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Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

js: Also meant to say, that 805 is not listed as being a channel in the programme guide associated with the BT1 post code, the guide numbers jumping from 804 - 806.

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js: No problem, as I automatically assumed that 85 was simply a typo error. I did though state something myself which wasn't quite correct, insomuch that the guide list shown when using the NI post code jumps from 802 - 806 and not 804 - 806.

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Irene : ITV2 is broadcast on the same Mux transmitter as used by ITV1, and although what you have said is inclined to suggest that the problem is possibly down to transmitter failure, albeit that nothing to this effect has been reported, (at least as yet anyway!) then as all your devices are failing to receive anything other than the BBC channels, rather than deleting channels already stored in your tuner, which happens if retuning is carried out whilst a transmitter is down, your best policy would be to ascertain if the problem is being experienced by anyone else in your area, of course, this action being "after" having checked that the signal hasn't returned.

Further advice dependent on findings.

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John Brown: Judging by that said in the first paragraph of your update, is inclined to suggest that your problem is caused by the signal level received from the transmitter running at a level thats only slightly above the minimum required to resolve a picture, the fact of your non-self tuning set being able to receive all channels OK (albeit only via the booster) simply being down to it being fitted with a tad more sensitive tuner, as tuners can vary from set to set, even within the same manufacturer.

On the subject of the construction of Lidl's new building, large metal frameworks can indeed have a very adverse affect on the reception of Freeview signals, especially if they are being being received at a less than desirable level to start off with, the fact of you having observed a time factor in the start of your problems somewhat backing this up, likewise cannot be discounted.

You should carry out a signal strength & quality (particularly the latter) check on one of the dodgy channels, noting if both S&Q are seen to be erratic, or its a case of the strength basically remaining the same but the quality is seen to be erratic, because if both S&Q are reasonably stable but at only about 50% or so , then a higher powered booster might help the problem.

By the way, are your two sets fed from individual outlets on your booster, and if possible, could you have a look at the booster and check what dB gain level is marked on it , or alternatively, just the model number of the device in question.

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Full technical details of Freeview
Sunday 13 September 2015 11:36PM

sophie harris : Your area is covered by the Kingsbridge relay of the Caradon Hill main transmitter, said relay taking its feed off-air from the main transmitter, the problem with these type of set ups being, that Caradon Hill is listed on the planned engineering page under the heading of "possible weak signal", this being something which can possibly have an affect on transmissions from its relays dependent on how low the signal might be, Kingsbridge obviously being one of its relays.

The action of retuning your TV whilst the signal was down will have deleted everything stored in the tuner, therefore, you have no option other than to carry out further retunes now and again to recover that lost, as the channels will not return of their own accord.

That said, it would of course be beneficial to check with a neighbour to ascertain if they are also experiencing problems with reception, if they aren't, nor even have been, then check for loose aerial connections / jumper leads etc on your system.

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Chris Brock: Engineering work is presently being carried out at Caradon Hill, a notice to the effect of a "possible weak signal" having been posted on the engineering page.

As the Slapton relay, which covers your area, takes its signal off-air from the Caradon Hill transmitter, needless to say, any drop outs in the signal received by the relay from Caradon Hill, will immediately be reflected on the output from Slapton.

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P R Williamson: Advice on reception problems is totally dependent on a persons location being known, this info preferably given in the form of a post code or one from nearby, such as a shop/post office.

However, if your sister resides within the coverage area of the Sutton Coldfield transmitter? (your posting being under this heading) then please note that engineering work is presently taking place at this station, a notice warning of a "possible weak signal" having been posted on the engineering page.

If your sister "rebooted" her TV or box whilst the signal was down, (or weak) then this might possibly be the reason why the multiplex referred to was not captured by the tuner, therefore she should try carrying out another auto-tune in order to restore things to normal, that is unless its bad timing again!, the main thing being for her to try retuning at regular intervals until the multiplex is picked up again.

Should though by any chance you sister reside outwith the Sutton Coldfield coverage area, then please provide her location.

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Jonathan Fisher: Although as from last Monday (14th Sep) Sandy Heath does have a "possible interruptions to service" notice posted on the engineering page, I would suggest, that rather than calling an engineer, your best policy would be to try and find out if anyone else residing in your area is also experiencing similar problems with reception.

That said is on the assumption that you have "not" attempted to retune your Freeview devices on finding a no signal message? if you have, then this will have deleted everything stored in your tuner, a further retune being required to recover same.

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Anne: Advice on problems with reception can only be given with knowledge of a persons location, this preferably provided in the form of a post code or one from somewhere nearby, e.g: a shop / post office, as this then enables access to details of the transmitter covering the area.

However, irrespective of whether or not this information is known, the fact of you having retuned your TV or box whilst the signal was down (irrespective of reason) will have deleted everything stored in the tuner, the result of this action being, that it will "not" now return of its own accord without further retunes being carried out in order to recover the data lost by retuning.

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M.T Murphy: Reception predictions suggest that although reception is possible (in theory) in your area from a number of stations, the best signal by far is from Winter Hill, albeit that engineering work is presently taking place at this station, a warning notice to the effect of a "possible weak signal" having been posted on the engineering page.

The most likely reason for what you experienced being, your reception dropped out due to the TX power having been temporarily reduced (for safety reasons) to a level under that necessary to resolve a picture, at least for viewers in some areas including your own.

Carrying out a retune whilst a signal is down "always" results in all programme data stored in the tuner being lost, this happening the instant you press "search or scan", the further retune carried out coinciding with the power having been increased again, hence the tuner being able to recover the programme channel data previously lost.

Always refrain from carrying out a retune when confronted with a "no signal" warning, because if its due to a transmitter problem the channels will return of their own accord.

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