everyone has a surplus of spare time, but as far as what you have found out is concerned magic eye's will still operate as normal even although the RF side might have failed, as although they might well be from the same socket they are sourced from different circuits within the box, and if you failed to pick up anything up whilst the TV was connected directly into the boxes RF1 output socket and the TV in question was definitely set on analogue, then the modulator has failed, not exactly a common problem but likewise not by any means unheard of as I am aware that there was a small number of Sky + boxes around (about 2 years ago) that were fitted with substandard modulators.

But though, just to give a 100% confirmation that it is definitely the modulator and not the analogue tuner in your TV that has failed (as it can!) try the same test on your lounge TV that's presently coupled into the Sky box via a scart lead.

First of all, to avoid any confusion take one end of the scart lead out of either the TV or the Sky box so that the TV will not automatically switch over to it, then make sure that you have the TV's aerial socket connected directly into the Sky boxes RF1 output socket and carry out an "analogue" rescan on the TV, because if it doesn't pick up the box either then the modulator has definitely failed.

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Debbie: There are various reports regarding a reception problems with the SDN transmitter, and "if" you haven't carried out a rescan (which should never be done anyway if a channel appears lost) carry out a signal test on ITV3 (mux Ch50) and check what the level is indicated as being, because even if there is no picture the signal will most likely still be there but at a low level.

Once this is done try the same test on Film 4 (mux Ch55) and compare the two levels, giving an up date on the result.

Note though! if you have carried out a rescan then please ignore this request as you will have lost the channel from the tuners memory.

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Debbie: Just to add, that this request was based on the assumption that you are receiving Freeview from Pontop Pike and not the more local (6 miles away) Fenham transmitters, ITV3 being on mux Ch25 from Fenham, the mux transmitter channel involved being indicated on the same screen as the signal level.

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Keith: Many thanks for your latest up date and with the content of being most interesting, especially the fact of the loop having up to a point given reasonable results, and although a bit late in mentioning it now, but when I first mentioned about trying a loop I should also have added to try some tests with the loop being made in different diameters and possibly by starting slightly less than what it presently is. I do realise that this type of aerial is in no way matched to the frequencies used by the transmitters but that is something that isn't wanted anyway, as the idea is just to sniff an element of the signal and not receive it at any great level, which of course would happen if it was matched.

But though I really do feel that the Vestel chassis is the source of the problem as the basic fact remains, being that in areas where iffy reception is not being caused by low signal strength but quite the reverse, then this type of situation demands a highly stable receiver being used, this requirement being unfortunately where Vestel chassis devices do not really come into the equation.

But as a final on this, you should try a loop of about 4 inches in diameter noting the results, then try another about 8 inches or so in diameter, once again noting the results and giving an update on what you had found.

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Graham Francis: Not necessarily so on both counts, as it all depends on the sensitivity of the TV's or boxes tuner, because if a fault develops on a transmitter causing a power output drop and yet its signal can still be viewed on one receiver but not the other, then this in most cases this is simply through the receiver that's still working either having a more sensitive tuner which overcomes the signal level cut off threshold, or alternatively it can be caused by the working device having a direct feed from the aerial whereas the other device doesn't, this usually by its aerial feed being daisy chained through another device which in most cases reduces the signal level.

I do realise that Panasonics have been mentioned more than any other brands, but software updates are generally dedicated to a particular range of chassis and doesn't blanket cover all models even within the same brand name, and so although I could possibly be proven wrong! but I don't feel that its connected in any way to software updates, that is unless everyone is using the same model of Panasonics.

But though re: my 9.37pm yesterdays posting to Debbie which can be seen above but a few postings back, you should also try this as the two mux channels mentioned are technically identical to each other which makes them ideal for comparison level checks.

You could also try the test on Pick TV(11) as mux Ch59 used by that programme is equally identical to the other two, although mux transmitters, even of identical power output, are very seldom ever received at the same levels through a multitude of factors involved.

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