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All posts by Dave Lindsay

Below are all of Dave Lindsay's postings, with the most recent are at the bottom of the page.

Film 4
Monday 15 April 2013 4:57PM

Ann Khaneka: Try a manual tune of UHF channel 39 which is what the missing services are carried on.

Having selected or entered 39, before pressing the button to scan, see if it gives an indication of strength and quality.

Do you have a second aerial which points in the opposite direction and which is connected to the aerial pointing towards Cardiff?

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J Hynes: Ditto my comments to Tom Linson.

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agnes malcolm: This is only really likely to happen if you are using a separate set-top box.

Try unplugging and plugging the scart lead at each end.

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Winter Hill (Bolton, England) transmitter
Tuesday 16 April 2013 11:08AM

Carly: Judging by the satellite image of your residence, I wonder if you may have alluded to a crucial fact, that being that it is a communal aerial system you are using.

Refer to my posting above @ 15 April 2013 4:49PM. Communal aerial systems may need adjustment following the changes.

If you have tried two receivers and got the same result then logically this points to the common factor which is the aerial system.

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colin on jacks kit: Yes. Remove the viewing card to see which channels are available without it.

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Paula: Your postcode resolves to a block of flats which makes me wonder if you are using a communal aerial system. If you are using a communal aerial system then this may need adjustment following the change of frequency for BBC and for COM5 (Pick TV, Dave, Sky News etc).

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JRD: You've left out a crucial bit of information - which transmitter your aerial faces!

So your aerial picks up Welsh television. But does it face Wenvoe, which is the transmitter in Wales? If it does then the answer is to look at realigning or replacing with an aerial on a transmitter in England.

If your aerial faces a transmitter in England, but your receiver keeps tuning to Wenvoe then your question relates to how you can prevent your tuner opting for the 'wrong' transmitter.

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dave: This can happen where the receiver runs out of memory. When the automatic tuning scan is run, it scans from low frequency upwards.

Should this be the issue here, then it is probably the case that the scan has picked up signals from other transmitters (those other than the one the aerial faces) and that the desired ITV/C4/C5 signal is picked up last.

Without knowing your location or which transmitter you are using, it is impossible to suggest whether this might be a possible cause. In the case of Winter Hill, for example, all its frequencies are high up, with ITV/C4/C5 being the highest.

If you are using Winter Hill then try having the aerial lead unplugged for the first half of the scan so as to prevent it from picking up and storing any signals in the first half.

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Michael Howe: There was no retune required for Pendle Forest as no channels have changed.

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DAVE: As jb38 says, I'm referring to the memory that the tuner/receiver uses to 'remember' the channels.

As the automatic tuning scan runs from low frequency upwards, or to put it another way, from UHF channel 21 to 69, it will find the lowest ones first. As Winter Hill's are all at the top end, and indeed its ITV/C4/C5 is the highest then they will be the last to be found.

What you're describing suggests that the tuner's memory is full by the time it gets to scanning ITV/C4/C5 on C59.

The workaround, therefore, is to prevent it from picking up broadcasts on the lower channels, which are coming from other transmitter(s) that you don't use. Pulling the aerial out for the first half of the scan is one such way of achieving this as you know that Winter Hill's channels are in the second half.

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