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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Film 4
Saturday 12 January 2013 4:50PM

Angie: On the assumption that you are using the Durris transmitter then go into the "manual tune" menu on one of your TV's or boxes used and enter mux Ch29 (used by Film 4) but do NOT press search or scan, because if the signal is there it will indicate a level, note whatever it is and then change the channel number to mux Ch23 (ITV3 etc) and compare the two readings, this being a used as a rough guide as to any problems as both these transmitters are on the same power.

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g: Sky has used a variety of terms and conditions over the time and it depends on whether or not this was a free installation, because if it was then in theory they could take it back, however in practice they probably wouldn't although the possibility exists that they will levy a charge against the time remaining on the contract, unless that is you have already paid this?

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Paul: Yes! as that test gave a 100% verification that the modulator has failed, of course if the box is not under any type of guarantee you could use an external modulator coupled into the Sky boxes scart socket, as the external modulator acts exactly in the same way as the failed internal one, and purely for reference purposes I give the undermentioned link to the type of thing I am referring to, should they still stock it! although there are other sources around.

Programmable Universal Modulator : Video Switches : Maplin Electronics

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Logomage: I would like to amend that said by myself, as I was looking at the Bromsgrove transmitters radiation pattern and see that its biased to favour the opposite direction from your own, and although you might well be located relatively close to the transmitter I also noticed a number of areas with small patches of trees between it and you, the combination of both these factors liable to result in somewhat less signal strength than would normally be expected, this making what mike fisher has said a good deal more important.

You should try a comparison signal check between Mux Ch23 (ITV) and Mux Ch47 (Film 4 etc) this done by going into your TV or boxes "manual" tuning menu and entering mux Ch23 but NOT pressing scan or search, because the signal level should be indicated, note it and then change the channel number to Ch47 and note it then compare these two, as these two represent the entire band that your aerial will be picking up.

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Danny Harris: You are indicated as being located at approx 13 miles from the Crystal Palace transmitter and so this type of problem would suggest as being a signal level related, which on one hand could be excessive dependant on aerial system used (if you use a booster try by-passing it) whereas on the other hand it could be inferior by the aerial supplying a signal level that is just on the verges of resolving a picture and no more, this being why you get different programmes on successive scans.

Can you receive ITV3(10) / Pick TV (11) / or Film 4 (15)?

You should also have carried out a "factory reset" before carrying out an auto tune, or if "first time installation" is an option use that and check the results.

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Jonathan: Well with regards to the latter possibility mentioned that could well be the case, because variations in signal levels can only really be caused by either corrosion on the "F" connector plugs threads or water having gained access to its internals, and so I would carefully unscrew the connector from the LNB then further unscrew it from the coax and wipe the inside of the connector with a tissue, likewise the end of the coax making sure that all strands are pulled back over the coax outer cover, then smear some Vaseline (although silicone grease is better) on the inner barrel and re-assemble same.

I should say that LNB's can also be responsible for exactly the same symptoms, but water problems are by far the more frequent cause.

Although it appears as though you are referring to a standard Sky box, if its a Sky + type then try swapping the "F" connector inputs over, as the problem will likely move to the recording input.

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Jonathan: Further to that said, obviously the possible reasons mentioned would also apply if you were referring to a Freesat signal rather than Sky, as both are technically identical in this respect.

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Logomage: This might not be necessary provided that your aerial is still vertically mounted and is facing 231 degrees, you could of course trim the aerial up to a reasonable level of precision if you leave the signal check screen on your TV for reference purposes, although TV's or boxes that offer a quality indication as well as strength are always more accurate, as quality is more important than strength.

When you observe the signal level stay with it for at least 1 minute or so just to make sure that the indications seen don't dive downwards now and again, because if they dont and you are genuinely suffering from a weak signal then a booster would cure this by lifting it up so that it can be well clear of the cut off threshold.

Anyway give an update on results, as what you observe determines the course of action.

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Freesat on Freeview HD
Saturday 12 January 2013 9:39PM

Joan: Yes! via a scart lead, or if the Freesat box is capable HD reception and the Feeview TV has an HDMI input then use an HDMI lead between both devices, the scart lead not being required.

By the way, what's been said does not in any way apply to anything concerning the feed from the dish that is used by the Freesat box nor the normal aerial used by the Freeview TV.

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Sunday 13 January 2013 12:08AM

Derek: If the other two TV's in use do not drop out on that channel then that indicates that either the TV that does has a somewhat lower sensitivity tuner coupled to the signal level being received on its aerial connection being a touch on the low side and which is possibly supplying a signal to the TV that is only just above the TV's reception threshold level and no more, but with it dipping down under this threshold now and again being the reason why you cannot view the channel and giving the impression that the channel has been lost, which of course it hasn't been and why retunes should never carried out as the channel is still in the tuners memory and will return of its own accord once the signal level lifts.

If the Sony TV can be moved then first of all try a signal strength test on mux Ch62 (ITV3) and note the level indicated, then temporarily move it to one of the other outlet points and try the same test there, if its virtually the same (or near) as before then the amplifier outlet point can be taken out of the equation and therefore its the TV's tuner being somewhat insensitive that is causing the problem.

This can possibly be cured by the use of an additional amplifier, although maybe the amplifier that's already installed is just not of a high enough gain, and so to get an idea of its gain ratings if its possible to access the amplifier could you gave an update on what's seen printed on its label.

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