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All posts by jb38

Below are all of jb38's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

jb38: In addition to that said, a signal check carried out a few minutes ago up in Stamford, indicated Sandy's COM4 / 5 & 6 as being perfectly normal, ie: 90% strength / 100% quality, although COM 5's quality does have a tendency to fluctuate between 85% and 100% now and again, something not terribly unusual, as reception of C52 in this area is known to drop off quite considerably during summer months.

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scott ashworth: Well no, as its all dependant on that said. But though as far as your problem is concerned, have you ascertained if others in your area are also being affected in a similar fashion? as your problem might simply be caused by the strength of the signal received hovering at just above that required for reception, this known as the threshold level, any slight increase in the strength rectifying the problem, albeit partially.

The importance of making enquiries elsewhere is due to the fact that quite a number of the channels used by Winter Hill are in the range with the potential of being affected by 4G transmissions, I am not of course saying that this is involved, but the possibility of still has to be taken into account.

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Paul : I was in no way inferring that the signal strength was being disputed!, as well as the fact of me being fully aware that the issue is with the quality of the signal and not its strength, having only reported the strength & quality of the signal received from the muxes in question in the Stamford area being purely for information purposes.

However, and although a long shot, the reason for me having enquired as to whether or not the problem is also being experienced by anyone else in the area is based on "flat" having been mentioned, and the fact of interference possibly emanating from another same located nearby in the same property.

As although instances of TV reception problems being caused by interference radiated from equipment used in an adjoining property is somewhat rare, it does on occasions exist, said interference being of the nature of only affecting some channels.

The other aspect about interference of this nature (direct injection) being, that it mostly only affects TV's of the older variety with insufficient screening of the sensitive areas of the PCB circuitry, newer models being superior in this respect.

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Jean Pocklington : According to UK's DTT programme listing chart, this data channel has now closed down.

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Paul: Well, if the TV in question had been one of the smaller sized lighter in weight variety, I would have suggested that if at all possible, to try it out connected into someone else's aerial system, as the fact of the TV being moved from its present position would prove one way or another if direct injection interference was involved or not.

Plus of course, if the TV did operate OK in another location, that would eliminate my suspicion of the problem possibly being caused by a defective tuner.

Alter having posted my latest reply, I felt that I should possibly have explained what's meant by interference of the direct injection variety, but though, that said in your reply/update suggests that you are already aware of same.

As far as trying your TV at a different angle is concerned, even pulling it a few feet away from its present position and with a short coax extension lead being used to couple it up, is enough to check the possibility of D.I. interference being involved, as interference of this sort dies off rapidly in the same way as does same picked up by a medium / long wave radio if placed near to a router or digital device of a similar nature.

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A wells: It would appear that Showbiz TV (157) was removed from Freesat listings as from November 19th, it now only being available on Sky (no card) 266.

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Sunday 22 November 2015 11:14PM

A Tickner: This programme was removed from Freesat from the 19th of this month, reason unknown, the only way now of viewing Showbiz TV being on Sky (no card) TV on channel 266.

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Paul: If by saying "tried this" means, having turned the TV at right angles to where its presently facing, as well as having pulled it a few feet away from the wall, and yet the problem remains, then its unlikely that D.I. interference is involved, albeit that interference of some sort cannot be completely ruled out.

However, on the subject of the smaller TV referred to. Although you have reported "all" channels as being received perfectly OK on this TV, I am rather curious as to what this represents signal strength / quality wise?, therefore, I would be interested to know that indicated on Pick TV (11) and also Yesterday (19), the important thing being, that each of the two programmes are viewed over a couple of minutes or so in order to observe if any appreciable variations in quality are seen.

By the way, on the subject of a possible software update for your model, still nothing back from Panasonic since acknowledging receipt of my query.

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Paul: I typed out my reply around 15 minutes ago but just hadn't sent it, likewise was unaware of your posting.

As far as your Richer sounds TV is concerned, possibly! although I would get a better idea if it can or not if you can furnish me with the model number of the TV in question.

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Paul : On the subject of using the Panasonic purely as a monitor, which of course would be excellent if used for this purpose, the easiest way of finding out if your Richer sounds TV could be used as a tuner or not, is by connecting a fully pin connected scart cable (identified by it being of the thicker variety) between same and your Panasonic's AV1 input, AV1 being selected on the Panasonic's remote controls (right hand) input select button.

If your Richer Sounds TV has an audio/video output facility, then whatever is presently being viewed on same will also be displayed on the Panasonic.

That said. I still feel that it would be far better (and much neater) to opt for purchasing a receiver box such as the Manhattan previously referred to, the Plaza S2 if you decide to use Freesat, or the Plaza T2 Freeview version, both being HD boxes at just under 50.00, an HDMI lead being used to couple either of the two models into the Panasonic.

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