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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Bonanza Bonanza
Wednesday 14 May 2014 4:15PM

Joseph Dodds: Bonanza - Bonanza was only broadcast as a temporary channel to fill in empty bandwidth in preparation for the launch of commercial services, I think the Chart show (67) replaced it.

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Wednesday 14 May 2014 4:22PM

Andrew Toomer: The levels recommended for DTT reception are between 45 to 65 dBuV, however in practice 6dB should always be added above the minimum level to allow for variations in signal strength thereby making the minimum level 51dB, and so the target levels should be between 51dB - 71dB.

It should also be noted that erratic reception can be expected if the minimum signal level falls below 45 dBuV, whereas on the other hand care must be taken to ensure that the level does not exceed 80 dBuV or this is liable to result in picture problems being seen such as severe glitching / freezing or indeed a blank screen due to the excessively high signal level triggering instability in the tuners RF input / mixer stage.

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PHIL BLACK: The transmitter referred to is not connected with your Freeview reception, which in your location can be from either Blackhill or Craigkelly.

However, if you are using any form of booster in line with the aerial then this has possibly been damaged by high statically charged rain, that said only applying if you are using an outdoor aerial, but should it apply then try bypassing the booster.

If on the other hand no booster is being used in line then try completely resetting your TV by carrying out a "factory reset" procedure, this also being known as "first time installation" or "default setting".

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Mike: In addition to that said by MikeP, if everything looks to be OK at the booster side of the equation purely an extra test try swapping the two "output" connections over on same and check if the signal situation at the receiver end has changed or not.

You should also check that both the You-View box and the Samsung TV are tuned to the same COM7 mux, Mendip (45miles @ 320 degrees) being on Mux C33 / 570.0Mhz and with Rowridge (27 miles @ 98 degrees) Mux C31 / 554.0 Mhz, the only reason for mentioning this being that COM7 is indicated (on the DUK site) as only being receivable from Rowridge, although I fully appreciate that this "might" be an error.

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Mike: Prior to the outcome of your tests, the situation has to be looked at from the angle that if indeed your You-View box with its 49% signal strength (which does leave a bit to be desired!) results in a stable signal with a quality indication of 100%, then irrespective of my previous advice, the quickest way of determining the source of the problem is by temporarily testing your You-View box on the outlet used by the Samsung and checking the strength / quality of the signal, because if the indications on the You-View box are similar to that previously obtained when used on its own outlet then this points to the problem being with the Samsung.

Should this be found to apply, then it does not necessarily indicate that the Samsung's tuner is faulty but possibly just that the You-View boxes tuner is more sensitive to that of the Samsung's, something that's not exactly unusual as tuners can vary even within models in the same brand let alone in other brands, and so even although its always a good idea to find out if others in your immediate locality are also experiencing similar problems to yourself, then no matter what the reply might be the aspect of variations in tuner sensitivity has always to be kept in mind.

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Upgrading from Sky to Freesat
Sunday 18 May 2014 12:29PM

margaret: Yes!, just in the same way as you do with all Sky boxes.

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Full technical details of Freeview
Monday 19 May 2014 12:31AM

elil: The missing channels are transmitted by the COM7 multiplex on C31 / 554.00 Mhz, this being a much lower powered transmitter radiating at just over 16Kw compared to the other COM's on 50Kw.

The other point being that C31 is aerial wise out of group with all the other channels used by Oxford, and if the aerial installed was, as is most likely, a group C/D type to give maximum reception of these channels (i.e: a C50 - C60 channel span) then this will be inefficient at receiving low frequencies such as C31 resulting in a low signal strength being received which might be under the reception threshold level for your receiver, therefore should this apply then your aerial will require changing to a wideband type.

The way to test if this situation applies or not is to go into your TV's set up menu / tuning, selecting "manual" tune and entering C31 / 554.00 Mhz into the box but NOT followed by pressing search or scan, because if any signal is there to receive its strength / quality will show on the indicator bars. If something is seen make a note of the level then enter C50 (ITV3 etc) into the box and make a note of the levels seen from it compared with C31.

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sarah: Place your box in standby for about 30 seconds before disconnecting it from the mains power supply followed by reconnecting same "after" another 30 secs or so has passed, then once it starts to respond to the remote control allowing it to go its "searching for listings" procedure when hopefully 319 will then be available

It would though have been of assistance if you had indicated the model of Sky box (Sky standard / Sky+ / Sky+HD) you are referring to, as the procedure can vary between models.

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Full technical details of Freeview
Tuesday 20 May 2014 11:29PM

kayleigh: If indeed your are located in the RH10 postal code area? and you are receiving Freeview from the Crystal Palace transmitter, then please note that as from yesterday 19th this station is listed as being liable to suffer from possible interruptions to its service due to engineering work being carried out at the station.

It should also be noted, that "if" on finding no signal when you tried to select a channel you then proceded to carry out a retune? then this will have wiped out everything stored in the tuners EPG memory, therefore a further retune will be required to refresh the tuners programme memory.

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All about Freesat
Thursday 22 May 2014 4:56PM

Annie: If your Sky box is "not" of the Sky+ variety then you will only have one coax lead coming from the dish, therefore is only suitable for use with Freesat receiver box.

If though your Sky box "is" of the Sky+ / Sky+HD variety then you will have two coax cables coming from the dish thereby enabling you to purchase a twin tuner Freesat recorder (PVR) this type of box allowing you to view one programme whilst recording another, or alternatively record two programmes at the same time.

Should you only have one feed coming from the dish and you wish to purchase a Freesat recorder of the type mentioned, then the end piece on the dish where the coax is joined into called the LNB, will have to be changed over to a quad version (twin types no longer supplied) and an additional cable run from same to wherever your box is located.

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