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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Saturday 14 January 2012 8:55PM

Duncan: Yes, you can certainly connect the Humax as you have suggested, but however, unfortunately as far as recordings are concerned no PVR device, no matter brand it might be, can record from an external source as they are all designed to record purely from their internal tuners.

You would have to purchase a Freeview DVD / HD (hard drive) recorder to do what you want, as the DVD side of it need not be used and you could record straight into its hard drive, likewise play back from it.

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frank pearce: You are indicated as being able to receive signals from either Sandy Heath, Crystal Palace or Hemel Hempstead, them all showing roughly the same indication although in real life this might be quite different.

Don't be taken in too much by the channel numbers received by your neighbour, as many of these can be duplicates up in the 800 ranges that were captured during any re-scans that might have been made, but still add to the total number of received channels.

You should find out what station your neighbour is actually receiving from, if they do not know then the way to tell is to carry out a signal check whilst on BBC1 noting the channel number shown along with the signal strength, if Sandy it will be Ch27 / Hemel Ch56 / Crystal Palace Ch25.

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Saturday 14 January 2012 11:37PM

Duncan: Yes, just to confirm that Sky or anything else that connects via a scart lead can connect into the second scart socket on your Panasonic, although you "might" have to select that input (AV2?) via your input selector menu as I dont have the manual to hand just now for purposes of checking this, although its only usually AV1 on equipment that has an auto-switching to externally connected equipment on switch on

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How much did your aerial or dish install cost?
Sunday 15 January 2012 10:17AM

zanna black: It is quite impossible to advise on the best options to take without knowledge of your location (pref: post code) this to enable the level of reception expected in your area to be checked on and from what transmitter.

One thing is without doubt though, and that is that you will require an aerial of one sort or another as there wont be one hidden, so do you have an accessible loft?

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Shawn dixon: Although obviously either a loft or outdoor aerial is always the best policy for reliable reception, the fact that you can get results at all at present indicates that you are receiving a reasonable level of signal albeit it erratic, and should this be from Crystal Palace at 8 miles away then it will be vastly better on April 18th when the transmitters involved switch to high power operation.

Indoor (same room) aerials will always suffer interference from movements within the room, but you could well find this to be of a tolerable level come April 18th.

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john: Plugging a normal Sky box into "any" TV in effect makes that TV act purely as a monitor, and so any device plugged into it has to be capable of HD reception, which obviously a normal Sky box isn't.

The other point being, that HD data cannot be transferred from one device to another via a scart lead, and so if a TV is either of the HD ready type (i.e: doesn't actually have an HD tuner) or even capable of receiving Freeview HD signals, then it will only show an HD picture from an external source if the box plugged into it can actually receive HD, and is coupled to it using an HDMI lead between both.

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g wilson: When you say it doesn't work through the HDMI lead is this with "it" only being connected to the TV? and with the HDMI input socket used on your TV selected via the input selector button on its remote?

What I am meaning is, not to have the scart and the HDMI connected at the same time, as its either one or the other.

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Freesat reception - all about dishes
Sunday 15 January 2012 5:10PM

eric pounder: No, as when you change channels on a satellite box you are sometimes changing the polarity of reception, this being done by the box sending switching voltages back to the LNB, needless to say this being why the lead to an LNB cannot be shared with another box or these voltages are liable to clash with each other.

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Connecting it all up
Sunday 15 January 2012 6:43PM

tessa: If the Freesat box has two scart sockets then connect the DVD into the other one, then when you want to use the DVD just put the Freesat box in standby.

That said though, depending entirely on the internal connections on the Freesat box, you might find that the DVD might switch through the box as soon as you either switch it on or press play.

If neither way works, then you will have to purchase a two way scart switch box, its common scart outlet being connected into the TV, then the Freesat box to its No1 input and with the DVD to input 2.

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Connecting it all up
Sunday 15 January 2012 6:59PM

Lynne: When you say a Freeview hard drive are you referring to a Freeview DVD recorder with a hard drive, or is it a Freeview PVR? and the other point I am not sure about is why you refer to an audio cable, for what purpose?

The other thing is whether or not your TV has an HDMI socket, and if it has does that also apply to the hard drive you refer to?

But basically, if you have the two devices coupled together via a scart lead and your hard drive is connected into the TV's AV1 input, then the TV should switch over to it as soon as its (the hard drive) switched on, if it doesn't then press the A/V button on your TV's remote control. Would have been of assistance though to know the TV's model number.

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